first time ever.

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I walk to ma'am with a sweet smile showcasing to others. her friends excuse themselves when they saw me. ma'am hand me a drink with a smile.

how can she be this relaxed? she is the person who talks about status and throws me out of her house!!

"you really got yourself lucky!"

she said with a plastered smile for others to see. she is so wench god!

"and you really got yourself unlucky!"

I replies as she nods smiling, that fucking smile is a wall for me to see her real face. well, I should not say something bad and try to forget the past.

"I hope you take good care of my son."

her sudden statement didn't seem fake care. I hold her hand with a smile others are still watching us.

"don't worry. I'll make him happy and loved which he never felt in his life."

I can't help but taunt she only cares about money and business! she is even ready to give her son to an ex-maid just for a stupid business deal.

"you can do whatever you want after you get engaged. but now I'm taking him back with me."

damm this woman! think y/n!! tthiinkk!! a  tap on my shoulder distracts us I see mom join us and gave me an assuring smile.

"I heard you going next week for your business trip!"

mom said to her and she nods like a happy lady.

"yess handling all business alone is very tiring. I can't make time for my son and that breaks my heart."

the fake care!! when he was in fever you didn't check up on him while staying in the same house and what?? it breaks your heart not having time for him??

"that's so bad Mrs jeon! I bet your son feels so alone all the time."

mom said and she pretends to be sad because she knows her true color...

"then you should leave him here. we all will take care of him... don't you think it's a good idea y/n?"

whoah!!! hearing mom her face went blank. finally, I get to see her ugly side.

"that's so so great idea mom!! I can get to know him better like that. he lives alone for a whole year but he can live with his in-laws too!! right, ma'am?"

ma'am forced herself to smile.

"I don't think he would like to do that. he loves his private spac--

"We are giving you our daughter can't your son live with us??"

mom cut her words off and she got no comeback after that. she ends up agreeing to save the deal.

"I trust you Mrs min. please take care of I'll send his helper tomorrow with his luggage. now I'll excuse myself."

she said and turn to others with a smile. I look at mom and take her to other corners, I hug her tight... she Just did something I was not able to.

"thankyou, thankyou mom!! I can't tell how much happy I'm because of you!"

"your welcome dear. I'm happy to help you!"

she said and peck my head. my hardship is ending now! thank you, god, and this time for real.


the first time someone woke me up with an earthquake.

"y/n!! y/n! wake up. I'm so confused!"

I slowly open my eyes and discover jungkook waking me up with his all willpower. he makes me sit and asks me while shooking my shoulders.

"Why I'm still here in your room this morning??"

I look at him and smile.

"because you will live with me from now on! your mom allowed you to stay with us."

"REALLY?? like in real?? I don't have to go back there?"

I shook my head, he pull my neck and kiss me in happiness. I wanted to push him back because I just woke up but he was Passionate and happy.

our sweet moments got distracted by the knock-on door.

"lovebirds breakfast is ready~~"

we heard Hye-jin singing vocal from outside, jungkook chuckle hearing lovebirds.


Jungkook pov:

I'm still in the party outfit but without the coat. from what I heard mom will send taehyung with my luggage so till then, I have to stay in these clothes.

first time ever, I'm gonna eat with people. not alone or in pairs... but a group of people's. I still didn't introduce myself to them and I'm going to stay here.

y/n and I went down to the big dining table compared to mine. servants are serving the table where four people chatting between them.

"good morning everyone."

y/n said and everyone's attention goes to us. I'm nervous but didn't show. y/n show me chair to sit and she sits beside me.

I smile at all and they just look at me like I'm an almost extinct animal.

"he is nervous, dad! don't make him more."

y/n state then all laughs. evil brother on my left pat my shoulder and said...

"don't worry, they are just welcoming you!"

I chuckle and whisper near y/n. "I should thank them for everything right?"

she blinks her eyes as a yes which made me immediately stand and give them a bow.

"Hello, I'm jeon jungkook. I want to thank you all for everything you did! and for letting me stay here I'll make sure not to bother you and behave nicely."

I raise my head and notice all looking at me with their awwee except that evil brother.

"he's so adorable!"

Mrs. min said hitting Hye-jin to see me but she is already doing that. I feel embarrassed so I sit again and y/n chuckle at my nervousness.

it's so new! I never felt like this before. I always imagine having people around me and eating with me but it's real right now.

y/n pick a handkerchief and tug around my collar so I won't spill the food on my clothes like she used to do in my house. I look at her with my bunny smile because I missed this so much.

didn't notice three pairs of eyes still watching us. after y/n set the plate for me and allow me to eat, she notice them.

"I not saying anything but he's not a kid."

the evil brother teases her and all laugh. I still don't know his name so he goes by evil brother.

"I have a habit to take care of him I can't just change that overnight!"

y/n said making them laugh. while eating they all introduce themselves. I already knew Hye-jin as a bad girl but now it's changed. Mr min y/n's father, Mrs min y/n's mother, and lastly yoongi the evil brother.

when we start to leave the table after breakfast, Hye-jin said something that made me confused.

"Jungkook gets ready, we all are going out for a date."


(a/n: I felt happy writing this🥺)

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