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A/N: So here we go Kirstie and The Cobras, it was inspired by the Nickelodeon show Bella and the Bulldogs, except that since I'm from New Zealand, and my country and I are Rugby mad. So it won't be American Football, mostly because I've never watched a game of that in my life so why write on something that I have absolutely no idea about: this is where Rugby comes in. So throughout this story if you don't understand something Rugby I've mentioned (I'll try my best to keep it simple) feel free to ask questions, I'm happy to answer any and all :)

Minor cross-over with Glee (well my fave characters anyway :) and my all-time favourite Rugby player too, Beauden Barrett!

All that's left to say is, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Kick Off

"ALL THE COBRAS NEED IS A DROP GOAL TO WIN THIS GAME, and they're going for it! Barrett's lining up, he drops! He KICKS! HE... misses... again. And the Panthers win, again."

The men in yellow all simultaneously stop, glancing across at each other, some shaking their heads, others looking at the sky.
      Beauden had his hands interlaced behind his head as he stood staring at the H shaped goal posts.
     "Don't worry Cap, we'll get them next time."
     "Avi I swear you've said that every time," Beauden shakes his head turning around to face his team mate.
    "And one time I'm bound to be right," he says with a smile.
     Avi and Beauden make their way over to where the rest of the team was starting to gather and trying to ignore the obnoxious yells of the purple clad Panthers.
     "When are you going to learn to kick?" Jeremy calls across the circle.
      Scott turns to his locking partner beside him, "When are you going to learn to shut up?"
      With a sneer Jeremy replies, "When he learns to kick."
     "Why don't you learn to kick and tell us how easy it? Cause it ain't!" Mitch glares at the number 4.
     "Everyone just needs to stop arguing okay," Avi shouts out in his low voice, making everyone stop.
      Beauden nods a thank you at Avi. "I swear to you all that I'm working on it every week, all week, and you all see that, so stop giving me shit unless you think you can do better okay."
      From beside the captain Kevin speaks up, "Might want to watch your language."
      Beauden runs his hands down his face, "You sound like my girlfriend," he says with a sigh. "You know what let's just go to the locker rooms, clean up, we'll talk on Monday." He nods once and the team disperses.


In the dark empty stadium three girls step onto the pitch, the first one a lot faster and more determined, also shorter with an object tucked under her arm. The other two more hesitant and the tallest of the three was lagging behind the most, biting her nails as she jogged along.
      The first girls stops and waves the other two closer, "Esther! Marley! Hurry up!"
      "We shouldn't be down here, we shouldn't be down here," Marley recites as her and Esther step up beside Kirstie.
       "Oh hush, you're dating the Captain, we'll be fine," Kirstie rolls her eyes. She manoeuvres the ball from under her arm and into her hands with a mischievous grin on her face. "You two are gonna video me showing Beauden Barrett how it's done."
      Marley pulls a face, "He's not gonna like this Kirst."
      "Tell him it was your idea, he'll be fine," she shrugs, handing Marley her phone. "Es, can you film it from the post, I want a good shot of it going over."
      Esther nods, "Yeah, I'll just," she points to the end of the field as she starts running towards the goal posts.
       Kirstie laughs as her friend runs half the field like a goofball. "And you," she turns to Marley,           "Record it on my phone, and Beaudy doesn't even have to know you were a part of this. Just follow me as I walk and talk," she nods, facing the camera with a smile as Marley starts the recording.
"Hi, my name is Kirstin Maldonado and I," she starts to slowly walk backwards and Marley follows along, keeping a reasonable sized distance away. "Am going to drop kick this ball," she holds up the rugby ball next to her head. "Right from the very spot that Captain Fantastic missed it this afternoon." Kirstie smirks at the camera, then turns, jumping with both feet, and landing solidly just a bit closer to the posts. She turns a smile over her shoulder, blinking flirtatiously then drops the ball on her foot and kicks it through the air and right between the two posts. She spins around, her hair flicking out as she puts her face right up to the camera, "And that Cobras is how it's done!"

A/N: Sooooo... what cha think? Worth continuing? Worth scrapping? You want to know where this goes? You never want to see another update from this again...? Thoughts? Ideas? Votes?

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