that weird man

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"You tell me what you did!"

Oh my God, did Ma'am see that hug? Or did that slut tell ma'am about me holding Jungkook's hand and calling her hooker? No no, it can't be!!

"Y/n, tell me what you did!! Why ma'am asked me to take you in front of her? "

Seokjin asks, nudging my shoulder, which awakens me.

"Ohh shitt! Just give me 5 minutes, I'm coming! "

I said in a hurry and pushed him out of the room. I made my bun quickly, wore my plat shoes, and walked out. Jin keeps asking me why ma'am is searching for me, and I don't know which reason I should give.

"I'll tell you after I meet her. I'm already very nervous. Seokjin, please shut up!"

He nods, understanding my situation When I reach her office, I hug Seokjin before entering. Maybe it's my last time seeing him. Maybe she'll throw me out after this.

He hugs me back and motivates me to go in while he's more nervous than me. I knock on the door and enter.

A man was sitting on a couch, and Ma'am was sitting across from him having tea. What is happening? Wait a minute.... this man........

Ohhhh yes! It's the same man I stumbled into last night. Oh my God, is he coming to complain about that? For that stupid reason?

He looks at me and keeps staring at me. What the hell, dude? I'm like your daughter's age. Keep your staring to yourself.

Ma'am, allow me to sit beside him at a distance. But why do I feel something big is about to happen?

"Would you like some tea?"

The man asked me, and I nervously nodded. I can't say no to tea, sorry! He served me one cup of tea. I accepted it with my trembling hands.

"May I know about you more?"

The man asked, and I choked on my tea and coughed. He immediately gave me a tissue and stood to pat my back. That really cools me down in a sec. I wish I had someone who could pat me like this.

"You okay, dear?"
He asked, and I nodded. Just then, ma'am gets up to answer her call and excuses herself from the cabin. Leaving me alone with this stranger, I feel like she's selling me to him.

So, since he had already asked me about myself, I decided to respond in this manner to make the situation less awkward. He sits in his spot, looking at me.

"My name is Y/N. and I've been working here for the past 2 years. Before that, I worked at an old lady's house. "

"How old are you?"


"Okay, continue dear."

"So I worked on that old lady for three years before tha--"

"You started to work at age fifteen? Why?"

"Because I ran away from the orphanage at 14 to see the world."

"So what did you do for one year?"

"I was a street person."

"Did your parents abandon you?"

"My mother died giving birth to me and my father... he's dead too."
I think before speaking my last sentence, but it doesn't matter. The person I've never seen in my life is dead to me. He nods lightly as he listens to me, but why is he so interested in my personal life?

"Thanks, dear, for sharing your story. You can go now, " said the man, smiling. I stand and bow to him before going. What should I do now? Is it a relief that I'm still in my job? or be terrified of the man who might buy me!

I'm freaking scared right now.

"What happened? Tell me everything Y/N"
I almost screamed, hearing the voice. My stupid neighbour is still waiting for me outside. I told him everything that was happening inside.

Well... I didn't intend to but ended up saying everything about Jungkook too. And when I said everything, that includes the kisses too.

"so the cake I made that night was for the prince?"

I nod and watch him bounce in happiness. he's still a trainee chef and jungkooks food is always made by professional chefs.

"So the cake I prepared that night was for the prince?"
I nod and watch him bounce in happiness. He's still a trainee chef, and Jungkooks' food is always made by professional chefs.

"So did he like the cake or not?"


"He said that was the most tasty cake he had ever eaten and thanked you for making it."

"Aww y/n, you made my day! I always heard my seniors talking that Prince didn't eat this and that maybe he didn't like their foods, but for me, he complimented!! I'm so happy!"
He said, hugging me in excitement. It is a big deal here. If Jungkook doesn't eat, all the blame goes to the chefs, and Jungkook doesn't know all this.

Enough about the food. I can breathe for now, but there's an invisible clock ticking above my head and telling me that my good time is about to finish.

In fear, I go to wake Jungkook up. What if I didn't get to see him after they knew what I told that girl yesterday?


Jungkook pov:

crying all night I slept late. Y/N didn't come to check on me last night, maybe because of party work. In the morning, I felt her waking me up, but my whole body was aching.


I don't feel good at all. My eyelids are getting heavy and the headache is at its peak... I can't even move my lips to talk.

She groans frustratedly and pulls the blanket away. I curl myself like a baby because of the cold chills. Suddenly, I felt her hand on my forehead.

"Oh no, Jungkook, your body is heating up! Wait, lemme call someone."
She said and immediately covered me with a blanket. I can't speak a word. Everything felt so weak inside me, as if I was melting internally.

I fell asleep again! Maybe a few men came. It's blurry, but I can feel it. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Y/N standing in the distance and my mom beside the doctors.

Then again, I lost consciousness. Maybe I'll die like this, but no, I didn't kiss Y/N more than a day! I can't die like this.

Let's sleep for a while then.


Y/n pov:

How did he get this fever over night? It's all my fault. I should have checked him before sleeping, plus he had an argument with his mom too.

After the doctor gave him some prescriptions and suggested rest for him, I thought ma'am would stay beside him and maybe place a wet towel over his head just like a normal mother.
But I was wrong. She went out with the doctors and told me to take care of him.

So here I am, sitting beside him, changing towels every ten minutes. He's just like me in a different way. I don't have parents to take care of, and he has parents for the sake of the name.

We both somehow missed the love we needed. This guy changes my opinion of being wealthy. Even the richest person can be lonely.

I will give him the love he deserves. What a joke, right?


(a/n: I'm sorry but the devastation is about to come 😶)

Btw, are the conversion on this chapter was understandable? I means who's saying what??

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