(Season 2) Chapter 9

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There's nowhere to run. He hugs me tightly, letting me know he won't release me from his heat.

(Not that I want to run away, but something's different this time...)

Soryu: "Meimei..."

*Lemon: Start*

The way he calls my name, the way his hands tear my clothes off, the way he kisses me... it's all so passionate.

(My god... I'm so happy and I feel so fulfilled...)

The love that wells up within me is almost painful.

Soryu: "Meimei... I love you."

Meimei: "Soryu, I love you too..."

I can see the stars sparkling from the gap in the curtains.

(That reminds me, Soryu mentioned the stars here were really pretty.)

Meimei: "Mmm...!"

Soryu: "How can you think about something else at a time like this?"

Meimei: "I-I'm sorry..."

Soryu desires me so passionately I can't say no. I respond by wrapping my arms around his neck and Soryu smiles. He takes off his clothes when he kisses me passionately to making me moans. He thrusted his hard cock into me as I gasp when he thrusting me at a minimum pace and I cried out then he groan, he grabs my arms to kept thrusting harshly into me as he felt my pussy are getting more wet against his hard cock to making him groan as he let me go of my arms when he grabs the sheets with his fingers trapped me then he thrusting me harder up against the bed. The bed banging against the wall as I cried out and he grunt louder.

Soryu: "Meimei!"

He grunt my name and I moans his name when he thrusting in me as last imhumanly speed-up with no tomorrow to making me scream/moan. He grabs my hips with his hands cause he can't stop his hips to thrusting in me as more imhumanly speed-up to making me as breathing heavily then he slammed in as I felt his tip of hard cock shoot inside me deeper when we moans louder in pleasure. We panting as he pull his hard cock out of my pussy.

*Lemon: End*
Soryu: "I have to go to Hong Kong soon."

Meimei: "Really?"

Soryu takes a sip of bottled water and then sits down next to me.

Soryu: "...Meimei, will you come with me?"

Meimei: "Huh...?"

Soryu: "I know you have to work, so I won't ask you to stay with me long."

Meimei: "I might be able to stay for two days or so."

Soryu: "That's more than enough."

Meimei: "Okay..."

(But I wonder if he's going to make decisions about what do with Ryuun.)

(Is it really okay for me to go on such an important trip?)

Soryu: "You don't have to look so troubled."

Soryu: "Just think of it as a vacation."

Meimei: "...Okay."

I feel warm under his tender gaze and I snuggle up against him...

Meimei: "Oh, good morning, Samejima. You're up early."

Samejima: "Good morning."

It's the day we leave for Hong Kong. Samejima is standing in the foyer.

(It's clean... but I guess Samejima's cleaning it ever day now.)

The sparkling clean entryway brings a smile to my face.

Samejima: "I can't wait."

Meimei: "Me too! It's the first time I'll go on a trip with everyone."

Samejima: "..."

Meimei: "Hm? Am I too excited?"

Samejima: "No, it's fine."

Samejima: "I'm happy you're coming with us, too."

Samejima shows me a rare smile.

(My first impression when I got here from Japan still holds up. I think Dubai is amazing...)

I travel with Ice Dragons to Dubai's airport.

Ryosuke: "Wow, this is really something."

Momiji: "True, Ryosuke."

Samejima: "You sound like a hick."

Ryosuke: "Grr... you're the last person I wanna hear that from."

Sakura: "You two need to stop it."

Meimei: "It's okay. I feel the same way."

Ryosuke: "It really is overwhelming though, isn't it?"

Meimei: "Oh, that's right. Soryu?"

Soryu: "What is it?"

Meimei: "Will I be able to see Mei Ling in Hong Kong? And my two best friends here too?"

Soryu: "Maybe for a little while."

Meimei: "Then I'll get them a souvenir. We still have time before our flight leaves, right?"

Soryu: "Yes. I'll go with you."

Ryosuke: "Me, too..."

Samejima: "Idiot, you stay here. You forgot your woman."

