Chapter 4: Consequences

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We heard a rumble of thunder, an unexpected event given the brightness of the cloudless, moonlit night sky.

"Shit," Laz cursed. "I knew it'd piss Him off."

"You haven't talked to Him about it?" Azza was incredulous.

Lucifer rubbed his face again. I'd seen him angry, his wings unfurled and face fierce. I'd seen him vulnerable and crying, too. But I'd never seen him... worried and anxious.

Laz grimaced. "I've been afraid to. So, I wanted to talk to my friends first. You two are the closest I have."

"Well, that says something, does it not? A creature of His' best friends are two He cast out." Lucifer chuckled at the irony, sipping his bourbon.

Azza poured another shot and downed it quickly.

"I don't understand," I complained. "I mean, I get this is a big deal, but why are you so upset about it?"

My Fallen Angels looked at Laz. It was his story to tell.

"I have to find my own replacement. Only, it has to be someone who doesn't exist, at least accordin' to my records. So, not only am I already lookin' for a needle in a haystack, so to speak, I'm lookin' for someone I can't easily identify."

I cocked my head. "Can't you just, I don't know, check people off according to the list you do have and then see who's left over?"

The three of them stared at me. I tried not to squirm under the intensity of their gazes. I was rescued from the discomfort when Laz roared, a deep belly laugh filling the apartment. I wasn't sure if this was a good or bad reaction.

"That's brilliant, Olivia!" he exclaimed. "I can start the process usin' my people on the off chance they'll find somethin'." He thought for a moment. "Hmm. With the birth rate outstrippin' the death rate, it is likely to take a very long time, though."

"Time we do not have," Lucifer stated.

I scowled. "Why not?

"Now that Lazarus has declared his intent, he has six months to find his replacement."

"And if he doesn't find someone? What happens then?" I remembered I had a glass of hell-wine in my hand and sipped.

Lucifer rubbed his face. "Then, Olivia, the office of Death ceases to exist, and the collection of souls no longer functions."

I blinked at him, taking in the implications. "Wow. Umm... just... wow." I gulped my beverage.

Laz exhaled and massaged his forehead. "I should have started lookin' long ago. But, I didn't want to retire until recently."

Azza banged his shot glass down again, brow wrinkled. "You shouldn't have said anything, Laz! You know what kind of unbalance this is going to cause!"

Laz pushed out of his chair and began pacing. "I know, Azza! Better than anyone!"

I turned to Lucifer. "Can't you and God help?"

He sighed. "Hell cannot. Death is a creature of God still and thus out of my influence in this matter. As for Him, He is the one who declared the six-month law. So, He cannot, or will not, help either. Death is on his own."

"There is no one?" I once again found myself looking from Death to Lucifer to Azza, each forlorn, frustrated, and angry in turn.

Death paced, drink forgotten on the side table, hands thrust into his pockets. "Hell can't help. Heaven can't help. My office will likely take too long. That only leaves the ones I bring over."

"Which is not an option," Lucifer stated.

"Why not?" I asked.

Laz paused and talked to me, "They need to be able to move between the realms. Humans can't do it without dying. Going through a portal I create in effect kills them."

"I know, I've taken advantage of that fact with my own portals."

"You have?" he glanced at Lucifer.

My love inclined his head. "I gifted her with fire-snap travel to my outer office."

I thought Laz's jaw would hit the floor. "You've... you've given her access to Hell?"

Lucifer raised a finger. "Only my outer office."

"Still... a human with access? That's pretty risky, Lucifer."

"I trust her." He squeezed me tighter.

Laz snorted. "Obviously."

"But," Azza began, thoughtful, "it does show that giving a human special powers isn't necessarily breaking the rules. Not if limitations are in place; we're still following the guidelines." He inclined his head toward me. "Olivia still can't just walk into Hell proper."

"Yes," Laz agreed, retaking his seat, leaning forward to put elbows on knees. "I can see where it could work."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I asked the obvious. "What are you going to do?"

He watched some unknown spot on the floor for several moments. He finally admitted, "I don't know." He gave a long grunt of frustration and pushed off the seat, absentmindedly adjusting his leather pants as he did. "I need to go for a ride. Clear my head a little."

Lucifer untangled himself from me and stood, Azza not far behind. I did, too, just to not be rude.

Death held his hand out to each of my Fallen Angels, and they shook. I resisted admitting I was disappointed he only inclined his head to me. "It was nice to meet you, Oliva. I look forward to knowing more about your story."

"It was nice to meet you, too, Laz. I look forward to getting to know you, too."

Lucifer put a hand on his shoulder as he turned to go. "I will show you out."

"Will he be back for dinner, Azza?" I went to the bar to pour myself another glass of hell-wine.

Azza headed toward the kitchen. "Probably not."

I followed him as the apartment door shut. Lucifer joined us, sharing a long glance with Azza. The energy of the space shifted and, as Azza knelt to him, I realized I was no longer watching the relationship between lovers, but one between a Liege Lord and his loyal vassal.

"Sovereignty before authority, Lucifer," Azza whispered as he lowered his head. "Always."

Lucifer reached out a hand and touched his shoulder lightly. "I appreciate the sentiment, Azza."

