First Five-Eighth

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A/N: Beware for there is a fair bit of rugby speak in this one, if something makes absolutely no sense, or if your just a bit confused then there is no shame in asking me what the hell I'm talking about??? Lol, I won't be offended.

Chapter 5: First-Five-Eighth

Kirstie sits at a table with Avi, and few of the friends he'd said he'd introduce her too on the team. It turned out that his better friends happened to be ones she'd met on occasion but had never really had much to do with them. Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi and Kevin Olusola.
      Esther would be joining us a bit later too, and Kirstie definitely knew her, she was one of her better friends.
      The place was loud, and was pretty much a hangout for Cobras and friends of Cobras, then there were a whole bunch of other randoms there too, because let's face it, the Cobras weren't that big of a deal.
      "So Kirstie, besides the video what makes coach think you'll be better than Beauden?" Scott asks.
Kirstie shrugs, "Well I played in high school, but it wasn't a big deal. And I don't even know how he found out."
      "I researched you," Avi speaks up. "It's not weird or anything," he adds quickly in his defence.
      "It wasn't until to you said it wasn't," Scott says seriously then laughs.
      "Well since you're so good Kirstie why don't you tell us all what we can improve on," Kevin says, leaning on his hands as he speaks and quizzically raises an eyebrow.
       "Well... okay," she nods, "I'll start Scott."
       Kevin leans back, having not expected her to take him on the offer.
       Scott points at himself, "Me? What?"
      "Well for starters you're too shy, you throw away the ball before you tackled every time, a forward, any forward 1 through 8 shouldn't be afraid to go to ground to gain even the slightest bit of advantage. You're the tallest guy on the team, make them try, make it impossible to get you down, run at them," she nods surely.
       Scott listens intently, open-mouthed.
       Kirstie turns to Mitch.
       Mitch shakes his head, "I'm on the bench now, Beauden coming in as fullback is more than a relief to me," he laughs.
       "But it shouldn't be, as a guy on the bench you should be itching to get on the field. You shouldn't be happy that Beauden took your spot, you should be fighting for it back: not that you'll get it because he's the captain, but none the less make him work for it."
        "It'd make him and me better," Mitch nods slowly.
       Kirstie nods with a smile on her face, "Exactly, and Kevin. You're doing pretty good as is, both you and Avi," she turns to the other man briefly. "You're a perfect mid-field pair, you're best friends and you know each other: use it! From what I've observed you two can almost read each other's thoughts. You just need to know when to pass it to Avi, and be ready if he needs to pass it back, get it to your wingers quickly. Fake a left if it's gonna get to your partners hands on the right, take a hit for one another. And this goes for the whole team right, don't be afraid of the ball."
       All four of them nod as if knowing yep that sure is a major problem with us lot.
       "Honestly you guys, Beauden's the only one who goes for the catch on the high ball, he's the only one with guts enough to kick it down the field for possession, he runs with the ball, he makes ground and he's not afraid of being tackled, that's how the whole team plays. Nothing pisses me off more when the team and everyone blames Beauden for not being able to make the kicks when he's the only one actually playing the game. He's the only one getting somewhere; he's the one who creates something out of nothing. Kevin?" she turns back to face him.
      "Yeah?" he nods.
       "Who passed who chipped the ball through when you scored the one and only try last week?"
Kevin pauses briefly, "Beauden, it was the perfect little kick through," he nods slowly."
       "Mitch? Who a couple of weeks ago, in the Cobras' only try against the Coyotes chased the ball 80 meters down the field then selflessly passed the ball to you so you could get your first ever try?"
       "Beauden," he says almost shyly.
        Kirstie whips her head around to face Scott, "And Scott? When you fumbled the ball in the lineout who saved it falling into Cowboy possession in the one game you guys have won this season, that then resulted in Avi's second try of the night?" she looks between both Scott and Avi.
        They both answer together, "Beauden."
       "Exactly!" Kirstie practically yells as she stands up, her hands flailing wildly, "That's what the teams needs to understand you all need to play more like Beauden! I mean can you imagine now how much better he's going to be now that he won't have to worry about the kicking?! It won't be playing at the back of his mind, he'll be scoring try after try, and then setting you all up for so many more, I mean maybe not you Scott because we all know it's the backs that score the tries, but who knows right? With a player like him as Captain we are gonna rock this thing!" she cheers, holding her hand for high fives, circling round the boys, saving Avi until last, giving him a beaming grin she holds her hand up for a high five.
       Avi slaps her hand and clasps it, smiling back "Rock and roll."

A/N: So did that all make sense to anyone else but me?? If it did, I hope you enjoyed it, if not I'm really sorry, but I hope you still liked anyways :)

Please vote and comment, there is nothing better to me than waking up to see you guys have enjoyed my writing :D

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