Two Converted Try's And A Penalty

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A/N: Here's the chapter written on note paper that scares me, hope you enjoy it :)

Chapter 17: Two Converted Try's And A Penalty

Kirstie was one of the first people to the bus. Blaine, Jesse, Finn and Coach were the only others there. She was very glad that Puck wasn't one of them, unfortunately though she wasn't particularly close with any of these guys.
     She was nervous about tonight's game to say the least. Because if they did lose, was it her fault? What would Puck do to her? Even her power-playlist of Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson and Sara Bareilles wasn't calming her nerves like it would usually before a game.
     Kirstie leans against the bus with her eyes squeezed shut, trying to focus on the lyrics to the Beyoncé song she was listening to. She knew the song but she couldn't name it because she couldn't calm down enough. And then she just about jumps out of her skin when someone touches her shoulder. Her eyes fly open in fear, only to land on Beauden who was looking at her a bit confused, then he points to his ear. She pulls out her earbud and he takes off his headphones.
     "What's got you so jumpy?" he asks.
     Kirstie just shakes her head.
     "Nervous?" he asks.
      She shrugs, looking around now that a few more of the guys had gathered, Ryder, Jake, Todrick, Darrien.
     "Yeah, so something's wrong," Beauden sighs. "Did you and Avi break-up? Or stop, or end whatever it was?"
     Kirstie goes to reply but instead slides down the bus to the ground. Puck had just walked up to Finn. He hadn't even given her a second look let alone a first one. She however couldn't pull her eyes away: it was safer if she knew exactly where he was at all times.
     Beauden crouches beside her, clearly concerned, "Kirstie what the hell is going on with you?"
     When she doesn't answer he stands up again, looking around the men that were there he spots the only one with a full beard approaching the bus. The captain waves him over because if anyone knew what was going on with their number 10 it would be him.
     Avi walks towards Beauden with Kevin close behind. As soon as he sees Kirstie on the ground he runs the rest of the short distance, dumping his bag on the pile and drops to his knees in front of her.
     "Did Puck hurt you again?" he asks quickly and without much thought.
     "The fuck! What?" Beauden exclaims, with Marley not here he could swear, and that was a good thing because this situation called for it big time.
     Kirstie shakes her head with a groan, "Why would you tell him?" she complains.
     "That wasn't the intention, I want to know that you're okay," Avi speaks seriously.
     "Kirstie, what did Avi mean that Puck hurt you?" Beauden asks as calmly as he can.
     Kirstie sighs, "It was nothing."
     "It wasn't nothing, he shoved her into the wall," Avi answers. "It was so bad that Jeremy was concerned and he doesn't normally care about anyone but himself."
      Beauden nods in agreement, he then looks at the ground for a moment before he rushes forward stopping in front of Puck who Coach happened to have his back to. Good Coach was bound to hear Beauden speak.
     "What do you want?" Puck asks nonchalantly.
     "To ask when you thought it was okay to start shoving team members into walls." But of course he's not really asking, he's simply speaking to get Coach's attention. And he does. Coach slowly turns around behind Puck.
      "Since someone's telling lies," Puck sneers.
     "Well this guy has a tendency to tell the truth," Beauden folds his arms.
Kirstie watches their captain with wide eyes, this was the last thing that she wanted to happen. Now that Beauden was involved Puck would be in huge trouble, and that would only make him more mad.
     "Does it make you feel big picking on someone smaller than you?" Beauden asks.
Puck just rolls his eyes.
     "Watch it or I'll shove you into a wall," Beauden threatens. "Coach, I reckon a suspension right? You've said before that you don't tolerate inter-team bullying. We should make an example of this very replaceable Hooker."
     Puck narrows his eyes at Beauden.
     Coach steps around in front of Puck, with Beauden. The whole team was watching on now.
      Kirstie's breath catches in her through when Coach asks his next question.
     "Who'd you shove Noah?"
     For a split moment Puck turns his glare elsewhere and his eyes lock with Kirstie's in her position of just behind Avi's legs.
     Coach tries to follow his gaze. "Avi?" he questions with a frown, turning to look at Puck then Beauden.
      "Not me," Avi speaks up and steps aside, revealing the smallest member of the team wide-eyed on the ground.
     "You are fucking kidding me!" Coach fumes, "Four game suspension Puckerman!"
     "NO FUCKING WAY! It'd be two week if she wasn't a god-damn girl!" He shouts.
     Coach quickly raises an eyebrow.
    "So you shoved her because is a girl?" Kevin questions.
     "Because that would be an unbelievably disgusting thing to do," Scott speaks with a scowl.
     "Puckerman, you need to just stop or I'll give you another two weeks on top of that," Coach points at him.
     Jake steps up beside his brother Puck, "Coach I think four weeks might be a little harsh, you only gave Ryder two weeks when he decked me last year. And Karofsky got three weeks when he tried to strangle Sam for all those dumb jokes. This shove is light compared to that, that extra week you've given him is purely because Kirstie is a girl."
     Coach eyes him carefully, "We'll take a vote then. All those who think four weeks is fair, raise your hand." Coach puts his hand up slowly compared to Beauden, Avi, Scott and Kevin's hands that shoot up. Mitch, Todrick, Mario, Darrien, Alex, Jeremy and even Finn's hands all go up.
     Puck gives Finn a dirty look before a smug smile appears at his lips when he realises that this is not the majority.
