I need a friend

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It's his sleeping time. I walk in and turn off the lights; he's already lying down; all I need to do is to ensure he is asleep and not having any problems.

As I walk closer, I discover he's not sleeping; he's just staring at the ceiling with a straight face. He'll sleep eventually. My work is done now.

I turn to go, but his voice halts me.

"You can't leave until I sleep y/n."

I gulp and turn to him, looking down. Resting his head on one hand, he looks at me. I'll kiss you for the last time if you ask me to, but just then leave me alone.

"Sit here... I can't sleep."

He said, taping the place beside him for me to sit. I shook my head.

"I can't sit on your bed. I'm not allowed to."


"Come and do your duty! makes me sleep. "

Is he a four-year-old child? I gave up and sat beside his head. He took my right hand and stroked his head to make him sleep.

"Nanny used to do that, so I can't sleep without this patting."

He mummers with his closed eyes. Now that I think about it, till yesterday there was a very old lady who used to be his maid, but because of his poor health, she had to leave, and after her, I was the oldest worker left. So they gave me this job.

"You are very fond of her?"

I asked, looking at his features upside down. He nods and keeps stroking his head with my hand.

"I hope she's healthy. She was the reason I was dying this morning. "

"What?? Why? "

" She was the only person who spent time with me. When she said she was leaving this job and needed to rest due to a health issue, I couldn't take it, so I woke up and thought her replacement would be someone who would make me comfortable but not 'home'. and with this thought, I decided to finish this suffocation and perhaps be born again."

He said, and shiny tears flowed from the corner of his eyes. I heard she practically raised him. Why is he suffocating? Who wants to end this luxury life in this huge mansion where you can get everything you want with one command?

His hands gradually lost mine as his eyes froze, finally falling asleep. I wiped away his corner tears and covered his body with the blanket.

He needs someone so badly that he'll kill himself without one.

staring at this peaceful, beautiful face, I move close and peck on his forehead. shouldn't have done that, but somehow I pity him.

It looks like I have to take care of him.


new day with nothing new.

I made up my mind that I'd take care of him, but he asked me to be his girlfriend, and in actuality, he wanted a good friend. Should I give him my friendship hand?

stupid question I'm kissing him without being his girlfriend, so friendship is a little word right now.

I walk to his room slowly and discover him still sleeping. So I did the chores, swiping and polishing. Then I woke him up after selecting his outfit.
Rich people have so many show-offs. This dude doesn't even go out but still has to get ready with at least a million dresses.

I started to feel it was a good day until I heard his "kiss me". Dude, you just fucking woke up!

"You didn't brush your teeth! Go get a shower first... and you know you can't force me right?"

Thank God I made some conditions.

He runs to the washroom. so young!! I ordered his breakfast until he got fresh. My job is to make sure he's eating, not to make it with my hand. They have chefs for that.

He came out wearing his underwear. I turn around and think to myself, 'That old lady sees this every morning and didn't teach him to dress and come.' You're a pervert, oldie.

I threw clothes at him as I walked to the dining table, but his thighs? dammmm.

Jungkook is a hot guy with a child's mind. He can make babies while acting like a baby. Get a grip y/n, don't check his abs, neck, jaws, and back and..... fuck!!!

"Now kiss me."

He said, sitting down to eat and giving me a pout. cute! I peck his lips, then he smiles and scoops up the plate. He's in an obedient mood.

"I'd like to be your friend."

I said, looking at him, but he shook his head with a big no.

"You think I'm stupid? If we become friends, then you won't kiss me because friends don't get physical; they share happiness and sorrows. "

Where did he learn this?

"We can make exceptions, huh? We can be friends who kiss too. kind of friends with benefits?"

He leaves the fork and scratches his head, talking to himself. "Now what is friends with benefits? And what in the world is Namjoon Hyung teaching me? "

but I heard it, so I replied.

"You  don't need to know everything; just know that we can be friends and kiss too."

"I love that idea!! Now kiss me. "

My little sweet talk and he climbs into my head. This kiss is so uncomfortable for me that I can't explain it. If someone sees this, I'll be out of this heaven.

"So we're friends?"

I asked, and he nodded happily. I became happy. I made a friend, my first ever friend. And in that happiness, I cupped his cheeks and gave him a strong kiss, not a peck.


I kissed him again, but fuck, this is not friendship! Now all I need to do is make him forget this kissing part. If I keep kissing him, he'll develop this habit. I need to distract him every time he demands me to kiss him.

and I have to stop all this before I start to like kissing him.


Jungkook pov:

I made a friend today. No! I mean, what was that? Ahh, friends with benefits. I don't care what it is as long as I get her kisses.

So now I have someone to share my joy and sorrow with. Will she, however, share hers? I want to know about her. but she doesn't spend much time with me and only comes to feed me. 

Now I'm done with my studies and painting class. I buzz the alarm button to summon staff and she comes running to me.

"You need something?"

I nod, pouting my lips. She clicks her tongue in annoyance and turns to lock the door first.

"Why do you lock the door? You are not doing anything wrong here. "

"Kissing you is the biggest crime here. If someone sees this, they'll throw me away. "

She explains walking towards me and pecking my lips, but I held her hand and asked her.

"Why is it a crime? My old nanny used to kiss my cheeks too! "

"We are both adults and if someone sees that, they'll take it in a bad way. and in a bad way, which means that I'm taking advantage of your innocence. "

I didn't get what she said, but it means nobody should know we kiss each other. I'll do whatever she wants to do.

"Where are your parents?"
I asked, making her sit on the bed. She thinks a bit and replies.

"Mom is in heaven and I don't know about Dad. He may be dead or alive!"

"You are alone? And why do you think your mom is in heaven? "

"She was alone the moment I was born, and she didn't tell my father about me when she was pregnant. Maybe she doesn't want to make herself and me a burden to him, or maybe she loves him! I don't know, I just feel she's in heaven watching me from up there. "

She said, slightly looking up. She's so alone.

"What about you? I only saw your mother once and twice. and never saw your father. "

"I never met my dad. mom said he's working overseas but I didn't see him once not even knowing how he looks. and my mom is busy with her own business so I met her a couple of times in a year."

she looks at me with a smile and I'm about to cry. no, no jungkook you are a man don't cry!! I try to control my tears but couldn't.

her eye widen and I instantly wipe my tears but it won't stop. she pats my shoulder which made me cry more.

"I never met my dad. My mother claimed he was working abroad, but I never saw him and had no idea how he looked. My mom is busy with her own business, so I saw her a couple of times in a year. "

Y/N looks at me with a straight smile, But I'm about to cry. No, no Jungkook, you are a man, don't cry!! I tried to control my tears but couldn't.

Her eyes widen, and I instantly wipe my tears, but it won't stop. She patted my shoulder, which made me cry more.

"I never told anyone... this... but I miss..... them!!!"

I said, wiping my running nose. She immediately collected the tissue paper and wiped my face.

"You are so crying, baby!"

She said, chuckling I sniffed to reply. "No, I'm not!!"

"Yess, you are Jungkookie!"


(A/n: he is so cute😭😭)

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