Chapter 28: Stripped

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We arrived at a wedding in Uganda, with the festivities in full swing. Everyone was happy and smiling, and I was somewhat puzzled as to why, exactly, we were there. I knew, however, many would die, I just didn't know how.

The first few pops and the subsequent screaming told me all I needed to know: mass murder by firearm. It was all very surreal, and all we could do was watch. The idea froze me in place; the horror of it was too much. We stood in a ring around the stretch of canopies, waiting for the first to die.

"Death!" Laz pulled on my arm, turning me to him. "Pay attention! Take them quickly; don't let them suffer. You will only see yours strugglin' to leave, and you have nine to collect."

I nodded and jumped when a bullet whizzed past me. A woman in front of me crumbled. An angel appeared next to me, and I knew it was time. I reached out for the woman, and she gladly scrambled out of her damaged body to take my hand. I handed her off to the angel, and they disappeared in a flurry of wings.

Another woman who had been standing with the first had stumbled away before she fell. She was next. I was shocked to find a demon waiting to take her. I wanted to refuse, but it wasn't my place to judge, only to collect. I handed her off.

Across the tent, I saw the groom's soul sit up. I ran to him as quickly as I could, Peter meeting me there for the collection. His new wife was screaming over him, and I had to pull him through her to free him. She must have been able to feel something because she wailed even louder when I did.

I had no time to cry. I only focused on doing it quickly to lessen the suffering. But, by the time I finished my last one, I was numb. I had nothing left to give. I went to my knees and closed my eyes to shut out the sight.

"Death. Olivia, darlin'," Laz said in the eerie silence. "you need to throw the portal back to the bathroom stall."

I opened my eyes to see him before me. He looked weary. I nodded and did as he told me. We stepped through it, me first, followed by him. I opened the stall and stumbled out. Laz put an arm around me to support me.

"Azza!" he shouted, and my Fallen Angel came at a run to scoop me up and carry me. He smelled of roses and felt like home. I leaned against him as he created a portal in one of the stall doors to take me to the apartment where Lucifer was waiting, pacing. When he saw me, he sat on the couch and opened his arms. Azza slid me into Lucifer's lap, and he wrapped me up in his arms, clutching me to him.

Azza knelt in front of him while Laz paced in the background, texting. I heard one more portal open, and Charle's big bulk moved into my line of sight. He knelt beside Azza and took my hand.

"Death. I am so sorry. I had no idea what Nyx was doing. She can be cruel, it's true, but I haven't seen her pull something like this in millennia."

I gave him a weak smile. "It's not your fault, Charles."

"What do you want to do about her?" he asked.

I didn't have a clue. I looked at Laz. "What should I do?"

"I can't tell you what to do, darlin'. You can't remove her from office, only He can," he explained again.

I looked at Charles. "What can I do to cripple her abilities to do her job?"

Charles smiled a wicked smile. "You can take her powers. If you do that, she has no access to the records because she won't have a tablet."

I raised my head. "Do it. Strip every power she has through the office. What will that leave her with?"

He texted furiously, then paused, then texted again. After several exchanges, he read, "We cannot take her portal travel to and from her personal domain, or her influence over dreams and sleep. But, it seems that's all the powers she has left."

"Good. I'll need to talk to Him about having her removed. How do I do that? I suppose I need some kind of appointment?" The room was quiet. I looked from Charles to Laz. "What am I missing?"

Charles sighed. "This is the same problem we've had for years. She, technically, hasn't done anything wrong. She hasn't caused you to miss important collections. All she's done is assign you some extra. That's not against the rules."

"So, strip her powers, and then wait for revenge. Check." I sighed and put my head back on Lucifer's chest. Having a problem that I had to work on had helped focus me. I was still shell-shocked, but I wasn't quite as numb. I was, however, exhausted.

I stiffened when I heard yet another portal, but it was only Uzza. He reached in and placed several sets of keys on the kitchen counter and left. I cocked an eyebrow at Azza.

"Your horse has been delivered, along with Lucifer's Porsche, Laz's Cobra, and my Bugatti."