Azza gazed up at him. More than love lit his face. It held... adoration and devotion. He took Lucifer's hand into his own. I noticed a ring I'd never seen before on Lucifer's middle finger, one that Azza bent his head to kiss, then held to his forehead.

"For as long as I am able, Azza," was Lucifer's response.

Azza gently dropped his hand. "That's all I ask."

I wanted to know what it all meant, but the situation's solemness prevented me from asking or even moving. I only watched. However, the world around us was not so reverent; the doorbell rang, startling me and breaking the magic.

"Sounds like dinner is here," Lucifer announced, the moment broken and gone.

"Good. I'm starving!" Azza declared as he rose and left to fetch the food.

Lucifer followed him with his eyes before turning to me. He held out his arms, and I went gladly, wrapping mine around his waist as I buried my head against his chest. He hugged me close.

I could sense him on the verge of tears, the kind which, once started, would be very hard to stop. I did the only thing I thought to do; I made a joke.

"I hope you don't expect me to kneel, too," I said, pulling back to give him a wan smile.

His eyes widened. "Never, Olivia." He clasped me to him again. "Never do I expect you to swear an oath to me in that way."

"What did I just see between you and Azza, Lucifer?"

Azza came around the corner carrying a box of food. "You saw me pledge my service and loyalty to Lucifer, Olivia. Before there was anything else between us, there was that bond. And there will always be that bond."

"Let us hope it will not be short-lived." Lucifer sighed, and the two of them began to unpack dinner.

I reached for the plates, preparing to set the table. "I still don't understand."

Azza cleared his throat. "If Death cannot find a replacement, and the office ceases to function, Lucifer cannot remain as the ruler of Hell," he explained quietly.

I fumbled the dishes, but Lucifer's faster-than-human reflexes saved them. "Why?" I needed to know. I set the fragile armload down gently as I waited for the answer.

"If there aren't any people dying, then there's no reason to make deals because souls can't be harvested. No one dies, and so no soul contract can be honored. No contracts, no Devil," Azza explained.

Lucifer's silence was unnerving. I put my hand on his arm. "What happens to you then, Lucifer?"

He swallowed. "Then, He reclaims me. With no ability to rule, I cannot fulfill our soul deal of taking care of Hell on his behalf in exchange for my sovereignty. Thus, He wins my soul and collects. I go back to heaven. Forever."

I stared at him. "He'd torment you for..."

"Eternity, likely," he filled in, closing his eyes. "I am His greatest failure."

I thought occurred to me, "And what happens to us? To me?"

He leaned forward on the kitchen island and hung his head, unable to speak. Azza answered for him.

"It's unclear, Olivia, but I suspect He would find a caretaker for those who are already in Hell, then send you there."

My eyes narrowed. "To keep us separated. Forever."

Lucifer banged a fist on the counter, rattling the dishes and food. He whirled as he snapped a portal and stepped into his inner office in Hell, where I couldn't follow. As it closed, I raised my hand to snap my own, intent on doing something, but Azza grabbed my wrist.

"Leave him for now, Olivia. He'll be back. He just needs some time."

"But..." I protested.

Azza drew me to him, holding me as firmly as Lucifer had moments before. "There's nothing you can do, Olivia. Now, come on. Let's eat."

We ate mechanically, exchanging simple conversation about mostly inconsequential things. We were putting away the dishes after cleaning up when Deirdre, Mrs. Hamilton, and Uzza arrived.

As I chatted with my daughter and her tutor, Azza took Uzza to the side and spoke to him in hushed tones. I watched as Uzza paled, nodded, then stepped through the portal he created using the hallway walls as a frame. I lifted an eyebrow at Azza over Deirdre's head before I went back to studying the drawings she'd started at the aquarium.

Azza approached us. "Mrs. Hamilton, I will be taking you home tonight by portal, if you don't mind. Uzza had an errand to run."

"Oh?" she said, looking up from helping my daughter choose several drawings in a select portfolio to take with her on the Art Walk the following night. "Yes, of course, that is fine. We just need to grab my things from the car." The two of them worked everything out, and soon, Azza took her home.

Shortly after, Deirdre decided to go to bed; the trip's excitement was wearing off, leaving her tired and sleepy. I kissed her goodnight and, once her door was shut, found myself alone with Azza again.

"Where did Uzza go?"

"I sent him to check on Lucifer."

We saw Uzza's portal open, coming from the green gardens which belonged to Lucifer's sister, Lilith. He shook his head at Azza.

"I couldn't find him. I looked in all the usual places," Uzza said to his brother.

Azza pinched the bridge of his nose as Uzza made his exit for the evening.

I put a hand on his arm. "What does that mean?"

"It means he is either hiding, which isn't likely, or he's gone to the one place neither Uzza nor I can follow."

I gasped, and clasped Azza harder. "He's in Heaven?"

"It would appear so."

"But, he hates it there!" I exclaimed.

"I know, Olivia. I know."

We heard another peel of thunder, and my stomach rolled. Azza sighed.

"Come on," he said, loosening my grip to take my hand. "Let's go sit outside and drink."

I rather liked his suggestion.

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