Chapter 12: Mirror, Mirror

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I wasn't ready to give up, so I tackled the problem from a different direction. "How does a person not have a record, anyway?"

Laz sat back and slouched down into the chair. "Some rare people are born without records, but mostly, it's something that has happened that destroys it. Like... being brought back to life by the Devil."

I narrowed my eyes and flashed him a look. "Leave Deirdre out of this, Laz."

He held up his hands. "Hey, just givin' an example. Me? God resurrected me to make a point, then offered the position later when I died again."

I continued to scowl. "So, we're looking for resurrected people? How often does that even happen?"

Azza interrupted the conversation by bringing out the omelets. He set everything down, kissed me, and headed back inside. Between bites, we brainstormed.

"Actual resurrections are rare. The man we took weeks ago, for example, hadn't been, to my knowledge."

"So, how did he end up as a candidate?"

He thought for a bit as he put hot sauce on his eggs. "I'm not completely certain but, I think it might be people who have died but have come back to life."

"Like near-death experiences?" I sipped on my coffee. "But, don't people get brought back with CPR and whatnot all the time?"

"I would argue if someone can resuscitate them, then they didn't fully die, not really. No, I think it's more those who have passed over, gone on to wherever they're goin', but then returned spontaneously."

I grabbed the mirror and demanded, "Show me a person in Seoul who has died but come back to life without help."

The mirror clouded, then cleared. A small bed tucked into a corner of a tiny apartment held an older woman. I showed the pendant to Laz. "Look! Check her!"

Death's eyes went wide. "I need identifyin' information to do it. A name... and address... somethin'."

"Come on! I have a bigger mirror in the office. We can work with it much better!"

We abandoned our breakfast and made our way to the office, passing by Azza and Deirdre in the kitchen.

"Mom! Azza says you're going to take me shopping!"

"Yep!" I called back to her. "I need to finish a project first!"

We shut the office door behind us, and I put the mirror on the desk. I sat in the chair, and Laz leaned on the back of it to watch over my shoulder. I pushed aside the flutter in my stomach at having him so close.

I located the woman again, and we slowly panned through her apartment. "There! On the table! Is that mail?"

"Can you read Korean?"

"No. I can only speak it. But," he explained as he took out his phone, "I have staff members who can." He snapped a picture of the mirror and sent it to someone. Within seconds, his phone rang.

"Yeah," he answered, "Is what I sent somethin' y'all can use to check for a person's record?"

Someone gave him a muffled, "Yes, Sir."

"Do it," he ordered. I shivered; he'd used precisely the tone of voice with me the night before. "Call me back with what you find."

He ended the call, then spun me in my chair. "That was clever work, Olivia," he told me in a gruff voice.

I was trapped in the chair by his stare. I swallowed. "Thanks," I squeaked.

His phone rang, ending the moment, much to my disappointment. He answered, and he listened, a grin spreading on his face. "Good work! I'll call again if I need anythin' else."

He leaned in and kissed me, fast but deep, burying his hand in my hair. I gasped as his lips covered mine and flushed as I reacted to him. When he pulled back, I was breathless.

"She's a candidate! I'll go and collect her. Stay here." He stood, waved a portal into existence, and stepped through to the apartment beyond. When it closed, he had left me sitting in the chair, wishing his hands were still on me.

I paced as I waited. When I heard his portal, I whirled to it, only to feel my stomach sink toward the floor at his expression.

"She said no. She wanted to go on and be with her husband," he explained flatly.

I deflated, tears welling up in my eyes. He took me into his arms as I tried not to cry. "Shh," he shushed, attempting to comfort me, "it's okay, hon. We'll find someone."

I nodded against his chest. He pulled me back to look at me. "We have a new way of locatin' people now." He wiped a tear as it fell and pressed me to him again.

He held me for some time until there was a knock on the door. "Mom! Come on!" my daughter yelled through the door. "Let's go shopping! Can Melissa come?"

I took a steadying breath. "Yeah, we can swing by and get her."

"Thanks, Mom!"

I smiled weakly at Death. "She is summoning me away."

He ran knuckles down my cheek. "Come and see me tonight?" His voice was gravely and full of need.

"Let me check with Lucifer and Azza first?"

He nodded. "Of course, sweetheart." He took my hand and kissed my fingers. "Just text me with whatever y'all decide."

"Okay." I didn't want him to go.

He waved a portal and disappeared into his loft.

