Chapter 39: Death, Entertaining

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I ignored the compulsion's pull to join Erebus and his morning choice of partner. Instead, I headed into the bathroom, where I stripped and turned on the shower. Tears welled up in my eyes before I was able to get into the water, but I was, blessedly, left alone. I tried to ignore how the world swam and began washing, but waves of loneliness and homesickness broke over me. I wrapped my arms around myself under the spray and cried as quietly as I could manage.

I didn't let it go on for long, afraid that Erebus would walk in at any time. I clamped down on my emotions as I scrubbed my face. I rewashed my hair just to give myself time to tuck away the hurting pieces. By the time I had finished, I had hardened myself again and felt ready for the battles of the day.

Wanting to feel some sort of connection, I put on the outfit Lucifer had provided me again. I followed the smell of coffee out to the patio. The sun was coming up, and it promised to be a hot day, but the breakfast area was still in the shade and maintained the cooler temperature of the night. I waved away the woman who wanted to serve me so I could fix my own coffee and fill up a plate of food.

"What shall we do this morning?" Erebus asked as he accepted his breakfast from one of the men. He wore loose-fitting white linen clothing. The look was good on him.

"My schedule just filled up with High Priests and Priestesses," I said and explained the deal.

He sighed. "Well, it seems that Azza's plan didn't work as well as he had hoped. Still, having to satisfy eight is better than a hundred, is it not?"

I grimaced. "I guess that's one way to look at it, yes." I stared down at my coffee as I swirled the last of it in the cup. I wanted to send energy to Lucifer, to share my love with him, but I wasn't sure if Erebus was enough of an ally to ask for help. I was grateful that he brought up the issue before I did.

"Have you been in contact with Lucifer at all?"

"He was at the collection. Other than that, no."

"That's a shame." He stood and then held his hand out. "There might be time to send him a special note only you can send, yes?"

My head snapped up, and I stared at him, eyes wide. He had offered precisely what I wanted.

I quickly put my hand in his, and he pulled me to him from my chair. "Give in to the compulsion, and it will go much faster. We must be quick."

I nodded and looked into Erebus' eyes, allowing myself to get caught in their dark pools. He lifted my chin and brushed his lips against mine. I moaned and pushed my body against him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He buried a hand in my hair and kissed me, leading me to imagine what he wanted to do by showing me with his tongue. He roughly hiked up the hem of my dress and pulled my panties out of the way. I pulled on the elastic of his flowing pants, pulling them down and over his erection.

"Hang on to me," he ordered as he scooped me up by my ass and, on one fluid motion, settled me onto him, sliding through my wetness to sheath himself to the hilt.

I cried out and used my legs to grind down on him.

"Tell me you want me, Death."

"Erebus. Please. I want you. I want to come for you," I panted. I was shocked by the softness of his next words.

"Yes, come for me. But die for him."

As soon as he ordered me to come, my energy swirled up into a crescendo before I crashed over. I cried out, "Lucifer! I love you!"

Olivia... I love you... be careful. I heard in return just before I left the world.

I came to in Erebus' arms, held tight against him, one hand on the back of my head to keep my head from flopping over.

"Ah, yes." He breathed in the scent of my hair. "I could fuck you for an eternity, and I don't think that will ever get old. Now, kiss me. You will share with me, too."

I wanted to resist but felt the compulsion rise again, and we repeated the scene until I called his name as I died.

I came to being lowered to the patio by two of the men while Erebus staggered and fell into his seat heavily. For once, he was speechless.

I was content to lay on the cement for a moment to reorient myself to the world. Just as I sat up, I heard the portal inside the suit. My stomach flipped with anticipation. Erebus stood and helped me up, and I smoothed my dress and settled my curls before turning around.

Nyx stood in the doorway with Maximillian and a squat man who had disconcerting beady eyes. He looked at me with hunger and awe. I didn't want him to touch me, but I could tell that Nyx had other ideas. Azza stood behind them, stoic, but I felt a lick of his energy in me, a small sign that he cared for me.

"Well, Death, I will allow you to choose where you'd like to set up for your... sessions," Nyx smirked.

"Sessions? You make it sound as if they will be long. With Azza's help, it will be done in a matter of minutes."

Nyx threw her head back and laughed. "Oh, you are entertaining. No, you will have sex with each."

"That wasn't the deal."

"The deal, Olivia," she said, deliberately not using my title, "was energy to eight of my choice for getting to see Lazarus. I am choosing how that energy is to be delivered."

I scowled and bargained. "I want something in return for the new rules."

She sighed. "Fine. What do you want?"

"I want to spend time with Lucifer before the party this evening. I want him to dress me again." I didn't think she'd agree, but she contemplated my request.

"You may have two hours, and he may dress you. But, no contact. I will send Maximillian to act as chaperone."