"You have a Bugatti?" I murmured, slipping away into sleep as we spoke.

He chuckled. "I do now."

Charles stood. "I should go. I will keep a better eye on her from now on. I apologize again."

I forced my eyes open. "I need someone to take her place, Charles," I stated. "You up for the job?"

He froze in place. "Are—Are you promoting me?"

"I am if you want the job. It will make you a target for whatever she might concoct, I imagine."

He beamed. "Yes, but I will have her powers and access, making me hard to target. I accept."

I held out a heavy hand to him, palm up. The gesture was becoming second nature. He smiled, took it, and turned it for an actual handshake.

"Good. Now, I want food, a bath, and sleep, in that order. You're welcome to join us for food."

"Well, I do owe you breakfast. I can cook decently. Why not let me do that while you take your bath?"

"Excellent idea," I reached for Laz. "I'm assuming you'll stay?"

He nodded. "For food, at least. You need time with Lucifer and Azza, darlin'."

I smiled and relaxed further into Lucifer's embrace. He squeezed me tighter.

Azza reached out and touched my leg tentatively. "I'm so sorry, Olivia."

I took his hand and squeezed. "I know, Azza. You didn't mean to cause all this just by trying to be nice."

Laz tapped Charles on the arm and gestured toward the kitchen. They drifted away to take inventory of what we had to offer.

"Do you see now, Azza, that there need to be boundaries with Nyx?" Lucifer said, running a hand through his curls.

Azza leaned into the touch. "Yes. I should have done this long ago. But..."

"I understand, Azza," Lucifer said. "You loved her. That is a powerful thing."

Azza nodded. I felt his touch become firmer. "I thought I loved her. But now I know she never felt like home. Not like this with the two of you."

"No, there hasn't ever been anything like this for either of us, has there?"

He looked at Lucifer. "No. I thought there was once, but now I understand."

I knew something passed between the two of them, but I was too exhausted to pursue it. "Can I have a bath? Or a shower?" I asked quietly.

"I know you are tired, love," Lucifer began. "But, if you can stand for a shower, we can both be with you."

I sighed, more calm and content than moments ago. "I'd like that. Besides, you can carry me."

His laughter rumbled deep in his chest. "Yes, love, we can." He stood effortlessly with me in his arms and carried me to the bedroom, Azza trailing behind.

"Food in thirty minutes!" Laz called from the kitchen.

From the sensual way my Fallen Angels washed me, I could tell they wanted more, but weariness descended on me like a weighted blanket. I wondered if I'd stay awake for whatever deliciousness Laz and Charles were cooking that smelled so wonderful.

At last, in sleep attire, I padded slowly to the kitchen, following my nose. The two makeshift chefs began plating a red curry dish for us, and Lucifer set the table with a snap. True to my prediction, I was almost falling asleep by the end of the meal.

"Olivia? Can I take you to bed and spend a few minutes?" Laz asked. "If that's okay?" He looked to Lucifer and Azza.

"Yes, Lazarus. That will be fine. Azza can carry her."

Laz helped me stand until my big Fallen Angel scooped me up and placed me on the bed. I moved over, making room for Laz, who laid his head on the pillow next to me. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. "This was not how I envisioned your trainin' to go, Death." He reached out and ran the back of his hand down my cheek.

"I know, Laz. I don't blame you or Charles." My eyelids were heavy.

"I know. Now, sleep. I will stay with you until you do. Then I'll concede the night to your loves."

It slipped out as I drifted off. Even though I said it in such a state, I meant it. "I love you, Laz."

I heard his intake of breath. He ran his hand down my cheek again. "I love you, too, Death." He kissed me lightly, and I slept.

It wasn't for long, however. I woke to Azza lifting me from the bed again.

"Where are we going?" I slurred.

"Olivia, love," Lucifer said. "You need sleep and recovery. We're going to Hell where I can control the flow of time. We will sleep there and then come home."

The concept fascinated me, but not enough to keep me awake. All I knew, when I settled, was the firmness of the bed and the softness of the comforter that made me sigh in contentment. They put me between them, and Lucifer wrapped us up.

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