I needed comfort. Opening the office door, I went in search of Azza. He was on the terrace furiously pressing keys on his phone. He looked up as I came out, and I saw it in his face when he assessed my mood.

"Not the results you had hoped for?" he asked, setting it aside.

I went to him and climbed in his lap so he could hold me. "We found another candidate, but she said no, too."

He hugged me to him, silent. After a few moments, I sat up. "Deirdre is ready to go shopping. We're going to swing by and pick up Melissa. Do you want come with us or call Uzza?"

"I'll go with you. In fact, I'll call for another driver, so I can ride in back with you. I gave Uzza the weekend off. Seems he's hit it off with a certain professional tutor we both know."

My eyebrows shot up. "Uzza and Mrs. Hamilton are dating?"

"It would seem so."

"Hell help her!" I laughed, and he chuckled with me.

Deirdre opened the glass door. "Are you ready? Come on!"

"Okay, okay! Let me put some shoes on at least."

In the car, I leaned against Azza, and he wrapped an arm around me. Deirdre was preoccupied with her phone, so it surprised me when she suddenly put it down and asked, "Mom? Are you dating Mr. Phillips, too?

I almost didn't know who she was talking about; I hadn't heard Laz's last name since he first introduced himself. I smiled at her. "Not quite dating, no, but I'm spending time with him."

"Is he like Lucifer and Azza? Like... from Hell?"

Azza chuckled but kept quiet.

"No, actually, Laz is from Heaven." I paused, not knowing if I wanted to explain, but I decided she deserved to know about him. "He has an extraordinary job."

"Yeah? I thought he managed the aquarium. What else does he do?"

"Laz works for Him as the Grim Reaper. As Death. Do you know what that means?"

The blood drained from her face. "I—I don't remember him," she whispered, sounding very small. "I remember a beautiful woman."

A lump grew in my throat, and I reached for her hand. It was clammy. I swallowed, and my voice strained. "He doesn't always take a person. Many times, someone from his staff does."

"Oh." Tears formed in her eyes. "So, he's not here for you, is he?"

"No, hon, he's not here for me." I couldn't bring myself to say he wasn't there for her.

She exhaled, relaxing her body. "Good." In true Deirdre fashion, she smiled, picked up her phone, and went about life as if the conversation never happened to text with her friends.

I, on the other hand, had to work to hold it together. That Death could be there for her was a real possibility. I scowled and turned to look out the tinted window. I was determined not to let it happen.

Azza's phone dinged. He looked at it and announced, "Lucifer is home."

"He's welcome to come with us if he wants," I told him.

My phone dinged. It was Lucifer, but I found I didn't feel like talking or even texting.


Lucifer: How are you feeling, love?

Me: I've had better days. Ask Azza.

Lucifer: I will. I am going to my office to work until you are home.

Me: I love you.

Lucifer: And I, you.


Azza continued to text while I leaned my head back. My phone dinged again.


Lazarus: I want you.

Me: I miss you.

Lazarus: Come see me tonight.

Me: I haven't asked yet. Hang on.


I texted both Azza and Lucifer.


Me: I would like to see Laz again tonight. How do you feel about that?

Lucifer: I get dinner with you first.

Azza: I don't have a problem if you want to go.

Me: Thank you. I love you both.

Lucifer: 💖


Azza leaned over, kissed me quickly, and smiled. "I can take the girls to the movies after shopping so you have time with Lucifer."

"That would be nice, yes. Thank you." I texted Laz.


Me: I will come after Lucifer and I have dinner.

Lazarus: Don't eat dessert.


I could help but smile, wondering what he had planned.

Alone in the car after dropping Azza and the giggling girls at the movie theater, I snapped a portal to Hell. Lucifer was sitting in a chair, reading one of the many law books from the shelves.

He smiled at me and slapped the book shut when I arrived. "Where would you like to go for dinner?"

"Well," I purred, swept up in his arms, "I thought we might order in."

His eyes sparkled. "I do not want to ruin your evening with Death."

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around him. "Time with you doesn't ruin anything, Lucifer. Besides, if I don't respond to him right away, it just means he has to work harder."

Lucifer's laughter rumbled in his chest as he leaned to kiss me.

"Take me home and make love to me?" I requested when we parted.


Being only a finger's movement from our bed at all times had its advantages. Most of all, I didn't have to wait to have Lucifer touch me.

"Are you still sore?" he murmured as he tugged my t-shirt out of my jeans.

"Yeah," I admitted, tugging at his shirt, too.

"I will go lightly, love," he promised as he knelt to work on the button of my jeans.

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