Into the Bush

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The next day the trio said their goodbyes to burdock and his herd.  

"So, about the Unicorn Valley, can you bring us there?" she whispered to Phoenix.

"Waddaya think I'm doing? We're goin' there right now!" he said cheerfully

What is he so happy about?  Kisha wondered, but decided not to ask.  They entered a mango tree forest dotted with occasional gooseberry bushes here and there.  Phoenix dropped his gaze and Kisha followed where he was looking.  She could see a faint glittering light in the grass.  

"Wass dat?" she asked.

"The border." Phoenix said dully.  He didn't want to give a human too much information about the territories.  Kisha quietly nodded.  "Both of you" he signaled his friends, "touch my amulet." Penny pressed her muzzle and Kisha rested a finger on the chipped piece of cobalt.  A sizzle went through Kisha's arm but she persisted.  After a few seconds, she and Penny backed away.  

"Ow, my nose..." Kisha heard Penny mutter.  Following Phoenix's lead, they stepped over the line.  Kisha's knees wobbled and she knelt down on her hands and knees.  "Are you okay?!" Penny stomped her hooves in worry.  Quickly nodding, Kisha stood back up.

"What was that?" she asked confused.

"The border." Phoenix repeated again.  Kisha felt frustrated that he wasn't being specific.  Still, she knew he was wise and he must have a good reason for keeping secrets.  Shaking her head, Kisha followed Phoenix on Penny.  Phoenix suddenly stopped, causing Penny to almost bump into him.  He landed on top of a gooseberry bush and closed his eyes.  Blue light spilled out of his amulet and created a portal in the bush.  "What are you waiting for?" Phoenix wheezed in a strained voice, "Get in!" Kisha and Penny quickly entered the portal.  I wonder how Phoenix is gonna come in.  Can he keep the portal open and come in at the same time?  Kisha worried.  She glanced back and saw that the portal had disappeared.  All that was left in the grass was a sizzling feather and a note.

Kisha read the note out loud: "Wish you luck" Kisha read.  So I guess he can't come in...  Kisha thought.  She would miss her feathery friend and promised herself to never forget him.  Kisha remounted Penny and they trekked through the wide meadow, the smell of heather & fresh, ripe fruit wafting into Penny's senses.  She looked down and saw fruit littered all over the ground, perfectly ripe--not to much, not to little.  Up ahead was a glistening lake with fish swimming freely in random directions.  Kisha pulled out her binoculars from her school bag and looked closer.  Spotting moving figures, she told Penny to get closer to the body of water.  Whilst reaching the shore of the water, Penny paused every few steps to bend down and eat a delicious fruit, sharing some with Kisha now and then.  Kisha felt tired after a long journey and so did Penny, but the horse refused to halt, determined to carry out her owner's orders.  Finally reaching the Lake's shore, Penny lapped up the water furiously and revived her parched throat.  Kisha was slowly dozing off when Penny nearly bucked her off.  Jolted awake, Kisha whipped her head back and forth, looking for any threat.

"And who do you think you are!" whinnied an unfamiliar horse with a long horn sprouting from its head.

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