Chapter 9: The Search Begins

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"Olivia," Laz said with relief, "I'm glad you called. I have news, darlin'! My office has been workin' on findin' someone by process of elimination, as you suggested. We found a man in Bangladesh who isn't on the list!"

My heart skipped a beat. "We have to go and visit him!"

"Agreed. Only, I need your help. I would presume you can portal between Lucifer's outer office and your home, but can you go to other places?"

"Yes, if I have an image of the place."

"Hmm. I think I can make that happen. I have limited compulsion skills and can give and erase memories. I can provide you the location you need. So we can take him."

"Take him?"

"He... must die to be allowed to be Death."

"We're going to kill him?" I squeaked.

Lazarus was quiet for a minute or so. "I suppose you can look at it that way, Olivia. But, you should know from experience death is only a transition. Unless the person is truly an atheist, in which case, they simply dissolve away when we take them."

I had so many questions. "What if we're taking him before his time?"

Laz began to sound impatient. "He has no record, hon. His death will change nothin' of significance in the world."

I considered the options. It came down to either this man or Deirdre. Panic threatened to rise at the thought of my daughter dying again. I swallowed it down, souring my stomach but managing to control it.

"Okay. Let's go see him."

"I will send you a picture of where to open a portal to come and get me."

"Yes. I will be there in a few moments." I hung up and waited for the image to arrive. When it did, I snapped a portal to Hell, stepping into a well-appointed, richly-colored office, the walls lined with books, the floor covered in red carpet, all surrounded by warm cherry accents. I stepped through into the empty room.

I studied the picture on my phone, then concentrated on opening a portal facing the area. When it opened, Death stepped into view. I held out my hand to him, and he took it, allowing me to bring him through. I was puzzled by the lack of body left behind.

"I am technically already dead, Olivia," he explained, sensing my question.

"Right. Okay. Where are we going?"

"May I touch you?" he asked. I appreciated the chance to give consent.


He took my hands. "Look into my eyes," he instructed.

My heart skipped a beat at his touch. If he knew I reacted, he didn't show it. I gazed into his eyes long enough for it to become uncomfortable, and I reddened.

He squeezed my hands. "Just a little longer. You have to stop fightin' me."

I cleared my throat and thought about opening to him. As I did, I imagined a flower blooming. When it was at its peak, an image of a small room, sparsely furnished, formed.

I closed my eyes and gently pulled a hand from Laz's grip. Holding the room in my memory, I snapped. A portal opened, and we found a man sitting on the edge of the bed preparing to sleep.

We stepped through, and the man gasped.

A prickling ran along my skin, and Death spoke in a foreign language, holding his hand out to the man.

With wide eyes, and under the spell Laz wove, the man took Death's hand. His body lay on the bed, and his soul separated, pulled to us as we stepped back through the portal.

The man ignored the office, enthralled by Laz. Laz spoke with him again at length. The man's jaw slowly fell open, then snapped shut. He vigorously bobbed his head in an odd way. I couldn't tell if he had accepted or not.

"He has said no," Laz stated.

My heart sank. I realized I had been harboring a great deal of hope. My eyes misted over, but I blinked the tears away.

Laz dropped the man's hands, and he reached for his phone, texting someone. I was momentarily fascinated by the fact that cell phones worked in Hell.

Another man in a long, white, calf-length shirt with matching flowing pants, wearing a white turban, and sporting a dark beard appeared from a portal. Death turned the newly taken man toward the man in white. A look of joy covered the man's face, and he took the hand offered to him. They crossed through the portal into a heavy mist.

When it closed, Death sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Well, where there is one, there are others," he said, resolute.

"Are there?"

"Yes. I think. I hope." He exhaled heavily again. "Okay, take me home."

I snapped the portal back to where I'd found him. Before I could leave, Death asked, "Would you like to have lunch? We're going to be working together. It would be nice to get to know you a little."

My stomach had butterflies as the portal closed, leaving me alone with him. "Umm..." I stared at the floor. "Can you turn down the charm?" I asked and concentrated on not blushing. I was mostly successful.

He chuckled. "No, I'm afraid this is as good as it gets."

I cleared my throat. "I don't think it's a good idea then." I glanced at him. "I'm sorry."

"You're attracted to me and feel guilty about it," he voiced, addressing the unspoken issue head-on. "Why, darlin'?"

My eyebrows shot up. "Why? Because I want to be faithful to my triad. That's why."

He stepped closer ever so slightly. "And if they didn't view it that way?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Lucifer and Azza have different views about love and sex than you do. They are open to sharin'."

I was taken aback. "They are?" I blinked.

"Yes. We talked about it."

"You did?"

He grinned. "They know, though, if they indulged outside of the relationship, it would devastate you. They don't intend to pursue that route. Both seem quite happy with the arrangement."

I scowled, immediately jealous at the thought.

He stepped closer, moving inside my personal space but not touching me. "Have lunch with me," he implored softly.

I shook my head. "I—I can't, Lazarus. I just can't. I'm not wired that way."

