Dear Jesse

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Dear Jesse,
Why the hell do you have to be cute?

My friends say you're not.
But those hipster glasses
Are just too damn cute
To a girl like me.

You could say,
You're a guy like me...

Or rather,
You're a guy like
The kind of girl I want to be.
The kind of girl I'll never be.
The kind of girl like Kate.

Kate is the kind of girl
You'd date should you date anyone.

By which I mean,
You'd date a girl like me,
If I was talented,
And pretty,
And confident,
And funny,
And likable.

My friends say you're not cute,
But you are.

Your nose crinkles when you laugh.
You're always smiling.
You run a hand through your hair
whenever you're not thrilled with something.

Do girls like Kate notice that about you, Jesse?

If they do,
I can't guess why you're single.
If they do,
Anyone would find you as cute as I do.

The sad thing is,
You're not the type of crush
Girls like me usually develop.

You're not some stranger,
Some Prince Charming
Ruling his high school kingdom.

You're not a phantom
I've never met,
But whom I catch precious glimpses of
As we pass in the halls.

No, I know you.
I'm your acquaintance.
You're my friend.

You're the kind of guy,
That notices girls like me.
And, Jesse,
You have no idea how much that means
To girls like me.

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