Part 3-Mecharanza's Mass Attack.

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"Hoopa!?! The Pokémon who transports legendaries to random places?" Parker asked, mouth hanging open.

April nodded. "But if we're smart we can beat him and make him take Kirby home. We just need something valuable that he'd want to steal."

Kirby reached into his mouth and pulled out a pink cellphone with a star on the antenna.

"You have a custom made phone?" April tilted her head. "I still don't think that'll be enough."

Kirby pressed a few buttons and suddenly his Warp Star flew down in front of them.

"Now this should work!"

They backed away from the Warp Star, after a while without a portal appearing they were starting to lose hope.

"Poyo!" Kirby reached into his mouth and pulled out a giant seed. He tossed it next to the Warp Star in his frustration.

Suddenly a portal opened and the seed fell in. A small arm grabbed the Warp Star and tried to pull it down.

"Poyo!" Kirby yelled, the star began to push upwards. Somehow whatever the arm was attached to didn't fly right out of the portal.

"Man this Hoopa guy is strong," Parker mumbled.

"It can't be just Hoopa. Someone has to be helping him." April said. The Warp Star finally heaved the culprit out from the portal.

The Pokémon was a small gray Pokémon. Its hair was pink along with parts of its body. The Pokémon had no feet and horns sticking out of its head. Finally, two golden rings hung around its horns and one was around its waist.

But something else was also thrown out of the portal, a penguin. But not just any penguin, it was King DeDeDe. He was a large blue penguin wearing red robes and a round red hat with a white ball on the top. His hands, feet, and beak were all yellow. Under his robes, he was wearing a tan shirt with a red spike pattern around it. Slung over his shoulder was a wooden hammer with a star on the mallet.

"Who's that Pokémon?" Parker asked.

"This isn't any Pokémon I've ever seen," April muttered.

"I'm no Pokémon! I'm only looking for Kirby." King DeDeDe said.

"You know Kirby?" Parker raised an eyebrow.

"Hi!" Kirby waved.

"Kirby! There you are! You vanished out of nowhere! We were supposed to go bowling. Lucky Meta Knight knew a guy. Oh, I believe this belongs to you." King DeDeDe took the seed out of his pocket.

"Wow. A Hoopa." April awed. Hoopa waved, he took one of the rings from his horns and tossed it onto the ground. The ring expanded and a portal opened.

"So I guess this is goodbye already Kirby. It was nice to meet you." Parker said.

Kirby nodded and smiled.

"Thanks for looking out for Kirby. I was sure some evil bee or crazy eyeball had kidnapped him." King DeDeDe said.

Suddenly a six-armed green floating creature rose from the portal, his face was covered with machinery. Both of his eyes glowed red. Kirby remembered that he used to serve Queen Sectonia before she betrayed him and Taranza joined their side.

"Taranza? How did this happen? The robotics were all erased!" King DeDeDe said.

"Susie!" Kirby piped up.

"You mean that crazy lady? I thought she was on our side? Although she could've forgotten about this... well, we'll just have to stop him.

Mecharanza shook his head, strings shot from all of his hands, four of which took control of King DeDeDe and the other two struck Hoopa.

"What's happening?" Parker asked, beyond confused.

"I think the magic spider is evil because of machinery and he is controlling the penguin and Hoopa to make them evil."

"I'm still lost."

King DeDeDe grinned and ate the seed. He suddenly began to change colors rapidly, resembling a rainbow. He raised his hammer, Kirby stood in front of Parker and April protectively.

A portal appeared behind Kirby and Hoopa's fist hit him. Kirby turned and blasted ice into the portal, starting to freeze Hoopa. Then King DeDeDe squashed Kirby with his hammer. A light blue star with a snowman on it flew from Kirby into the air.

"KIRBY!" Parker shouted he sent out his Pidove and Electrike. The Electrike was a green dog with yellow streaks on it.

"Let's do this!" April sent out her Cubchoo and Timburr. Timburr was a gray Pokémon holding a plank of wood.

King DeDeDe opened his mouth and inhaled, a vortex of wind began to suck them all in. Hoopa fired shadow balls at them to try to throw the trainers and Pokémon off balance.

 Just when Parker was sure they'd all be eaten Kirby kicked DeDeDe in the face and knocked him over, then he grabbed Hoopa's arm and flipped it over him, onto the ground.

"Pidove use gust, Electrike use thunderbolt!" Parker said. Pidove began to flap its wings repeatedly. Strong winds began to blow into King DeDeDe and Hoopa. Then they were shocked by Electrike.

