Last Chapter 13

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The day after all the commotion... Mei Ling sees all of us off as we depart for Japan.

Mei Ling: "I guess this is goodbye for now, Meimei."

Meimei: "Yeah..."

Mei Ling: "A lot has happened... but I think you and Soryu make a great couple."

Meimei: "Mei Ling..."

Mei Ling: "I'm really glad because I met you."

Mei Ling: "We'll always be friends, right?"

Meimei: "Of course, Mei Ling."

I soothe Mei Ling as she clings to me sadly and I hear a sigh behind us.

Eisuke: "Tch, women are such a pain..."

Meimei: "Oh hush up, Mr. King!"

Eisuke: "HEY!"

Baba: "Now, now. Let's just be patient while they say goodbye."

Meimei: "Well sorry for making you wait for so long! Geez..."

I says as I pout after I give Mei Ling another tight hug when I walk over to where the guys are waiting.

(A lot of happened, but at least everything's settled now.)

(But I'm glad Soryu's safe...)

Ota: "Huh? Aren't you going home, Soryu?"

Meimei: "What?"

As I realize that Soryu's still standing next to Mei Ling.

Meimei: "Soryu? You're coming home, right?"

Soryu: "...No."

He shakes his head and he choose his next words carefully.

Soryu: "I have to report back to the boss about everything that's happened."

Soryu: "So..."

Meimei: "So you have to stay in Hong Kong?"

Soryu: "Yeah."

(So we won't be able to go home together...)

Soryu: "Don't make that face."

Meimei: "I know... I'm sorry, but it's not like you're never coming home, but..."

(I'm being too demanding, but I don't want to be apart at all.)

(But I can't say that about though... it'll just cause trouble for him.)

Soryu: "...I'll go straight to you the minute when I get home, Isabel."

Soryu: "I promise I'll come home. So wait for me."

Meimei: "!? I-I will!"

(I can't believe he's smiling at me like that..!)

Ota: "Ooh, it's getting steamy in here!"

Baba: "I can't believe I'm hearing those words out of Sor's mouth!"

Eisuke: "People change."

Everyone teases Soryu after hearing what he said to me.

Soryu: "..."

Meimei: "No Soryu! Put your gun away!"

Soryu: "...I wouldn't take it out in public."

Meimei: "Oh... I guess so."

(But I don't want to be apart for even a second, but I guess it can't be helped...)

Meimei: "But... I'll be waiting for you."

Soryu: "Yeah."

Mei Ling: "Take care, everyone! I'll come visit soon!"

Meimei: "You too, Mei Ling!"

Soryu and Mei Ling watch as we leave the airport.

Several ordinary days pass and I plug away at work as usual. But yeah, I told my ladies of Fire Dragons to get back in Japan, so Mulan and Lei Fang can stay because they're having a boyfriend.

Everyone: "Welcome to Tres Spades!"

We stand in the lobby welcoming guests as part of our hospitality training. Every time the automatic doors open as I look towards them hopefully...

(Soryu's still not coming back...)

I'm betrayed by my expectations time and time again... because I have to wait for him.


(He said he was just going to report back to his boss, but he's still not coming back.)

(But I wonder if something did happened...?)

Chisato: "Are you okay? Meimei?"

Meimei: "Huh?"

Sakiko: "Are you worried about the guy what I saw you with in the casino?"

Sakiko: "You were crying then, weren't you?"

(That right... when I thought he was going to marry Mei Ling...)

(So I saw the two of them at the casino and I couldn't bear it because I ran away.)

Meimei: "I'm fine now, don't worry about it."

Sakiko: "Really?"

Meimei: "Yeah."

(That's right. There's nothing to worry about it.)

(Because Soryu told me, he was going to come straight to me and once he gets home.)

Sakiko: "...I guess it is fine now."

Sakiko says when her gaze towards the entrance of the hotel.

Meimei: "What is it, Sakiko?"

Sakiko: "See, look."

I turn around in the direction what she points and...

Soryu: "Sorry I'm so late."

Meimei: "S... Soryu!"

The person as I've been waiting so long for is walking towards me and he looking the same as ever. Soryu responds with his warmth rather than his words.

