Back Story

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Enya's POV
"Alright," She agreed with him knowing that it would do him good to sit up. It meant that he was recovering from his ordeal. She had noticed that he had turned is back from the fire knowing that the smoke was probably making him uncomfortable. "If your hungry or thirsty just let me know food is easy for me to attain." Her voice was almost a purr. As the beast inside of her was content with its surroundings and the progress that he was making already. Satisfied that the threat of the pack was now gone and they had nothing to worry about. Other than rogues which she would quickly dispatch.

Crow's POV
Crow gave a nod at her offer, though he noticed a lot of the grit had left her voice. Maybe Enya was becoming more at ease with him? Or maybe she just pitied him enough. All she had done was more than he could have asked. If she had just left her to lie there in peace, it would have been enough. Instead she had gone well beyond that. "I look pretty terrible, don't I?" He asked. "I feel like I would be the kind to give children nightmares." Crow wanted to reach up and touch his face, but he didn't dare try. "What..... what do you look like?" He couldn't help but ask.

Enya's POV
"Crow you don't look like a nightmare. Yes you look injured but you are already healing. You will probably be able to open your eyes in a day or two. She reassured him. She wasn't sure how to explain her looks as she had never seen herself in the mirror. "To be honest I can't really tell you how I look. I don't know colors or anything like that and I've never seen myself." She explains guilty knowing that she was completely illiterate when it came to basic things.

Crow's POV
The thought of being able to open his eyes again was a relief. He knew it hadn't damaged his eyes, but he didn't know how long the swelling would last. It was her admittance of lacking knowledge that confused Crow. She had seemed quite knowledgable to him. Having helped him, and was able to make the medicine for his face. "You've never seen your reflection in a still pond?" He couldn't help but say, although he gave a shake of his head. Enya didn't have to answer that. "I've travelled quite a distance in this world. I could give you knowledge, if you'd like, as payment for your kindness." Crow offered. Even after he could see, it would take his body a bit to recover. If she was willing to help him, maybe it was something he could help her with in return.

Enya's POV
"No all I have in my territory is a river so I've never seen my reflection." She explains to him. "My only existence has been nothing but survival. My mom didn't see the need to teach me stuff like colors and numbers when our whole life was nothing but survival." She explains further. "If you wish to explain a few things to me that would be great. I will gladly take knowledge for payment. But to let you know your company right now is payment enough."

Crow's POV
Her explanation gave him some insight on why things were the way they were, and he gave a small nod of understanding as she spoke. But as she said his company was enough, Crow couldn't help but pause. No one had ever thought his company was worth anything aside from being a burden. "I'm sure you'll change your mind." He murmured, his head dipping down some as if he were looking to the ground. "I'll be happy to teach you whatever you'd like to know. Knowledge is power, after all."

Enya's POV
"Thank you Crow and your right knowledge is power." She agreed though she didn't agree with his other statement. "Crow, you have no idea how much I'm enjoying this company. It feels good to talk to someone other than killing them. I've personally killed hundreds of rogues. It's really nice to have someone to talk too." She mumbled softly. Truthfully she was tired of killing rogues. But she would still defend herself.

Crow's POV
Hundreds? Was she some sort of mercenary or something? The nagging feeling in the back of his mind continued to tug at a memory he couldn't place. She was something *different*. Something *special* and it annoyed him that he could not remember. "I should consider myself lucky. Being branded a rogue, and yet you didn't kill me too." He replied. "How long have you been here?" Crow asked. Her scent was strong, as if she had held this territory for a little while at least, but he wasn't sure.
Enya's POV
"I'm not sure it's been 9 winters since my mom died to rogues. She said that I was 12 so I guess nearly 21 years my mom and I have held this territory." She explains thoughtfully. Going into thought about it remembering the past events. "Luck had nothing to do with my actions towards you. You didn't come onto my territory and try to rape, kill or try to take what belonged to me. I don't mind sharing or helping but I will defend my self just like I did when the rogues attacked me." She explains his earlier statement.

Crow's POV
She had sounded close to his age, but it seemed she was a few years younger than him. Not that it really mattered. Crow gave another small nod at her explanation. At least she still had this place as a tie to her mother. Crow didn't even know who his parents were, or where he was born. But it wasn't a sob story he felt like sharing. He was already pathetic enough in his condition. "I look forward to seeing your home." Crow replied. "And regardless of my condition, I won't ever be a threat to you." Not that Crow was a cruel wolf, he owed her too much to ever think of being any different.

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