(Season 2) Chapter 4

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I go home with Samejima for the first time in a week.

Meimei: "So, what happened to Ryosuke?"

Samejima: "It hasn't been decided yet."

Samejima: "So we're trying to prove Inui's innocence before Ryuun makes a decision."

Meimei: "I see... I'm worried about Momiji cause she's mad at Ryuun..."

Meimei: "So... Ryosuke's safe, then?"

He's not out of the woods yet, but I still breathe a sigh of relief when I hear this.

Meimei: "...Hm?"

I'm about to open the front door when I notice something. There's not a speck of dust in the foyer.

(The doors and windows are all spotless, too.)

(Even though there should've been a lot of dust in here from the sandstorm.)

Meimei: "...Did you clean this for me, Samejima?"

Samejima: "..."

Samejima: "...The front of the office represents Soryu."

Meimei: "...Hehe. That's right."

(Samejima's actually a really honest person.)

It makes me feel happy too, seeing how devoted he is to Soryu.

Samejima: "I'm going to go continue investigating how those drugs got in the suitcase."

Meimei: "Oh okay. Be careful."

Samejima: "I'm sure about Soryu's going out of his mind waiting for you."

Meimei: "Thanks, I'll go see him."

Samejima rushes off busily as I finally enter our house.

Meimei: "I'm home..."

Soryu: "Meimei... there you are."

Meimei: "Soryu!"

Soryu welcomes me for home and he holds his arms out to me. I walk forward quickly into his arms and I laying my head on his warm broad chest. He hugs me closer towards him and he holding me tightly in his arms.

Soryu: "I'm sorry..."

Meimei: "Oh don't apologize. I'm just glad to be back home."

Soryu: "You..."

Meimei: "Hm?"

Soryu: "Nothing. You're just such a good girl."

Soryu: "It just makes me want to spoil you."

Meimei: "...But you always spoil me, Soryu."

Soryu: "Do I?"

Meimei: "Yes, you do."

Soryu: "..."

Meimei: "..."

We fall silent and I buried my face in Soryu's broad chest.

(Mmm, it's Soryu...)

I'm wrapped up in his warmth for the first time in a week, and the loneliness that's built up since then slowly starts to dissolve.

Soryu: "Meimei..."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Our eyes meet and he pulls me towards him. I answer him by wrapping my arms around his neck and just then...


Soryu: "...I'm sorry, Meimei. I have to take this."


Meimei: "Oh that's mine, too."

Meimei: "But take your time."

Soryu takes his phone into the bedroom. I answer my phone.

~Phone Conversation~

Meimei: "Hello?"

Cao De Hen: "Helloooo~ my beautiful granddaughter!"

I widen my eyes because I felt tears start welling up in my eyes when I spoke.

Meimei: "Grandfather!"

Cao De Hen: "Ohoho! I hear your cousins told me cause you love your boyfriend is Soryu Oh? Right?"

Meimei: "Y-Yes. He's sweet."

Cao De Hen: "Ah, I see. I will come to see you soon for tonight."

Cao De Hen: "You don't have to be scared when you saw Ice Dragons. You should be brave."

Meimei: "Thanks grandfather."

Meimei: "But about that..."

I told my grandfather about the other day, but my grandfather is serious.

Cao De Hen: "I know you and your cousin Momiji was angry. You shouldn't do that, cause Soryu is protecting you."

Cao De Hen: "But I know about Momiji... she will calm down soon."

Meimei: "Oh thank you, grandfather."

Cao De Hen: "You're very welcome. So, take care about your boyfriend."

Cao De Hen: "But I can't wait when I want to see my great-grandchildren."

Meimei: "!? G-GRANDFATHER!"

I hear my grandfather laughed when he hang up and I hang up my phone.

~End Phone Conversation~

I sighs cause my cheeks are red.

Meimei: "Sheesh grandfather..."

(But Soryu's the only one who can save Ryosuke.)

(I wish I could do something to help with Soryu...)

Looks like Soryu doesn't come out of his room much the next day or the day after, either."

(Every time he comes out, cause he's on the phone again in no time.)

(Speaking in English, Cantonese, Japanese...)

Ryosuke: "He's talking to all the other branches."

Ryosuke: "I hope all this settles down soon for your sake, too..."

Ryosuke: "Maybe I should just let them hand me over to the other gang..."

Meimei: "Ryosuke..."

