Backs And Forwards

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Chapter 29: Backs and Forwards

Avi doesn't want to see Kirstie the next day, or the one after that. Kirstie didn't understand it and Avi's mom couldn't explain it because she has no idea what is going through her sons head.
     It has been a week when Shelly lets Kirstie barge angrily into Avi's room. He is in the same state he was in the first time she came to visit. There is one major difference though, the neck brace is off. At what point during the week did that happened and why hasn't he told her? Why doesn't he want to see her? Not just because she is excited for the plans they've made for when that happened, but she just wants to see him: he is her boyfriend after all.
     She sees Avi tense up, his eyes wide, he probably hadn't expected her to disobey his wishes, and so here they were.
     "Why won't you see me?" she leans on the end of the bed, staring up at him leant against the headboard.
     Avi glances between Kirstie and his mom who is hovering in the hallway, "Because."
     Her eyebrow shoots up, waiting for him to extend his answer, but he doesn't. "Shelly, I don't mean to be rude, but could I please speak to Avi alone?"
     Shelly is a little surprised but nods, "Yeah, sure," she backs out of the room and pulls the door shut behind her.
     Kirstie waits for the click of the cane to disappear before she climbs onto the bed, situating herself beside a nervous Avi. "It's just me, and you know you can talk to me about anything,"she hesitates, "Is this about sex? Did you not want me coming over because you don't want to have sex, or you know, try?"
     "It's not that I don't want to Kirstie," he speaks quietly, picking his words carefully because he didn't want to hurt her. "I just can't and I don't want you to hate me because of it."
     "I-" she starts.
     "You say you're fine with it but down the track you won't be. This is kinda like how I said I was fine with the friend with benefits situation we had, I was fine to start out with. Then it got to me and I lost my temper with you. The same thing is going to happen, I just know it."
     "I don't know if 'lost your temper'is the right phrase," she says.
     "That's seriously what you took from that?" His eyebrow shoots up.
     "So you talked to the doctor then?"Kirstie asks. "Because even if we can't have sex the traditional way I'm sure there's other stuff we can. But what exactly did the doctor say?"
     Avi shakes his head, "I haven't talked to the doctor about it."
     "Then how do you know that you can't?"
     "Because-," he stops, the whole reason he hasn't wanted to see her is because of this and yet he's pretty much told her everything anyway, yet he is hesitating. "I... I tried it."
     "Tried what?" She asks but she realises what before he has a chance to answer, "Masturbating?"
     "Well just say it why don't you,"he scoffs.
     "Well that's what you did right,but what would you prefer me to say, a bit of self-love or jerking off? You don't have to be afraid of the word. It's not embarrassing Avi, everyone does it," she reassures him.
     "Well I am embarrassed because itdidn't work," he sighs, frustrated.
     "Just because it didn't happen once doesn't mean it won't ever happen. You were probably... I was going to say put too much pressure on yourself, but that's an unintended innuendo right there,"she giggles.
      Avi can't help but smile at her,"You mean you think I wanted everything to work so badly that it didn't?"
     She nods, "I think that's exactlyit. Google says everything should work same as normal because it's got nothingto do with your spine. Also fun fact, while it's called a boner there is noactual bone in your penis," she tries to hold back more giggles.
     Avi lets himself laugh, Kirstie somehow always had a way of making him happy.
    Kirstie looks back up at him with a smirk in place, "And besides maybe you'll react a little better if it's me touching you."
      Avi's eyebrows shoot up, because that sounded much, much better.

A/N: So I'm doing that one chapter a day thing until it's finished then I'll take a break for a couple of days to give me time to type up some of that new story to post :D

Please vote and comment and make my day, I need it after the Shania Twain let down D:


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