Sakiko: "W-Wh-Wh-!?"

Chisato: "Meimei??"

(Oh my god! He's hugging me!!)

Soryu hugged me in his arms, he ignoring the cries from everyone else and whispers...

Soryu: "You came all the way to Hong Kong for me and yet I still haven't told you."

Meimei: "W-W-What did I do? And what do you mean by that?"

Soryu: "That I love you, Meimei."

Meimei: "!?"

Soryu: "...I love you."

I felt my heart are races inside of his embrace.

(O-Oh my god...)

(I'm so happy and I don't even know what to say...)

I hesitantly wrap my arms around his back and he strokes the back of my head.

(His touch takes away all the insecurity as I've felt up until now...)

Eisuke: "He's showing off, as usual."

Ota: "In front of everyone, too."

Mamoru: "Should a mobster really be drawing all of this attention to himself?"

Baba: "You got the guts to go ask him first?"

I can hear everyone teasing us, but I don't even try to let go of Soryu.

(But I...)

Meimei: "I love you too, Soryu..."

Soryu: "...I know."

He responds in a tender voice, spreading happiness throughout every inch of my body.

Meimei: "How was it?"

Soryu: "..."

I ask Soryu as he silently eats the omelette.

(Right after work, he asked me to make him one.)

(But... his face is scary as usual.)

Soryu: "...Delicious."

Meimei: "Hehe, I'm glad you like it."

(But I already know the face because he makes when something tastes good, though.)

(Still I'm not afraid of his scary face anymore.)

Meimei: "Wait, did you tell the boss because of that your wedding to Mei Ling is off?"

Soryu: "Yeah."

Meimei: "You took so long to come home and I was starting to get worried."

Meimei: "But, did everything go okay?"

Soryu: "I got scolded a little bit."

Meimei: "Scolded?"

Soryu: "He said he thought I was smarter than his."

He says with a self-deprecating smile.

Meimei: "But I don't think a marriage that won't make anyone happy is smart at all."

Soryu: "I figured you'd say that."

Soryu: "I tried to use the same argument with the boss."

Meimei: "What!? Is it really a good idea to do that??"

Soryu: "I didn't say it in those words of course, but I bet he never thought I'd talk like that."

Soryu: "He was so surprised as he had this really stupid look on his face in front of all the other guys."

Meimei: "R-Really...?"

Soryu: "I crack up every time I see his face."

(Oh yeah, Soryu doesn't get along with the boss of the Ice Dragons.)

(But I wonder what kind of person is he?)

Soryu: "I don't have to get married, I fully intend to do something myself."

Soryu: "Just like I always have."

Soryu: "Thanks, it was good."

He finishes the last bite and then empty his glass of water.

Meimei: "Do you want some more?"

Soryu: "No, that's enough."

Meimei: "But I'm happy because you liked it so much of that you ate everything."

Soryu: "Make it again sometime."

Meimei: "!?"

(My god! He said that to me before, too!)

(It's makes me so happy to be able to cook for him.)

Meimei: "I'll come make it for you, whenever you want."

Meimei: "I'll look up some different ways to cook eggs for you, too."

Soryu: "...Okay."

I starts to clear the dishes but as suddenly he grabs my hand to stop me.

Meimei: "What is it, Soryu?"

Soryu: "..."

He squeezes my wrist and he won't let me go, so I sit back down.

(What's going on? But why he's staring at me?)

(It's kind of making me nervous.)

Soryu: "I think this is what you were talking about before."

Meimei: "What I was talking about before?"

(And what was that?)

He continues, not answering me.

Soryu: "When I was in Hong Kong and they said I would be executed..."

Soryu: "The first thing that popped into my head was that I wanted to eat your omelettes one last time."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

Soryu: "And that's when I realized of that I've been longing for this."

Meimei: "So... do you really love my omelettes that much?"

Soryu: "The chef."

Meimei: "!?"

Meimei: "Wait what?"

He indirectly confesses his feelings again, it's making my heart leap.

Soryu: "These omelettes are filled with what you talked about before. A normal happiness."