It was the best trade I was going to get. "Deal. We will use the guest room. And I want the sex cleaned up between each person."

She scoffed at my request. "You can pretend to be prim and proper, but you'll never be anything but a slut."

Maximillian giggled. I felt Erebus stiffen beside and Azza's hand clenched into a fist momentarily. Nyx was gaining herself many enemies. This was to my benefit.

I gave her a wry smile. "I might be, but I still outrank you, don't I?"

Her face reddened, and she pivoted, pushing Azza out of her way as she clipped on her heels back into the suite. He looked at me a moment longer than necessary, his gaze unseen by Maximillian or the man, before turning to follow and fawn over her. I looked away when he took her into his arms and kissed her tenderly.

Erebus's hand touched my arm gently. "Nyx will want me to go. I will take them with me," he said, indicating the woman and men he'd brought to our bed, "and I will return when your duty is complete. Azza will inform me."

I nodded as he created a portal. The five of them passed through it quickly into another bedroom suite, one that I assumed was his.

The unnerving man in the doorway still stared at me with open lust. I took a deep breath and walked to him. "Are you ready?"

He swallowed and nodded. "Are you really Death Incarnate?"

I grabbed his wrist and tugged on his soul. "I am. I am also the Devil's Consort. Misbehave, and I will tear your soul from your body and gladly hand it over to him. He has no love for Nyx or her followers, I can assure you. Do you understand?"

He nodded furiously.

I dropped his wrist and proceeded through the door. As I walked to the guest room, I saw Azza wave his hand and turn down the bed. Whether or not he meant it as a kind gesture, I saw it as one.

Nyx was settling into the chair Azza had provided her when I entered the room. Apparently, I was to be the day's entertainment. I turned to the Priest and held out my hand to him. He came to me, fear still on his face, but if the bulge I saw in his pants was any indication, it seemed that he got off on fear.

I pulled him close. "What's your name?"

"Xavier," he croaked before clearing his throat and adding, "Ma'am."

"Well, Xavier, the way this works is that I need to orgasm to be able to send you energy. Think you can get me off?"

He nodded. "If—if you tell me what to do."

"You want to be ordered to do what I want?"

"Yes... Ma'am."

Let's hope he takes direction well. "Get undressed."

He stripped eagerly, then stood, awkward, in front of me, waiting.

I hooked my finger at him. "Come here and undress me. I don't want to mess up my dress."

He removed my clothing reverently, handing the items to Maximillian for care. I climbed on the bed and beckoned for him to join me. "I want you to use your tongue and your fingers. Can you do that?"

He smiled and kissed his way up my legs, slowly spreading them with his body until he settled between them. He began to work me, and I tried to ignore the fact I was on display. But, after several minutes, I could tell it was going to be an issue for me.

Azza must have noticed, too, because I felt just enough of his power fill me to get things going. Xavier was quite good at what he was doing and, once I didn't care about being watched, I was soon getting close.

I motioned for Xavier. "Come up here if you want to be inside me when this happens."

"I am content where I am, Ma'am."

I nodded and lost myself to the pleasure Azza was swirling around in me. His contribution to the act, even if minimal, and the surprising dexterity of Xavier's tongue and fingers pushed me over the edge. I gathered up the energy and cried out the Priest's name, again feeding him most of what I had, but not all.

He writhed between my legs as I pretended to be dead. When I 'returned,' he looked at me with new reverence in his eyes. I knew, at that moment, I could easily convert him, pulling him away from Nyx if I wanted him.

Nyx must have seen the exact look I did. "Get up, Xavier! You're done. Get dressed and send in Serena."

He paused long enough to take my hand and kiss it before he jumped to do her bidding.

As gracefully as I could, I scooted out of the bed. "Azza? Sheets, please?"

As Azza took away the traces of my time with Xavier, I watched my next partner cross the room. She was a beautiful woman with ebony skin. Her eyes were not on me, however, but on Nyx. She knelt at her Goddess' feet and kissed her hand.

"Ah, Serena. You have always been one of my favorites."

Serena bowed over Nyx's hand. "Thank you, Nyx. I am here to serve you as you see fit."

"I am here to reward your dedication. To receive it, you must have sex with this woman."

"As you wish, Mother," Serena said, inclining her head. "I will do my best. I am not a lover of women."

"Hmm. Yes, there is that. Azza, be a dear and make this easy for Serena. This is supposed to be a reward, not a punishment."

I went to my knees with the force of Azza building in me. He gave me no time to ready myself, and I barely remembered to shout Serena's name as I crashed over. It was easier to fake my death, however, because it was fast and rough. When I pretended to revive, it wasn't acting to lay on the floor and recover.

Serena was clinging to Nyx's hand, crying in great sobs. "Thank you, Mother," she repeated between great gulps of air. Nyx looked particularly pleased with herself but eventually handed the dark woman off to Maximillian.

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