Valentine's Day Art Dump❤

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In collaboration with jealynnmusic, we present...

Kirby Valentines!!!

Happy Valentine's Day, or, if you prefer, Singles Awareness Day(S.A.D Day😂😂).

We tried to capture something about the characters while making a cheesy card you can give to that Kirby-obsessed special someone😉.

Also, take the time to enjoy them. Even the pic above. We drew all of them!!

Not everyone is featured here(yet), but here we go!!

Sir Falspar😂😍, You're adorable. To...someone who loves cuddles as much as he does😘.

JealynnMusic made this one;). So cute! Stay away Kirby fans. He's hungry.... Then again, when is he not?!

I went for a different style with this one. I've been experimenting with different kinds of shading, and I think it turned out good for a first try😊. The noble Sir Arthur... Gives you an invincibility candy and calls you sweet. If this doesn't make your Valentine's Day, what does?

😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 while I drew him Jealynn and I were fangirling like crazy. I asked if it looked like Meta was giving You a flower, and she flipped out. IT'S BEYOND ADORABLE.

Also, this is beyond deep for Meta to say. For him to love something more than cookies is unthinkable.

Me: "Hey Jealynn, would you accept this flower from MK?"

Jealynn: "Uh DUH! I'd accept a dead flower from him!!"

All of us: "Same."

Just face it Meta, you're too cute to be taken seriously. Especially on Valentine's Day😍😘.

Meta Knight: .... "Why meeeeeeeeeeeee??!!"

Falspar: "Yeah, why him? Where are my adoring fangirls?"

Arthur: "Have you forgotten about the handsomest Star Warrior?"

Meta Knight: "I wouldn't go that far."

Arthur: "Don't hate cause you know it's true."

Meta Knight: *random Spanish guitar strums in background.*
"Do you have an awesome theme song that plays whenever you make an entrance?"

Arthur and Falspar: ....

Meta Knight: *trumpet solo commences* "I thought so."

Me: "And that's precisely why you are fangirled over 24/7."

Dragato and Nonsurat: "What about us? Where's our Valentine?"

Arthur: "Where'd you guys come from?!!!"

Meta Knight: "You two really want in on this stupidity?!"

Dragato: "Yes! Even Kirby got one made for him!"

Kirby: "Poyo!!"

Me: "Sorry, I'm working on them! I didn't have time, what with robotics and stoof, sooooo.... They'll be out soon."

Dragato: "In that case, I'll speak for myself. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!"

Nonsurat: "Or Singles Awareness Day, aka SAD Day, as I call it."

Arthur: *singing in English accent* "Lonelyyyyy, I am so lonelyyyyyy..."

Falspar: *also singing* "We have nobodyyyyyyy... For our own! AAHHOOOOOOO!!!"*starts squealing last note*

The rest of us: *deadpan*

Kirby: "Hungry, poyo. Meta Knight make pancakes, Poyo??!!"

Meta Knight: "No. And. Scene."

Happy SAD Day everyone!😘

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