Samejima: "Have fun, you two!"

Ryosuke: "Hey, why can't I go!?"

Momiji: "Ryosuke..."

Ryosuke: "Oops... I know I forgot you, Momiji..."

Ice Dragon 1: "Be good, Inui."

Ice Dragon 2: "Meimei, please take your time shopping."

Meimei: "Th-Thanks..."

Soryu: "..."

The men practically have to drag Ryosuke over to the departure gate as Momiji and her sister Sakura followed them... and I chuckle wryly as Soryu and I head to the shop.

Meimei: "Do you think we should get this soap or this stuffed camel?"

Soryu: "..."

(I bet he doesn't want me to ask him that.)

(He'll probably say, "What do I know about choosing a souvenir for a woman?")

Meimei: "Mei Ling probably has everything..."

Soryu: "...I'm sure she'll love whatever you pick out."

Mimei: "What...?"

I look up at his unexpected response and he looks down at me earnestly.

Soryu: "That part about you hasn't changed. You're always thinking of others."

Meimei: "Same for you, Soryu."

Soryu: "???"

Meimei: "You're always thinking about your friends, too."

Soryu: "Don't be ridiculous. You're the one I'm always thinking about."

Meimei: "You're going to make me embarrassed..."

Soryu: "...Is that the only souvenir you want?"

Meimei: "Ah, which one should I get? Hang on a second."

Soryu: "Why don't you just get both?"

He takes the basket from me and he heads to the register.

Meimei: "Hey Soryu! It won't be from me unless I buy it myself!"

Soryu: "...Is that how it works?"

Meimei: "Yes!"

Soryu: "...Then make me some tea when we get there. I'll buy this."

Meimei: "I think you're trying to butter me up..."

Soryu: "Yes. I am."

Meimei: "Damn you, Soryu!"

Soryu chuckles and smile happily then he turns around again. I smile as I chase after his broad back.

(Whoa, there are so many people here...)

After we arrive at the Hong Kong airport, we go straight into... a waiting car that takes us to the Ice Dragons' main headquarters.

Ryosuke: "It's more than members from other branches here today."

Meimei: "Really?"

Samejima: "Members from other mafia organizations who are allies of the Dragons have come, too."

(So then I REALLY don't belong here... because I belong in Fire Dragons...)

Meimei: "But does that mean..."

Mei Ling: "Meimei!"

Mulan & Lei Fang: "MEEEEIMEEEEI!"

Meimei: "I knew it! Mei Ling! My two best friends Mulan and Lei Fang!"

Mei Ling: "I haven't see you in ages! How are you!?"

Meimei: "I'm great! How about you?"

Even though I haven't seen Mei Ling and my two best friend in a while, the moment she sees me and they rushes over as eyes are sparkling.

Meimei: "Oh yeah, I brought you a souvenir! I'll give it to you later, Mei Ling."

Mei Ling: "Oh, really!? Thanks!"

After we have a nice chat, Ryosuke takes us to another room.

Ryosuke: "We're about to have a very important meeting, so only bosses and top members can be present."

Meimei: "Oh..."

Mei Ling: "Can I stay here?"

Samejima: "That should be fine, since Simon is here."

Ryosuke: "I'm sure Simon is very interested in the outcome of this meeting, since it involves Mr. Oh's new position."

Meimei, Lei Fang & Mulan: "What?"

Mei Ling: "Meimei. Soryu's dream is finally going to come true."

*Remember back then*

Soryu: "Inui gave me this chance. And I never let go of a good opportunity."

(Wait... does that mean...)

Leader 1: "What's going on with the election for the new leader of the Dragons?"

Leader 2: "I'm sure everyone's going along with the crowd and choosing Soryu."

Simon: "...Silence!"

Simon scolds the mobsters who won't be quiet.

Simon: "How many of you sat there and complained about Ryuun and yet did nothing!?"

Simon: "But Soryu not only held his own against Rahman, but he even took Ryuun out of power!"

