Chapter 9

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She couldn't stop smiling, only she knew how she handled that proximity and the sweet words that swept her feet to fall for him. In these 24 hours, she completely stops resisting the fact that she moved on from him. Also, he started to play and she suddenly felt helpless, only she knew how she trembled when he held her face and spoke to her. He didn't touch her but apart from all, he did everything for her. Her legs still shivered when she took her car out of the parking lot, the way he let go of his ego when she said she would not accept his follow request still playing in her mind. And the name he chose for his fake id, making her blush till now.

"Anika... STOP" She yelled at herself when she noticed her pinky cheeks in the rear-view mirror of her car. She wondered if it was just been one day and he had already started to knock her down with his efforts.

She turned her car to her office which was located 5 kilometres away from their place, she couldn't believe her thoughts, till yesterday it was his place and now of a sudden, it became their place, that too when she saw him trying his level best to get connected with her without acknowledging his ego.

"What am I even thinking?" She said to herself when her heart changed its side in one day. Stopping her thoughts, she parked her car in the parking lot of her office and walked toward her office, it was a seven-story building in the centre of the city, she started working here for the last three and half years, when she started her career, it was just a small publishing company. Along with time and hard work, it was now a leading broadcast as well as publishing media. Along with her, she has three other colleagues and her boss who was there from the start, she was the last person to join the core team.

"I am sorry, I am late." She said by raising her hand while walking towards the conference room, despite getting a WhatsApp text from her colleague just before 4 minutes for 10'o' clock meeting, the person who messaged her acted like concentrating on the screen.

"You're just 5 minutes late, Take your seat, Ani." Her boss said with a teasing smile, a 55-year-old famous journalist, Aarav Chowdary, started a regional newspaper focusing on the corporation activity, his motive towards starting the newspaper was very simple, he just wanted a clean society. Anika still remembers how he was badly hit by the local Rogues for mentioning the shops names which supply weed in the local area. Anika was the one who was admitted to emergency care. She always feels proud to say that this team of four always works in the favor of truth.

"Is this meeting about today's debate?" Anika asked Aarav who just nodded no.

"Since you were not available last night, we proceed with the work and decided to bring Chakraborty to the debate." Her other colleague, Archana said with a teasing smile.

"Chakraborty, good choice," Anika said since she knew he was the dumbest person in the party who never think once before revealing the rest of the evidence through him. She finally came to know all the political party works in collaboration and that the fight between them was just an illusion for the people.

"How was the experience in your new place?" Rohan asked her directly when she looked at the script paper. She felt very difficult to hide her blush. But nodded yes, they knew she moved into her husband's place as Archana and Tharra were the two people who consoled her and give confidence in her to meet him. But none of them knew, Shivaay Singh Oberoi is her husband.

"Had a very tough time! I don't know how I am going to survive for two months." She replied.

"Why? Is he abusive?" Mohit asked her in a concerned tone. She heaved out a deep breath in exhaustion after turning him down many times, he was still behind her.

"My husband was never abusive and he will never think about abusing me physically in any circumstances," Anika replied to him, everyone chuckled except Mohit when she referred to him as her husband in just one day.

"Okay, shall we talk about the objectives of this meeting?" Her boss said and turned off the surveillance camera and switched on the noise block. But the shield was open just to make sure that they were not talking about anything secretive.

"We got a scoop that something odd is happening in Arshav School, it's currently owned by a commoner for the world, but the truth, is it's owned by Raajeev and if the information we got was true, it's the centre hub of human trafficking." Aarav said and the whole room was in pin-drop silence when they heard the name Raajeev who was not only a politician and said to be a powerful don in the country.

"And added to that..." Mohit started.

"He's the PM candidate for the upcoming election." He said leaving everyone transfixed. Anika's throat went dry when she heard that fact.

"But their party didn't come up the PM Candidate, how's it possible?" Anika asked them.

"They decided it 3 hours before, and Rajeev was more than willing," Mohit said.

"Then, it's so..." Archana said.

"Complicated..." Rohan completed.

"So we are in exposing Raajeev." Aarav asked.

"Yes." Everyone said in chorus even Anika's mind revolved around her husband and her family, she knew if anything happens to her, nobody could function. But she said yes with full confidence, and nobody knew about her dangerous life.

"So, everything is mailed, one of the spies of spy magazine already started the game by becoming an important member of the school and we all received the mail about our next step," Aarav said, she knew Spy was not just a part of them, it's a huge circle of like-minded people who wanted a clean society.


Shivaay finally came out of his dreamy state when he got a call from one of his friends who was eager to know about the happenings, in these 4 years, they were the persons who stayed with him every moment, more than friends, Omkara and Rudru became his brothers. He attended the call with a smile.

"Anika left?" Rudru asked, he knew Omkara will be a the conference call.

"Yes, left for work." He said and there was a relaxation in his tone.

"Okay, now open the door." He said, surprised he went to the door and attended to his two friends.