Soryu: "I thought I wasn't interested in that sort of thing."

Soryu: "But even of that first bite gave me taste of that happiness."

Meimei: "Soryu?"

Soryu: "...I won't let you go anymore, Meimei. I've never felt like this before."

He turns his hot gaze on me and my pulse starts to race.

Meimei: "I-Is that true?"

Meimei: "Can my omelettes really make you happy?"

Soryu: "Yeah."

Meimei: "And even though I'm not Mei Ling... so can I make you happy?"

Soryu: "...I'm really grateful to you, Meimei."

Meimei: "Ah...!"

He pulls me by the wrist towards him and he hugs me in his arms. He tilts my chin upwards...

Meimei: "Sor- mmm..."

He interrupts me with a kiss.

(It's like I'm dreaming.)

(But this warmth is totally real.)

I don't resist and surrender myself to him, and he kiss gets gradually deeper.

Meimei: "Oh... w-wait a minute, Soryu!"

Soryu: "...What?"

Meimei: "I'm not done cleaning u-"

Soryu: "Do it later."

Meimei: "But Soryu..."

Soryu: "Just sit still."

Meimei: "Kyaaah!?"

Soryu orders and then he carries me into the bedroom.

Meimei: "W-W-Wait a minute!"

Meimei: "I-I'm not ready yet, I...!"

Soryu: "Don't run away."

He throws me down on the bed and I quickly sit up, but he grabs me by the shoulders.

Meimei: "I'm not running away..."

Soryu: "If you're good, I won't do anything bad to you."

Meimei: "But that was the first thing as you said when we met."

(But I got attacked and my life was in danger tons of times after that!)

Soryu: "You don't want to?"

Meimei: "W-What?"

Soryu: "Do you not want me to do this?"

Meimei: "Th-That's not it..."

Soryu: "Then hush."

He forces me down again and he trails his lips along my cheeks, neck and chest.

(Oh my god... my mind is going blank...)

(Soryu said he hated women... so why is he so good at this?)

I think absently when suddenly he strips off my clothes... and he caresses my entire body, it's making me even more shy.

*Lemon: Start*

Meimei: "S-Soryu... ohh... mmmm..."

Soryu: "Before I left for Hong Kong, I told you as you were free."

Soryu: "But I take that back now."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

Soryu: "Stay with me forever."

Meimei: "Ohh..."

I try to respond, but a sweet numbness takes over my body and I can't think straight.

(I want to be with him forever, too...)

I respond by nodding enthusiastically and Soryu narrow his eyes with affection. He kiss me on the lips deeper when I moans into his mouth, but he pulls away from my lips as he smirks against my lips. He goes down when he spread out of my legs.

Soryu: "You're wet. Looks like it's you're first time, Meimei."

Meimei: "S-Sory- ahh..."

I moans because he licks my pussy with his tongue deeper when I place my hands on his head I moans and gasp as suddenly he attacked my pussy lips with his tongue when I cried out as my back are arched and I moans louder, he grabs my hips with his hands to holding me close. He licks my pussy deeper with his tongue when I cried out..

Meimei: "S-Soryu... ahhh... mmm... haa... ahhh... yes..."

I moans messing and he still lick my pussy deeper when I cums in his mouth. Soryu let go my hips when he pull away from me and he licks his lips.

Soryu: "Sweet."

Meimei: "!?"

My cheeks are when he stripped himself and his cock are getting bigger like 9 inches. He position himself in front my pussy when he looked at me.

Soryu: "Tell me, if you hurt, okay?"

He says when I nodded my head, he push his tip of cock in my pussy when I cried out of pain as he continued to push inside me because the blood runs down my ass. He place his hand on my cheek when he close my face and we kisses each other.

Meimei: "Mmm..."

After the pain go away, he pull away from me when he holds my hips with his hands, then he starts to move his hips goes slowly pace and I moans softly.

Meimei: "S-Soryu... mmm... a-ahh... g-go faster.

I says as he nodded his head when he thrusting into me goes faster pace as he groping my boobs with his hands to making me moan messing. He moans sexy tone into my ear when he picks my legs up and he continues to thrusting into me harder as I scream and he grunts louder. I squeaks when I felt his tips of shaft bang into my g-spot as his harder pace.

