surprise for mrs jeon

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"shouldn't you introduce yourself??"

I asked the designer while plastering my laugh. both siblings are clueless over my behavior but I'm excited by his stupified expression.

then he introduces himself extending his hand out.

"Hello! I'm Jung hoseok your new designer."

I smirk and shook his hand. and Was about to tell him my name... but he instead ask yoongi about me by hitting his shoulder.

"he's my new sister, I told you about hoba!"

hoseok's eyes widened after hearing that. I remember how he circle around jungkook and complimented him... what an irony he will be dressing the same maid he throwed the luggage on.

he has many questions on his face but instead, he said...

"shall we start?"

"why not?"


I'm too stunned just by looking at myself in the mirror. I used to think rich people do so formalities and I still think that! like why do I have to look this beautiful just to show myself to unknowns??

but to defend this?? it's worth it if jungkook didn't move his eyes from me the whole time.


Jungkook pov:

last night mom came after Hye-jin, and told me to get ready as always for A PARTY.... but this time I'm happy which I'm not showing. she thinks I'll forget about y/n and be normal again.

I'll let her think that!

since I woke up I acted like I don't want to go... in front of mom and didn't talk to her at all. she didn't seem to bother by that too.

as y/n said to wear something red... I did. I'm so excited to see her and my mom's faces after that. many questions are in my head about how she became Hye-jin's sister and bla bla bla but... nothing is more important than seeing y/n.

mom came into my room wearing a silky black Gown with pretty make-up. she scans me a tip to Toe... I must look the most handsome at the party that's what she always wants.

"let's go."

she said and turn to go out, I followed her. we didn't speak a word in the car. the car door open when we reach the venue. all flashlights and camera on us... mom radiantly smiles at the camera and forces me to do that.

this is the first time media has ever seen me... they all look so awestruck over me. I generously smile at all and hold my mom's hand to show our strong bond which is not that strong in real.

after passing through the media we enter inside. everything is beautiful, the music, the decorations, the dance floor in the center and surrounded by many tables for drinks but my eyes are only searching for y/n and she's nowhere.

I greet whoever mom told me to and at last the party host! hyejin's mom clicks the champagne glass with a spoon and takes everyone's attention to her.

"good evening everyone... I hope you enjoying this party but I would like to announce my chief guest. she is a new member of our family."

people look at each other and the whispers were obvious. mom seems shock too.... but the mainshock is yet to come, mom!

"I would like you all to meet my daughter y/n"

every stare starts to look around like where exactly she's coming from? just then the lights focus on one particular place.... and I saw the fairy. a fairy who gives me kisses.

she looks hypnotizing and beautiful. I couldn't blink my eyes at her compelling aura. the glass slips from mom's hand accidentally in surprise.

and the glass shattered noise makes mom flinch hard. I stepped her back before she unintentionally steps on it.

Y/n came and stand beside Mrs.min then Hye-jin and his brother arrive too. everyone is still gasping over the out-of-nowhere-daughter.

"I lost my one daughter after she was born but now our fate has United us. she is Min y/n, my second daughter."

Mr. min said walking close to y/n and hugs her. all changed their behavior and clapped making a tose for her. now, mom can't force me to stay away from her.

"thank you all! but there's one more announcement I would like to make."

Hye-jin said pausing all. ohh no she won't talk about that engagement will she?? she knows I only love y/n and not her.

she continues...

"as in the last Mrs. jeon party. she announced an engagement of me and his son jungkook..."

no please don't say you still want to get engaged with me!!

"I would like to apologize to her because I already love someone else."

I felt breathing again. whoever she loves? I will praise him like a god now! that unknown guy made my life so easy! yayyyyy!!!

everyone gossips between them looking at mom. since I'm beside her I pretend to be shocked which I'm actually but in a good way... I can just dance in happiness.

"Are you saying that your daughter won't marry my son and you invited us to get rejected here?"

mom asks with her irritated look at Mr. min. because she became the center of this circus I feel bad and unintentionally hold her hand so she won't freak out.

"NO Mrs jeon! I want my other daughter to marry your son."

my eye widens just by hearing that. I mean what?? marry y/n? mom will never agree and I learn many things from taehyung so according to his theory marriage is the last step of love.

I didn't even start to experience the love and they want me to marry? I will only marry y/n but after taking every step with her. it's too early...

mom chuckles and replies...

"I'm more than happy."


(a/n: taehyung taught him many things!! 😶😶)

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