     "Who thinks three weeks is fair?" Coach asks
     Ryder, Blaine and Jesse are the only three hesitant hands that go up.
     With a sigh Coach speaks again, "Two is as low as it's going." He runs a hand down his face because the rest of the team's hands go up, and this was the majority.
     "Coach it's a majority by two," Beauden starts. "Kirstie didn't even vote when Puck did and if Sam were here he wouldn't stand for this."
      "You're joking if you think one of my best mates would be on your side," Puck laughs.
      "Well Sam's a better man than you, I would trust him to see sense," Avi snaps.
     "This is happening because of what happened to him," Jeremy adds. "Puck picked on someone half his size because his mate couldn't take a hit," he scoffs.
     "Coach it's only your decision that really matters," Avi states.
     "Your vote counts for like ten since you're in charge," Scott shrugs, "That's what my mom always says about the TV," he smiles goofily as Mitch slowly pats him on the back, not in a well done kind of way, more like okay please shut-up before you say something else stupid.
      "Coach it was a majority, it's not fair to listen to their attempts to overthrow it. We won fair and square," Jake speaks.
     "What he said," Puck points at his little brother who happened to be taller than him.
     "Why don't we ask Kirstie what she wants to do?" Kevin suggests.
     Coach nods, "Best idea I've heard yet." He steps around the boys gathered in front of him and walks up to Kirstie. He crouches in front of the girl with her head against her knees.
     She was crying, but she couldn't let all these guys know that.
      "Kristie-" Coach starts, only to be drowned out by a chorus of "KIRSTIE's," from her supporters.
     "Whatever," Coach rolls his eyes. "What do you want to happen since it wasn't even you who made the complaint in the first place?"
      Kirstie just shakes her head, taking careful care not to show anyone her tear stained face.
     "I really do need an answer Maldonado," Coach sighs.
     "I can't," she mumbles into her knees.
     "Sorry? You can't what?" Coach asks, having only just heard her.
     Despite her tears she looks up at him, "I can't be on the team anymore. I don't care that he shoved me, I'm tougher than that, I can handle more than that. And yes I am scared of him, I don't feel safe here anymore because of him, but it doesn't matter because I'm tougher than that, I will get over it. But not here not while I'm on this toxic team where more than half of them hate me. And because of that the guys that like me cause stupid arguments about things that I don't want them to make a big deal about!" She gets louder. "So I fucking quit!" Standing up she slings her bag over her shoulder and walks off. They didn't know how to stop her.
      Coach stands up in the dead silence of the team. "Well that means Beauden's back at 10 and Mitch is starting."
      "You can't be serious," Avi speaks. "She quits and you don't even give us a chance to go and talk to her before you replace her like she doesn't matter?"
      Coach shakes his head, "I just don't have any time for any of this. You boys just need to get on the bus, you can talk to her after we get back."
      "I'm not going anywhere without Kirstie," Avi folds his arms.
     "If Avi's not going then I'm not going," Kevin folds his arms.
     Mitch and Scott follow suit, folding their arms and lining up beside Avi and Kevin.
     "No point in going if four of our best men slash woman, and Mitch aren't going," Darrien shrugs before joining them by folding his arms too.
      Todrick and Mario fold their arms in unison as the group turn to look at Jeremy and Alex.
      Jeremy shakes his head, "I'm still playing, I'm not down with girl-bashing but this has actually worked in my favour cause I never wanted her on the team in the first place."
      "Same," Alex agrees. "I don't like losing."
      "News flash Alex, we are going to lose big time without them," Beauden points at the line of men.
      Alex shrugs, "We still have you."
      "Me? You still have me!" Beauden scoffs, "You think I can do it on my own? You've lost 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and Mitch, and you still think there's even a remote chance you'll win? All because of me?" he points to himself. "If that's the case..." he folds his arms across his chest, "You're shit out of luck."
      The group of them stand in their strong line for a moment, staunch, then taking a couple of steps back before they walk off leaving the others behind, without a back-line.
      As they're walking away Avi pats Kevin on the back, "You okay?" he asks.
      Kevin replies bluntly, "So much swearing."
      Avi tries not to chuckle, "I know buddy, I know."

A/N: Is it bad that the smallest piece of me ships Beauden and Kirstie :o I mean Kavi and Beaudarly all the way but that little betraying piece nagged at me through the typing up of this... I'm a bad person XD

Also this was not the original storyline, originally I was gonna have Jeremy and Avi approach Puck and make him go and confess to Coach about what he did. Then the game was gonna go on as usual, now I don't freaking know anymore, did that idea sound better than the one I wrote? Should I go back and change it cause this new one scares me a little lol cause I have no idea where I'm going anymore o_O

Fun fact I finally figured out who I was picturing as Coach...

I've always called him Coach because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I couldn't call him by his actually name, which is Scott XD But yeah I saw him on the news cause his Super Rugby Team won (not the one I support by the way :() And I was just so excited because he was the face I was picturing the whole time! :D

Fun fact two, this is a picture of him with Beauden Barrett...

Hannah :)

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