(M-My god! This is so good!)

Meimei: "Ohhh... Soryu~"

Soryu: "Mmm... you like that, Meimei?"

Meimei: "Yes- ahhh...!"

I cried out when he groans amd I moan filled in his room as the smelling a sex are strong. I scream of pleasure when he thrusting into me as his inhuman speed pace rougher and rougher as his skin smack against my skin when he grunt louder. He pull his cock away from my pussy when he turn me around to lift my ass up in the air, he grabs my ass with his hands as suddenly he slammed his cock in my pussy harder and I cried out.

Soryu: "Uggggh...!"

He grunt louder as he thrusting into me for behind me as he hit my g-spot with each thrusting roughest and deepest as our breathing heavily when I grab the blanket sheet with my fingers and he thusting into me to slammed as his roughest pace. I scream of pleasure as his bed banging against the wall as the hot pleasure was driving me crazy.

Meimei: "S-Soryu! I'm gonna to cum!"

Soryu: "Ngh...! Me too!"

He slammed in my pussy when I cried out as cums on his cock milking and he cums filled inside me, he pull his cock away from my core when we panting and I spoke.

Meimei: "G-Geez... you're being to rough."

I says and he chuckle slightly when he lay down on the bed as we kisses each other.

Soryu: "Good night."

Meimei: "G-Good night."

We close our eyes and sleep.

*Lemon: End*

Meimei: "Mmm..."

I awaken to sunlight pouring through the gap between the curtains.

Meimei: "Where am I..."

(Oh that's right... last night, I spent the night at Soryu's house and we...)

Just thinking about last night makes me heat rise to my cheeks.

(S-Soryu and I made love...!?)

I hesitantly look up at the sleeping person beside me...

Soryu: "...Morning."

Meimei: "!?"

(Oh my god!? He's already awake!)

Meimei: "G-Good morning..."

Soryu: "Nice weather today."

He strokes my cheek with his fingers and says gently.

Meimei: "W-Were you watching me this whole time?"

Soryu: "Yeah."

Meimei: "Sheesh Soryu... I wish you would've woken me up."

Meimei: "But it's too embarrassing having you watch me while I sleep."

Soryu: "The other time, you spent the night here and you watched me sleep."

Meimei: "What the!? You knew!?"

Soryu: "Yeah, I noticed."

He nuzzles my cheek and he gives me a gentle smile.

Soryu: "Should we get up?"

Meimei: "Hm? Oh, it's almost noon!"

(But I thought the room was pretty bright...)

Soryu: "It's okay. You've got the day off, right?"

Meimei: "Yeah... but I feel like I'm doing something bad for some reason."

Soryu: "Only a little bad."

He chuckles softly and he sits up.

Soryu: "I'm hungry."

Meimei: "Should we have some breakfast? Do you like a Japanese or Western style breakfast?"

Meimei: "Oh... or Chinese?"

Soryu: "..."

He brushes back his hair and he gazes steadily at me.

Soryu: "You promised me you'd make me omelettes whenever I wanted."

Meimei: "But I did... huh!? Wait a second!?"

Meimei: "You want to eat them again?? But, aren't you going to get sick of them?"

I start to retort back, but then he brings his face right in front of mine...

Meimei: "Mmm!"

And he quickly steals a kiss.

Soryu: "...No, I won't."

Soryu: "Is the happiness as you talk about something as you can get tired of?"

Meimei: "I... but that's different..."

But I'm not sure what to say and Soryu chuckles with amusement.

Soryu: "It's fine."

Soryu: "You can think about it and you answer me later."

He gently rests his forehead on mine and I close my eyes, anticipating a kiss.

(When we first met as he was so scary.)

(All I could think about was running away from him.)

(But now...)

Meimei: "...Okay."

Meimei: "I'll make you happy, Soryu."

Soryu: "Then I'm going to protect that happiness... I'm going to protect you."

I'm so happy it frightens me, but I know deep inside my heart... that this happiness will last forever.

~End of Last Chapter 13~


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