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A/N: Today was a great day, well yesterday now, the 9th of September. It was great, I went to the airport with a hope of maybe getting a glimpse of PTX arriving , I left with a picture with Scott, and one with Avi and the realisation that was quite probably one of the happiest days of my life so far!
     (A slightly longer story is on my page, and I'm working on something else that I might publish about my experience after I've been to the concert too :)

Chapter 13 : Outside-Centre

Kirstie pulls on Esther's arm, trying to stop her, "No come on please, he can't know I told you!" She pulls harder and Esther ends up taking a forced step backwards.
     "Let go!" she shouts, trying to pull away from the short blonde. As a quick decision she gives in to Kirstie for just a moment before she pulls back, letting Kirstie fall on her butt, and herself make her quick getaway.
     Esther runs all the way to Avi and Kevin's dorm room, managing to just stay ahead of Kirstie the whole time. She bangs on the door, gasping for air.
     As Avi opens the door, Kirstie tackles his sister to the floor, straddling the girl to cover her mouth.
     She turns to Avi with a smile, "Nothing to see here, just go back inside, close the door behind you.
     Avi raises an eyebrow at her, watching her turn away before he steps up behind her; he bends down to wrap his arms around her waist and easily pulls her off Esther.
     "Nooo!" she whines, "You shouldn't have done that."
Esther sits up, still gasping for air when Avi offers her a hand up, using his other arm to keep Kirstie away.
     "What is going on?" he asks.
    "Nothing," Kirstie yells.
     "What makes you think it's okay to be screwing my best friend?!" she jabs a finger against Avi's chest.
     "Excuse me, what?" he says with wide eyes.
     "Don't play dumb, Kirstie told me everything," she jabs him again.
     "I did not, she figured it out, and she likes Kevin!"
Avi starts shaking his head quickly, "Nope, no you can't."
     "Kirstie! No why would you tell him that?!" She stomps her foot.
     "You can't like Kevin!" Avi says quickly.
     "You can't like Kirstie!"
     "I can if I want,"
     "He doesn't," Kirstie and Avi speak at the same time then turn quickly to look at each other.
     "What?" they both say together.
     "Oh great, it's complicated too," Esther rolls her eyes as she leans against the wall, watching the two.
     "You like me?" Kirstie asks in surprise.
     "Can we not talk about my feelings right now," Avi sighs, "There are more pressing matters, like my sister wanting to date my best friend," he turns from Kirstie to Esther.
     "You are such a hypocrite Avriel!" the brunette taunts.
     "Noooooo! He complains.
     "Your full name is Avriel?" Kirstie laughs.
     "You are the devil," he points at his sister and she shrugs.
     "Did your parents hate you?" the blonde asks with laughter still in her voice.
     "They loved me very much okay," he pouts.
     "Avi, in all seriousness, why is it so bad that I like Kevin?"
     "Just because," he whines.
     "That's not a good reason, you have to give me a good one and then I'll leave it alone."
     "I just... because... but..." Avi sighs, looking down then back up at Esther, "I don't have a good reason."
     Esther smiles smugly at him, folding her arms in triumph.
     "That's the worst part there is absolutely no one better than him. Damn it, why does he have to be such a great guy," Avi pouts.
     "You wouldn't be friends with him if he wasn't, because you're the same kind of person, so I'm going to choose to look past whatever it is that you two have going on," she points at the two of them. "And that's worst part," she says, using her brother's words, "That I want to know everything because it's my best friend," she looks to Kirstie, "I then I actually want to know nothing because it's my brother," she turns a look on him as a smile creeps across his face.
     "Ha," he smirks.
     "Yeah ha, be quiet," she rolls her eyes with a hint of laughter in her voice. "I'm gonna say this though, whatever is going on, Avi I will kill you if you hurt her and Kirstie I will kill you if you hurt him. Am I clear?" she raises an eyebrow.
     They both nod quickly, Kirstie mock salutes her which Avi smiles at.
     Esther watches them, her gaze landing on Kirstie for longer, because she knew if anyone was going to hurt anyone in this situation it was going to be her brother.


"The Cobras are one point behind, but if Kirstin Maldonado makes this next side-line conversion that'll put them ahead for the final whistle."
     "The one kick she missed tonight was from almost exactly the same place off Koop's try. This time it's Kaplan's, let's see how she does."
     Kirstie lines the ball up on the tee and steps back to suss out the angle. She looks up at the goal post and goes to take a slight side step but the ball falls off and the (slightly bigger than last week) crowd let out a collective sigh of grief. That was the second time it had happened in the wind this shot, several others in the game, it was why her missed shot curved so much, wind.
     And as had happened previously, Beauden runs out onto the field to lie on the ground and steady the ball on the tee. He speeds over and drops, balancing the ball with two fingers and pulling his hand away a millisecond before Kirstie thumps the ball. It sails through the air and through the goal posts. The crowd and the team erupt into cheers and the siren goes off signalling the end of the game.
     Beauden gets up off the ground and Kirstie goes to give him a hug but then stops, did rugby players do that? Yes, yes they did, all the guys jumped at Avi when he scored his try, Darien too. But she settles for a high five, it might have been weird if she hugged him.
     "It was weird you not scoring a try tonight Beauds," Kirstie laughs, lightly punching him in the shoulder as they walks towards the team.
    "Mmm, I did set those two up though, with your help of course. You passed to me, I found the gap then off-loaded, if you'd passed it to someone else first we may not have gotten those tries. We need to work on getting the guys to look for gaps a little more. They're relying too much on me to do the setting up and I keep doing it, but what are they gonna do for the game I'm not here for?"
     "Try something different, make it a game of penalties, I'll kick them all and we'll keep the other team scoreless."
     "No, I always felt that was a coward's way, Kiwi teams don't do that, so as long as I'm captain we won't be doing that."
     "I know, I wouldn't want to. I'm just glad to hear you say that," she smiles up at him and he returns it right as they reach the embrace of their teams cheers and praise for Kirstie.

A/N: This has been too long in the making, and I'm sorry. But it's here now yay :)

I hope you liked it.


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