Ryosuke's staying awfully calm for someone whose... life is at the mercy of Ryuun.

Meimei: "Everyone's working hard to make sure that doesn't happen."

Meimei: "But you can't give up, Ryosuke. But Momiji is worried about you."

Ryosuke: "But I'm an idiot..."

Meimei: "There's no way cause I want you going anywhere."

Meimei: "And I know both Soryu and Samejima feel the same way."

Ryosuke: "Miss Yae..."

Ryosuke: "*Sniffles*"...


I hear the door are open and I turn around to see Soryu... coming out into the hallway with a stern look on his face.

Meimei: "Soryu. isn't there anything I can do?"

Soryu: "I appreciate the offer, but this is a problem for the Ice Dragons."

Soryu: "I don't want you to get involved."

Meimei: *Sighs* "Fine..."

Ryosuke: "You don't have to talk to her like that, sir."

Soryu: "It's the truth."

Soryu: "It's for Meimei's own benefit to not get involved as long as Ryuun's here. As what if Meimei's Fire Dragons cause Ryuun was here as they will anger about him."

Meimei: "..."

Ryosuke: "Hmm..."

Meimei: "Thanks, Ryosuke."

Meimei: "I just want you to take care of your health, Soryu..."

Soryu: "I will..."

(But Soryu always puts himself last...)

He doesn't talk too much and he's always calm and collected... but he treasures about his friends more than anything and that's why I'm worried about him.

Hikaru: "Can you check on the amenities for me?"

Meimei: "Sure, I can do that."

Hikaru: "Okay, thanks. I just got called up to the coatroom."

Hikaru's a fast, reliable worker.

(But I need to start trying harder at work, too!)

(Otherwise no one will be able to depend on me.)

After I finished the tasks he's given me when I leave the room and... I see an elderly man out in the hallway holding his head.

(Hm... looks like he isn't feeling well?)

Meimei: "Excuse me, may I help you, sir?"

Man: "Huh?"

Man: "Oh... my head hurts."

Man: "I forgot to take my medicine today."

Meimei: "Would you like me to take you over to that couch?"

Meimei: "But, you look very pale..."

Man: "Yes... thank you."

I hold onto the man's arm and I slowly walk him over to the lounge.

Meimei: "Here's a cold washcloth. Please go head use it."

Man: "Thank you. It feel better when I sit down."

Meimei: "Hmm... maybe you should go to the infirmary?"

Man: "No, I'm fine."

Meimei: "Please take it easy."

Man: "..."

He suddenly gives me a strange look.

Meimei: "What is it, sir?"

Man: "Aren't you scared of me?"

Meimei: "Pardon me?"

Man: "Most women keep me at a distance."

Man: "I know you're at work, but it must've taken courage to talk to me."

(Now that's he mentions it, he does kind of have a mean-looking face...)

Meimei: "Hehe. Yes, you're right. I do work here, but even if I didn't, I still would've spoken to you."

(I'm pretty much immune to scary-looking guys, but thanks to all my time with the Ice Dragons.)

I think, and almost laugh out loud.

Man: "I see. Well, you really helped me."

Meimei: "Just so you know... I'm not afraid of you."

Meimei: "And you look really kind when you smile like that."

Man: "Haha, I'll accept that compliment."

Man: "It's very important to say the things you think. I'm feeling better thanks to that..."

Man: "I'm grateful for this headache, because I met you because of it."

The man seems to be feeling better now, and he waves to me, I waves back to him and then he returns to his room.

("It's important to say what you think", hm?)

(Maybe I haven't been doing that...)

But I haven't told Soryu how it felt when he told me to stay out of their problems.

Meimei: "*Sighs*..."

I've cooked some omelettes, but now that it's time to talk to him, but I'm getting nervous.

(I'm afraid that he's going to tell me not to get involved again.)



I muster up the courage and I knock on the door.

Soryu: "Yes?"

Meimei: "Um... I made some omelettes."

Soryu answers the door and I holds out a plate of omelettes. As usual, he eats every last bit of them.

Soryu: "...Why do you look like you're going to cry?"

Meimei: "Huh...?"

Soryu: "Didn't you come here to talk?"

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Soryu: "I know I'm not great at being attentive."

Soryu: "But I don't want to be the cause of that look on your face."

He gazes at me earnestly, and I can see myself reflected in his eyes.