Simon: "He's the only one who deserves to be the new leader."

Mei Ling: "Daddy..."

Leader 1: "...He's right."

Leader 2: "..."

Soryu: "I..."

Soryu goes up to the stage, takes a deep breath and looks out at everyone.

Soryu: "...I've removed Ryuun from the head of the Ice Dragons."

Soryu: "I want to take over where my grandfather left off... and restore the Dragons to what it used to be."

Soryu: "So that's why I'd like you to vote..."

Suddenly a roar of applause interrupts him.

Meimei: "What..."

Leader 1: "We don't have to vote! You're the only one capable of being boss!"

Leader 2: "That's right. The decision is unanimous!"

Soryu: "..."

(Wait, so Soryu is the new boss of the Ice Dragons!?)

Ryosuke: *Sniffle*

Ryosuke: "Sir..."

Samejima: "No one dare defy Ryuun for so long."

Samejima: "And since Soryu was the one to do it, no one will disobey him."

Mei Ling: "I approve of him becoming boss, as well."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

(He's been waiting for this day so long...)

Soryu: "...There's one thing I'd like to say."

Meimei: "..."

(Hm? He's looking over here.)

I look around, but only Ryosuke, Samejima, Mei Ling, Mulan, Lei Fang and my two cousins are next to me.

Soryu: "Meimei, come here."

Meimei: "What? Me?"

Soryu: "Who else would it be?"

Meimei: "B-But, I don't really think I belong here right now...!"

Meimei: "I'm Fire Dragon from my grandfather..."

Meimei: "This is a super important meeting of the Ice Dragons, right!?"

Soryu: "That's why I want you to come here. It'll save a lot of effort."

Meimei: "I-I don't know what you mean."

There's no use in arguing as he pulls me up on stage with him.

Soryu: "This is Meimei Yae, who will lead the Ice Dragons by my side."

Soryu: "Meimei is imperative to restore the Ice Dragons... to what it used to be, and to get real power..."

Leader 3: "...What are you talking about?"

Leader 4: "She's not Simon's daughter. How can some ordinary girl stand by the side of the Ice Dragons' boss?"

(That Leaders is pissed me off...)

(I want to support him and I want to accept him as the new boss...)

Ryosuke: "Of course she can! She's the only one who can stand by Mr. Oh's side!"

Samejima: "I agree with Inui for once."

Mei Ling: "I agree. It has to be Meimei."

Simon: "Yes. If not, there was no sense in letting Mei Ling go before."

Meimei: "Ummm..."

Soryu: "She's a Fire Dragon of Boss' granddaughter."

Soryu: "I won't budge from this, no matter what anyone says."

Leader 3: "WHAT!"

Leader 4: "She's... the head of Fire Dragons' granddaughter!?"

Cao De Hen: "That's right."

Leader 1, 2, 3, & 4: "!!!"

Meimei: "Grandpa!"

Cao De Hen: "My granddaughter is the new boss of the Fire Dragons and that's why she's stronger woman."

My grandfather said when Soryu spoke.

Soryu: "At the very least, the one who helped secure our alliance with Rahman was Meimei."

Leader 3: "Wha..."

Leader 4: "Is that true!?"

Meimei: "It wasn't that big of a deal..."

Meimei: "We just became friends is all..."

Soryu: "Ryuun wouldn't have been overthrown if not for Meimei."

The whole room starts to buzz and I'm speechless.

(W-Well. I feel like no matter what I say, it'll be useless...)

Soryu: "Anyway, all of you who believe I should be the boss and wish to pledge your allegiance to me... come back here again tomorrow."

Soryu: "I'm not a dictator. I want you all to choose."

Soryu: "But if no one decides to follow me, I'll still steal the seat for myself."

Soryu: "And rebuiled the Ice Dragons with Meimei by my side."

The crowd's chatter comes on like waves. I just know they'll all follow him. I'm sure of that as I look up at his profile.

~End of (Season 2) Chapter 9~


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