Becoming Kate

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Becoming Kate...
To be revered by the school...
The goddess of the underclassman...

Junior year did not bring about some phenomenal change.
I did not become Kate.

Meena did.
Meena made the highest choirs,
Duetted with Hope,
Earned large roles.

Meena has impressed Mr. Jen.
He has the power to elevate social stature.
And he choose Meena.
My best friend,
Has become Kate.

But not only Meena's  status has altered by becoming
An oh-so-esteemed upperclassmen.
Michelle is a sudo-Kate.
So is Daisy.

And who else moved up?
Not me.

I'm still the kind of girl no one notices.
I'm still the foiled opposite of Kate.

But Kate has changed.
No longer is Kate a Kate.
No longer is Hope a Kate.

As Meena rose to become a Kate,
They rose above Kates.

By making Madgricals,
Hope, Ethel, and Kate,
Have fully blossomed into celebrities.

They've replaced
Daniella, Vanessa, and Nina.
Hope, Ethel, and Kate
Have become the icons of the school.

They outrank all.
The artists,
The Cheerleaders,
The Student council leaders,
The football stars,
All Bow to them.

And step on me.

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