"Okay. If you change your mind, darlin', you know where to find me."

I ached for him to touch me, but I kept it in check. Instead, I snapped the portal open again and fled.

Lilith was sitting at the desk in the outer office. She stopped shuffling paperwork when she glanced up at me. Something about my demeanor gave her pause.

"What's wrong, Olivia?" she asked, concerned.

"Death just invited me to stay for lunch."

"Is that all?" She relaxed.

"He made it clear he's attracted to me."

A sly grin spread on her face. "Oh? Now, that's interesting. Do tell!"

"There's nothing to tell. He says he discussed it with Lucifer and Azza, and they're good with it, but I'm not sure I am."

"I see." She stood and moved to one of the Queen Anne chairs beside the unlit fireplace, gesturing to the other one to me. I joined her as she continued. "He's likely right."

"How? How can they be? If the tables were turned, I'd be so jealous!"

"They probably know that, too."

"Death said as much."

"Do you want him?"

I rolled my eyes. "Who doesn't?"

"Fair point," she smirked. "But some are more affected than others. You seem... quite enamored by him."

I slumped. "Is it so obvious?"

"'Fraid so."

"What should I do?"

"Talk with your Fallen Angels. Hear for yourself that they would approve."

I nodded. "I think that is a wise plan." I stood and snapped a portal. "Thank you, Lilith."

"Any time," she assured me. "Oh, by the way, we're not allowed to help, but I," she paused, searching for the right words, "remind you that you have a few tools which might be of use to you."

I wracked my brain for what she might mean. The only tools I had were fire-snap travel and... "The scrying mirror!" I exclaimed.

She merely smiled.

Grinning, I stepped through to the apartment and headed immediately to my office. There, on a side table, I found the black, silver-framed mirror. There was an identical miniature in a box next to it which functioned as a pendant. I slipped its chain over my head and made my way to the living room. There, I settled into one of the overstuffed chairs and held up the mirror.

Usually, I had to have a vision of the person I wanted to watch. I didn't have that this time, and I didn't know if scrying would work. I attempted to let all my thoughts melt away except for the one concentrating on finding Death's replacement.

The mirror clouded with a mist which slowly became semi-transparent. Through it, I could just make out a throng of people walking along a city sidewalk. I could tell most were of Asian descent, but that didn't narrow anything down. As I watched, the mist dissipated even more, and I could see more of the location.

There were too many people there for me to snap a portal to go and investigate for myself. I had no recourse but to observe through the mirror. I panned the view around, trying to find any clue to tell me what city I was looking at, but it was all foreign to me, even the language. But it might not be to him! I texted Death.


Me: Hey, could you look around in a foreign city and pinpoint a location?

Lazarus: Possibly. Why?

Me: Can I come back over? I want to show you something.

Lazarus: You are always welcome here.


I portaled to Hell and flashed the pendant to Lilith. She gave me a smile and a nod. I snapped a second portal to Death's and stepped through.

This time, I took a few moments to look around. I was walking into a corner of an enormous space. Except for the bathroom, the converted warehouse loft was completely open. His tastes leaned toward the modern: black leather couch, red accent chairs, glass and chrome or black lacquered furniture, abstract art on the walls. The kitchen sported stone countertops and stainless steel appliances. Everything was neat and tidy. He, or a housekeeper, had even made the bed.

"This is a stunning space, Laz," I complimented as I looked around.

"Thank you. Come on in; you don't have to stay in the corner, sweetheart."

I followed him to the couch and tucked myself into one of the chairs. "Where are we?"

"Atlanta. I work here, remember?"

"How did you get home if you can't portal?"

"I'm also a pilot. It's a fairly short flight." He shifted, throwing an arm along the back of the couch. "So, what did you want to show me?"

I pulled the mirror out of my shirt as he lifted an eyebrow and smirk. "That's an interestin' place for a necklace. What is it?"

"It's a scrying mirror. I can look into it and see a person I want to track."

"Really? How interestin'. Can I see it?"

I slipped it off and handed it to him, my hand tingling when we touched. He looked at it, turning it over and studying it from every direction. "How does it work?"

"Let me show you." I moved to sit beside him, very aware of how close we were. I shoved my attraction aside and concentrated on the location I'd seen before. The mist in the mirror cleared, showing the street scene. I held it up so he could see, too. "Do you recognize this city?"

"Can you look around?"

"Yeah." I turned the view around inside the mirror.

"No, don't look at the people. Look at the buildings. Each city has a unique skyline, sort of like a fingerprint."

I did as he asked.

"Stop! There! That buildin' is the Lotte World Tower. It's Seoul! This is brilliant, Olivia!"

He was so excited, he grabbed me and gave me a quick kiss.

I froze. It registered somewhere that I should pull away, but I couldn't. My breath quickened, and my heart pounded.

He had pulled back but hadn't let go.


I wanted him, craved him. But I loved others. "I can't, Laz. I just can't."

He let go.

I snapped a portal, and, for the second time that day, I bolted.

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