"Timburr use knocks off and Cubchoo use frost breath!" April's Pokémon charged forward, Cubchoo blew cold air at the enemies, freezing them. Which allowed Timburr to strike them with knock off.

King DeDeDe recovered and swung his hammer around, knocking Pidove out of the air.

"Hehehehehe!" Hoopa reached into a portal and pulled out a Prison Bottle.

"Oh no! If Hoopa uses that he'll become much stronger!" April said Kirby, dashed at Hoopa. King DeDeDe opened his mouth but Electrike and Cubchoo fired their attacks into his mouth.

"Timburr use low sweep!" Timburr dashed forward and slid, striking DeDeDe's shin. Quickly the Pokémon got up and retreated.

Hoopa tugged at the bottle, trying to pull the cap off. Kirby kicked him in midair and snatched the bottle. Kirby then ate it, but he didn't swallow it. The pink creature exhaled and a yellow star flew from his mouth into Hoopa, smoke erupted from the collision.

When the smoke cleared Hoopa had fainted and the strings were gone.

"Alright whatever your name is, we'll make you a deal. No strings attached." Parker said. "Knock it off and go away and we won't beat the crap out of you."

"That was a terrible pun. And a terrible deal." April told him.

"Hey!" Kirby shouted, DeDeDe opened his mouth and began to suck everyone in with a forceful vortex.

The Warp Star flew down next to Kirby, Kirby lunged and grabbed for it but he was thrown into the air and pulled towards King DeDeDe.

"Kirby!" Parker shouted he charged forward, using the wind to propel him. Parker leaped into the air and punched DeDeDe in the face. Then he used the momentum to jump backward.

"How did I do that? That's as awesome!" Parker shouted. King DeDeDe stepped forward to smash Parker but fell down.

"The low sweep!" April remembered.

"Alright, Kirby. Do whatever you've got to do." Parker said. Kirby nodded and inhaled the Warp Star. He swallowed and a rod appeared in his hand. The rod was red and white with a yellow star on the top.

King DeDeDe got up and began to inhale forcefully. Kirby fired multiple tats at him, a few hit his head but most of them went into his mouth. King DeDeDe blasted all of the swallowed stars back at Kirby, he jumped into the air and stars swirled around him. All of the stars collided with each other, when Kirby landed he seemed unscathed.

"Kirby! Pass it!" Parker yelled, Kirby threw the rod and he caught it. Parker ran behind King DeDeDe and waved the rod. A star flew from it and hit King DeDeDe in the back.

"Come on. You can do more than that. And right now we need to give it everything we've got. Let's do this." The star on the rod began to glow. Parker thrust it forward and stars poured from it. Before DeDeDe could turn around he was overwhelmed with stars.

When the Star Rod finally stopped DeDeDe was no longer attached to any strings or glowing the colors of a rainbow. Mecharanza growled by before he could do anything Cubchoo punched his robotics and they fell off.

"Ack. What happened?" Taranza asked.

"Some machine took control of you and you possessed a penguin or something," Parker said. Kirby ran up to him.


"Hey, Kirby! Great job in battle." Parker handed him the Star Rod. "This belongs to you."

Kirby just ate the Star Rod.

"Hoopa's waking up and the penguin is alive," April reported.

"So I guess that means you're going home now," Parker said, frowning.

Kirby nodded, although he frowned as well.

"Hey, maybe we'll meet again," Parker suggested, Kirby and Parker shook hands.

King DeDeDe stood up. "Ugh, I feel horrible. Can we go before something else happens?"

"Let's agree to never speak of this again," Taranza said.

"Hey T, good to see you again. Why don't you come to bowling with us next week?" King DeDeDe asked.

"Really? Gladly!" King DeDeDe and Taranza jumped into the portal.

"Goodbye Kirby. It was nice getting to meet you." April said, Kirby, smiled and followed his friends into the portal. The portal closed and Hoopa grabbed his ring. Then he used it to summon another portal and leave.

"Well April, I guess I'll see you again on the battlefield," Parker said, returning his Pokémon.

"Yes, I look forward to it. Good luck Parker." April recalled her Pokémon and smiled.

"Until we meet again." Parker extended his hand.

"Until then." April shook it.

Kirby arrived back at Dream Land on the other side of the portal and took in Dream Land once again. The flowers in full bloom, the soft breeze, the fresh air.

While Kirby would miss his newfound friends a lot, Kirby was sure he'd be able to visit. Especially since Meta Knight knew the one who got him back.

But for now, Kirby was happy to be home.

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