"What a surprise?" He asked them when they entered without greeting him.

"Forget? we helped you to set up this house," Om asked while taking his seat on the couch.

"Okay, let me come to the point straight! Did you ask her about anything? Did she open up?" Om asked him. He became depressed a little, but soon he got confidence in her actions. They were silent for four years because he was not the same person whom they know, shivaay was constantly in stress and his health completely got worse, they left with no courage instead to ask him to leave and chase his wife over these 4 years, corner of the heart, they felt responsible for their separation.

"I decided not to focus on it." He said and told them their breakdown moment who were equally confused. According to them, he was the happiest person on the day before she left.

"But after a long time, I slept without any nightmares disturbing me, it was just a pink breeze in my dream. It happens only with my darling's presence." He said with a smile. But Om and Rud's faces became dull but smiled faintly. Only they knew he survived heart attacks in these four years, he took a promise from them not to say it to anyone neither his father nor Anika.

"But we have to solve the problem, Shivaay," Om said.

"Any assumptions in her breakdown?" Rudy asked.

"She just repeated I didn't love her. But She's hiding something, I am pretty sure about that." Shivaay said in a low tone.

"Shivaay, are you sure she didn't feel insecure about your exes?" Om asked her.

"Initially I thought, it would be Tia, but it doesn't make any sense, she knew she was different, she was pretty sure about that." He said when a moment from the beautiful memory crossed her.

"Shivaay, do you ever compared me with your exes?" She asked while playing with their wedding rings when she sat on his lap while he half sat on the bed, naked, wrapped under the same sheet, he held her valleys possessively when she asked him that question. She arched under the sheet and chuckled, both lost their numbers, all they knew sun was going to up soon, and still, they didn't get a pinch of sleep.

"Are you crazy?" He asked her, she turned back her head to him with a smile.

"Nope." She replied in a usual cheeky tone.

"Okay, tell me whether you compared me with your exes?" He asked her instead.

"I don't have any ex." She complained.

"Same Answer, I never fell for anyone, it's you, it will be only you." He said, but she turned around, and the sheet which wrapped her body slipped down, she was least bothered, but he couldn't stop staring at her with a lopsided smile on her face.

"There's nothing you didn't see in me, why are you still staring at me as you starved for years?" She asked, but he couldn't stop himself from touching her, he held her waist with his two palms and moved upwards while she looked at his palm and its movements, grazing her breasts gently, he moved his palms to her back and pulled her to him until their bodies crash to each other.

"I won't lie, but I slept with many women before you, but those were just for pleasure and experiments, but when it comes to you, I could feel the promise of forever and every time when we make love, more than pleasurable, I feel peaceful. Whenever I feel your kiss, I feel like you're kissing my soul; you tell me I can compare this feeling with anyone? Am I that dared enough?" He asked her when she fell on his chest, she raised her head and nodded no.

"Even I knew it, just played with you." She said chuckling.

"How?" He asked her.

"I saw you poking Sarrah with the fork when she touched your thigh. I saw that. You know she commented on my fashion sense when we were talking." Anika completed. He chuckled off since he was not only irritated but hell angry at her for not behaving well with his wife. Shivaay saw saarah as his friend but now, he didn't feel the same with her.

"I would have mocked her off, how dare she comment on my wife who looked so hot? She deserved that, but she controlled the pain," He said and held her tight to him.

"Even if I wear loose baggy clothes with food perks spilled on my dress, I look hot to you." She replied chuckling. He agreed with it, her simple gaze could turn him on at any moment.

"What to do?" He said and changed direction out of a sudden, moved top of her.

"Have you checked the time?" She asked.

"Tell me you're tired, and I will let you go." He said in a filthy tone.

"No, I am not tired, but afraid you will feel restless for your meeting tomorrow, let's sleep, I will cuddle you tightly in my arms." She said, agreeing to her deal, he moved sidewards and buried his face in between her breasts, and hugged her tightly. Chuckling she wrapped her arms around him and threw her legs above his legs. There was not a pinch of the distance between them but they slept peacefully.

"Then what it would be..." Rudy asked breaking his thoughts.

"Something big happened, but it was definitely not because of her insecurity!" He spoke.

"We left with no options but to give her time to open up, I hope it's not unsolvable," Shivaay added but the reason behind her departure was still a mystery.

"You told us she has PCOD" Om stated.

"What if she would have felt insecure about having a baby with you?" Rudy asked him.

"First of all, my urge to have a family with her is only known by you both, I know she will stress about it, that's why I played the game of not interested in babies with her. I was very careful that this kind of pressure, also she was young." Shivaay said, before 4 years, they were scared to discuss her. But now, he desperately needed the clarity.

"Don't use the past tense, tell her she's young. Otherwise, you will be thrown out of this house." Rudy warned, and he couldn't help but laugh at his lame joke.

"Hmm, that's true, but I will my own way to reach her." He said and messaged her from his fake account.


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