(I need to tell him how I feel...)

Meimei: "Is this really all I can do for you...?"

(But I don't really have a place in the mafia world... does I have?)

Soryu: "No matter what ideals I hold cause I'm always going to be a mobster."

Soryu: "That means society thinks I'm a bad guy. Right now, anyway."

Meimei: "But..."

Soryu: "That's the truth, no matter what."

Soryu: "And that's why the less you know about Ice Dragons' business, the safer you are."

Meimei: "Then maybe I shouldn't even be here."

Soryu gives me a troubled smile and then he squeezes me in his arms.

Soryu: "I didn't want to make you say that. I'm sorry."

Soryu: "It's become natural for you to be here for us."

Meimei: "...Really?"

Soryu: "We're holding together because of you."

Soryu: "Everyone knows how much of you care and everything you do for us... and we're all very grateful for that."

Meimei: "But I just don't know what I can do."

Meimei: "I can't even do my job at the hotel properly yet."

Meimei: "So am I really helping anyone by staying here?"

I felt tears start welling up in my eyes from my helplessness. I look down to hide them and Soryu strokes my head gently.

Soryu: "I can only be harsh with the boys."

Soryu: "So can't you be the one who's sweet to them for me?"

Soryu: "That's the job I want you to do. And you're the only one who can do it."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Every of each word of that he speaks slowly starts to ease the uncertainty within me. And it fills my heart as more than anything else.

Meimei: "Thank you."

Meimei: "But, I'll do everything I can."

Soryu: "You finally smiled."

Soryu says with a soft smile, as if all his tension has been released.

Meimei: "...It made me so sad when you told me not to get involved."

Meimei: "But I know you said it to protect me and because you care about me, but..."

Soryu: "I see... I'm sorry."

Meimei: "And I know you can't help it, but ever since we got here, you've been holed up in your room."

Soryu: "I'm sorry about that."

Meimei: "So we haven't slept together since we came here."

Soryu: "Is there anything else? Let it all out."

Meimei: "Umm..."

(I'm kind of feel really childish...)

Soryu: "If not, then it's my turn."

Meimei: "O-Okay."

Soryu: "I want to make love you."

Meimei: "S-Soryu!"

He wipes the tears from my cheeks and then he pulls my face towards his face.

Soryu: "I won't let you say things like it's better for you not to be here."

Soryu: "If you feel like you don't a place here, I'll give you one."

*Lemon: Start*

Meimei: "Mmmm...!"

I feel his long fingers on my cheeks and then he presses his lips against mine as stealing a kiss. The way he threads his fingers through my hair as our breaths mingling... every part of him pressing against me is just unbearably hot.

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Soryu: "I haven't had enough yet."

Now his kisses are more urgent and greedy... and despite how many times I moan Soryu's name, his fingers don't stop sliding across my bare skin. He throws our clothes on the floor because we're naked.

Meimei: "Soryu~"

I gasp and moans as he smirked played from his lips and he kisses me.

Soryu: "Do you want me to fuck you on the bed?"

He says against my lips when I spoke.

Meimei: "Yes."

His lips crash down on my lips as kissing me passionately, he licks my bottom lips but I deny when he growls then he grabs my ass with his hands as I throws my head to cried out, he licks my neck and he bites my neck as I gasp.

Meimei: "S-Soryu!"

Soryu goes down to spread out of my legs wider, I gasps in pleasure because he licks my pussy deeper, I moans louder as he thrusts his two fingers into me goes faster pace as I breathing heavily then I moans louder. I cums on his two fingers when he pulls his two fingers out and he licks it as he smile.

Soryu: "Taste sweet."

I blushes when he turns me over like a doggy position to lift my ass up in the air and then he ram his cock into me as showing no mercy when suddenly he slamming into my pussy as he grabs my ass with his hands as making me scream and he grunt louder filled in his room. He groans louder to keep thrusting harder into me as the bed are moving as creaking sound with his thrusted in my pussy as I gasps because he picks up my legs. As I let out scream because he is now abuse in my pussy with his thrusting goes rougher pace when he bite my earlobe.

Meimei: "S-Soryu~"

Soryu: "Uggh... take it all out."

He grunt as his thrusts become rougher as I breathing heavily. I felt pleasure strike in through my core as he hits my spot cause it's making me wetter, I felt I'm getting close.

Soryu: "You're going to cum?"

