Two Try's

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A/N: Is it too late now to say sorry? Sorry... *sheepishly smiles at you all*
     I did really want to update this, but I just didn't have the inspiration until now, and even this was tough going, at the 400 word mark I was so surprised to find it was only 400, especially seeing as I like to make it to the 1000 because that's a decent sized chapter to me.
     So yeah, I'm super sorry, but here it is, finally. But just saying if you want more frequent updates from me, your ideas would be great, even just something you want to see.
     My problem is that I know where I'm going, I just need to figure out how to get there.

Chapter 10: Two Try's

"We had a win this weekend, that doesn't guarantee us another one this weekend. We're playing the Reds on Saturday, they're currently third on the table, and we're third... to last."
     "That's two better than last Coach!" Sam calls out with a big grin.
     "Sure Sam, sure," Coach nods as he goes on to continue, "This game will be no easy feat... Hoying where's Grassi?"
     Jumping in his spot, Scott looks to his left, where Mitch would usually sit; instead Avi was there,     "Um... Oh his leg still hurts from last week... yeah," he nods slowly as he scans over the room quickly before looking back at Coach.
     "He didn't break it, he's rested, he should still be here," Coach sighs, "Never mind, just make sure he's here tomorrow."
     Scott nods and breaths what seems to be a sigh of relief.
     As Coach starts to rattle on again about the game on Saturday, Avi leans closer to Scott to whisper to him, "Still hungover?"
      "Not still, again," Scott clarifies, "I only drank half as much as him last night and I feel half dead, he must be like full dead... but not."
     "Because that makes complete sense," Avi says dryly as he sits back up.
      "Sorrrrrrrry," Scott says in a whine that makes Avi cringe and Coach stop talking, and then everyone else in the room turn to him. "Oh... no that was only meant to be heard by Avi."
      Avi reels back offended, "Don't me down with you!"
      "I have no idea what that was, and I have no interest in finding out, so Hoying, Kaplan, go outside and take a lap."
      "But Coach it's raining?!" Scott complains as he stands up with Avi.
      Avi slowly turns to Scott giving him an 'are you kidding me' look, closely followed by an 'I'm going to kill you' look with Coach's next words.
      "That's two, speak again and you'll get three, both of you now!" he points at the door and Avi shoves Scott forward towards the exit.
     Kirstie watches them both, trying to keep the smile off her face, which becomes easy once Coach starts to drone on again.
     It's about when Scott and Avi get back, completely out of breath, and soaked that Coach finishes up telling them they can leave and that he'll see them all at training tomorrow. He gives Scott a look, that he knows means he needs to get Mitch here tomorrow or else.
      "It won't be a late night tonight, that's for sure," Scott laughs, while Kirstie, Avi and Kevin half join in.
      "He's still on the phone," Kevin points, getting their attention off Scott and onto their team Captain who was sat on the bench just along the side of the changing rooms. He had his phone to pone ear and was leaning on his other hand with his eyes squeezed shut as he listened. Marley was also sitting beside him looking in the other direction with her owl backpack on her back. I was almost like she was trying real hard not to listen to the conversation that Beauden was having, and was clearly frustrated about.
     "Who do you reckon is so important that he left a Coach talk for them?" Scott asks as they watch from their distance.
     "Originally I thought it was Marley," Kirstie says as she squints slightly in concentration.
     "Could be family, I mean I'd leave anything if they called me," Avi states. "And for him it's more of a big deal with the time difference."
     "What time difference?" Scott asks dumbly.
     Avi gives him a sideways look in resist to rolling his eyes, "You can't tell me that you haven't realised that he's not American Scott," he says bluntly.
      "No I knew that, he's from... Oh so his parents could be calling from New Zealand and the time difference normally screws that up... got it," the blonde nods surely with a smile on his face.
      Their attention is forced back to Beauden and Marley when he jumps up so quickly that she almost falls off the bench in fright.
     A few curses escape his mouth and Marley shrinks back in her seat, she was quite possibly worse with the whole 'no swearing thing' than Kevin was, and that was saying something.
     Beauden swings his arm back that had his phone in his hand, and for once in her life, Marley is quicker than him and leaps up to take the phone from his hand before he can throw it. He must have said something before he did it because otherwise there was no way she could have beaten him to the action.
      The watching four have to try not to laugh as she starts playing a game of keep away with him, she realised quick that he was taller and so holding it high wouldn't work, he had quick reflexes, so going lower wasn't successful. It wasn't until she pulled out the neckline of her dress ever so slightly and dropped the phone in that Beauden just stopped. They both just stood there looking at each other.
      "I have to know what's going on," Kirstie tells the boys as she marches on forward, the three of them hesitating a moment before following her. "Beauden, what was that?" she asks confidently, crossing her arms as she comes to a stop.
      His eyes don't leave his girlfriend, "She just put my phone down her top."
      "Then get it out you chicken," Scott frowns.
       Beauden and Marley both turn with looks of evil on their faces to look at Scott. Ahh clearly Scott had never picked up on the situation that had been with Beauden and Marley since the beginning, Beauden would happily get that phone out, Marley would however... not let him.
      "That's not what I meant, I can see that she put her phone in the no-go zone, I want to know why?" she raises an eyebrow.
      "Because he was going to throw it, which would not have helped the situation at all," Marley speaks up as she turns back to Beauden. "And you're going to ask which situation, which I would actually like to know too," she folds her arms with her eyes trained on her boyfriend.
      With a sigh and a shake of his head Beauden speaks, "In a couple of months' time I have to be in New Zealand for my brothers 30th, you're probably thinking oh how nice while I'm thinking oh shit," he clasps his hands together as he speaks. "Because if we happen to make it through this stage of the competition, I won't be there for the Quarter Finals game. I know I'm thinking ahead, but after last night I have to, I can't help but think ahead. It's a knockout round and I can't not be here for that."
      "Then tell them you can't go, I mean they're huge on Rugby right?" Kirstie asks.
     "All my brothers play rugby, you'd think they understand, but you see they all live there and they play Super Rugby, which is a huge deal in New Zealand, so my measly little team doesn't matter in comparison. Basically my mum doesn't want to know me if I don't show up to Kane's birthday and go and watch him play for the Blues, which is shit cause I don't even support the Blues."
       "Yes, because that's the big problem with that sentence," Avi says deadpan.
       "You're so funny Avi," Beauden rolls his eyes, "I have to go back because I don't want to find out if my mum is serious or not, okay. I'm really sorry," he sighs.
       "It's okay, we might not even make it that far," Kirstie says. "And if we do, we'll figure it out, we'll give Mitch extra lessons, we'll pick out a reserve and basically turn him into you," she points to the captain, "It'll all work out in the end," she shrugs.

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