I can't help but Wonder

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I can't help but wonder
If I will lose all my friends next year.
All my friends this year
Are different than my friends last year.
The sad fact is,
Many friends are only friends
Because they see each other daily.

But next year...
A whole new schedule.
I had to drop two APs.
That makes me feel stupid,
But I couldn't keep up.
All my friends can.

All my friends made the highest choir for next year,
And I'm stuck one below.
Goodbye Meena.
Goodbye Michelle.
Goodbye Hope.
Of course, Kate was already there.

Welcome new comers.
Welcome those who I passed up last year.
You caught up.
I'm no longer a step ahead.

Goodbye AP.
Goodbye advanced choir.
Goodbye anything that made me feel special.

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