Meimei: "Mmm, yes! I can't take it anymore~ I want more~"

Soryu: "Meimei!"

I screams when suddenly he thrusting hard hitting my spot as his speed pace.

Meimei: "Mmmm!?"

Soryu: "So tight!"

He moans as he continue thrusting into me harder rhythm, I gasp when I turn my head as he kisses me passion as he let go of my ass then he pull me back up together, he grabs my both wrists with his hands, he keeps thrusting in my pussy goes rougher but he speed up of his thrusting as our skins slapped filled in his room as I cry out into his mouth. We pull our lips away as suddenly he thrusting in my pussy goes faster and rougher, my breasts are bouncing up and down as I cums drenching his shaft when I gasp. He slammed to shove his cock harder and deeper into me as suddenly he cums into my pussy, I feel his sperm are hot shoot deeper into me when I felt my body are shaking. He pull his cock out of my pussy as I panting. Soryu sits down on the bed when I turn around, I rubs his cock with my hands as he groans and I open my mouth into his cock to suck it deeper as he moans louder.

Soryu: "Ugggh yes, that's it."

He says as he groans when I bobbing my head cause I suck his cock and I lick his tip of cock. But he can't hold it when he wraps his arms around my head cause he thrusting into my mouth goes speed up as his roughest pace, I moan vibrate against his cock and he breathing heavily as he moans louder then he cums shoot in my mouth cause I drink his cum. He pull his cock out of my mouth as I open my mouth.

Soryu: "You naughty girl."

He smirks as he says cause my cheeks are red when I turn around to lift my ass up again and I spread my ass with my hands.

Meimei: "I-I'm ready."

Soryu: "Alright, tell me if it's hurt."

He says and I nodded my head. He shoved his cock into my anal hole as I gasps and he grunt. But... he rammed his cock in and out of my anal hole when he grabs my hair and he pull back with his hand as I gasp of sexy tune to make him turning him on. Our skin could be hard slapping against each other to his roughest hard rhythm. I gasp when I grips the blanket hard with my fingers as I groans and moans louder, but I felt his longer fingers slide in my pussy and play with it.

Meimei: "S-Soryu!"

I gasp and moans his name, cause he thrusts deeper into me. He groans louder when he thrust into me even herder.

Meimei: "Ahhh! Yes! Oh yes! Mmmm!"

Soryu: "You like that, huh?"

He smirks and he groans cause he thrust his fingers into my pussy goes in and out faster and harder, I breathing heavily and he grunt louder all this time cause he didn't let go of my hair. Still he thrust goes bang as became more animal like it when I cry out cause I cums hard as making him grunt louder. He cums harder into my anal hole, he pulls his cock out of my anal hole as my body fall on the bed cause he cum on my back and we panting. Soryu laying down on the bed and we fall asleep.

*Lemon: End*

Meimei: "Mmm..."

(Huh? W-Was I asleep?)

I absently open my heavy eyelids... and I see Soryu's asleep cause he's holding me in his arms. The sweat as that had drenched my skin earlier has cool now, and I feel a little chilly so I pull up the sheets.

Soryu: "Meimei..."

I wrap my arms around Soryu.

Soryu: "What's wrong?"

Meimei: "I just want to make the most out of our time together..."

Soryu: "...Me too. I feel like I can finally relax."

Soryu: "I get such good sleep with you here."

Soryu: "..."

Meimei: "Soryu...?"

(I think he fell asleep. I doubt he's been getting much sleep lately.)

I know I'm the only one who gets to see his vulnerable, sleeping face.

(But he told me not to get involved to protect me. But there's something only I can do.)

The turbulence in my heart from before has vanished like a dream. I bring my face close to Soryu's broad chest and I fall asleep in the safest place in the whole entire world.

The next morning.

Meimei: "Oh, good morning Samejima."

Samejima: "..."

Meimei: "Hm? What's wrong...?"

Samejima is looking at a note on the table and he's totally frozen.

(What's going on...)

Soryu: "What is it?"

Samejima: "It's Inui's handwriting. It says 'I'm going to get proof no matter what'."

Soryu: "..."

Meimei: "What!?"

Ryosuke's been gone since that morning.

Meimei: "What if Momiji will be upset..."

Samejima & Soryu: "!!!"

(This is how I'm worried about Momiji's being upset when she knows her lover are gone!)

~End of (Season 2) Chapter 4~


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