(Season 2) Epilogue 2

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Meimei: "I'm home..."

Ice Dragon 1: "Meimei, welcome home."

Fire Dragon 1: "Welcome home, Boss."

When I get home, only two members of the Ice Dragons and my two members of the Fire Dragons are there. Just as I thought, Soryu's not one of them.

(But he did tell me not to wait up, after all.)

(Might as well take a bath.)

As I towel off my wet hair, I pass by Soryu's room on the way to my own.

(He won't be able to get enough rest if I'm sleeping in there.)

Meimei: "There are always days like this. I just have to hang in there until the event is over."

I say to no one in particular as I start up my blow-dryer.

(My skin has been terrible lately. I really do need more sleep.)

I quickly crawl under the covers, trying to quiet my mind.

It's several days later, and I'm still super busy getting ready for the picture book event.

Meimei: *Sigh*...

Hikaru: "How did it go?"

After I say goodbye to a library staff member, I turn around and see Hikaru.

Meimei: "Same as before."

Hikaru: "It's your job to deal with all the complaints now, too?"

Hikaru: "I guess all the other staff members are busy."

Meimei: "I don't mind, but I don't really feel like I can solve the problem."

(But they're so serious about it that they've come... to talk about it every day, so I just can't ignore them.)

Hikaru: "Why don't you go take a break?"

Meimei: "What? But..."

I'm supposed to go do the room checks with him after this.

Hikaru: "There are only five days until the event. You need your rest."

Hikaru: "Right?"

Meimei: "...Thank you."

Hikaru: "Now go take it easy."

(I haven't had a real break in a while.)

I've had break time, of course, but I've seen spending that time looking through... the amenities catalog or looking up information about other hotels. Basically I've had my mind on work even on breaks.

(I'll go out for my break today.)

Ota: "It's because you don't know them."

(The reason my negotiations aren't going well is because I don't know the other party.)

That's what Ota told me before.

(I have time right now, so I should go check it out!)

I decide to head to the nearby library.

Meimei: "As-salamu alaykum."

(My Arabic pronunciation still isn't very good.)

I greet the woman at the counter and she smiles at me through her black burqa. The library is very quiet and looks a lot like the ones back in Japan.

Meimei: "..."

I look at the books lined up on the shelf and I'm kind of amazed at the tiny collection.

(There are only books here about the U.A.E. or Dubai?)

And they're really old, too. Or at least they seem old.


Meimei: "Ah. E-Excuse me!"

I'm so busy staring at the books when I accidentally bump into someone.

Hishikura: "Pardon me."

Meimei: "M-M-Mr. Hishikura!"

Hishikura: "Getting ready for the event?"

Meimei: "What...?"

He adjusts his well-tailored jacket, the corners of his mouth tugging up ever so slightly.

Meimei: "Umm..."

Hishikura: "I appreciate your dedication to your job, but please... try not to create another international incident."

Hishikura: "You need to be more careful from now on."

Meimei: "I'm sorry..."

(I can't really say anything back to that.)

Hishikura: "If you'll excuse me."

Mr. Hishikura quickly leaves the library.

(But I wonder what he was doing here?)

Meimei: "Oh..."

(Crap! Now I don't have any time to eat my lunch!)

I decide to quickly hurry back to the hotel.

I sit down at the table to taste the food for the event.

Meimei: "Wow, so this food is all based on the book 'Cat with 10,000 Lives'? Seriously...?"

Head Chef: "Haha, I'm glad you noticed."

Head Chef: "You've been busy, haven't you? You should take it easy today."

Meimei: "Thank you."

The food on the plate is like the picture book come to life.

Baba: "Ooh, looks delicious!"

Meimei: "What are you doing here, Baba?"

(This is employees only...)

Baba: "Oh, don't worry about that."

Baba: "You haven't been getting much sleep lately have you? I can tell by your skin."

Meimei: "I knew it... I'm really self-conscious about it, so please don't look."

Baba: "Better than if Soryu said it, right?"

Meimei: "I'd be REALLY depressed if he said that to me."

Meimei: "Both fortunately and unfortunately, we haven't seen each other much lately."

Baba: "Really?"

Meimei: "Yes and he's been really busy, too."

Baba: "Hmm... if Soryu's ignoring you, I'll come to steal you away any time."

Meimei: "Uh no... I'll pass."

Meimei: "Can you imagine what the Ice Dragons and my Fire Dragons would do to you if that happened?"

Baba: "Haha. They'd probably kill me in my sleep."

(No, they wouldn't go that far... would they?)

(There's really no telling with them, I guess.)

Baba: "But I'm sure you're worn out from all your work on this event."

Baba: "You should let Sor take care of you for once."

Baba sits down next to me at the tables and props head up on his cheek.

Meimei: "I don't want him to spoil me just because I've been busy at work."

Meimei: "I guess I'm just not tough enough as a working woman yet."

Meimei: "If he spoils me any more, I'll just get worse."

Baba: "Sor IS pretty whipped, now that mention it."

Meimei: "Wh-Whipped?"

Mamoru: "Yep. He's totally whipped."

Meimei: "What the hell! You too, Mr. Kishi!?"

Meimei: "What are you all doing here?"

Meimei: "Shouldn't you guys be up in the penthouse?"

Mamoru: "Ain't nobody up there."

Baba: "Of course there's not. Sor's busy, Boss is in workaholic mode, Ota's holed himself up in his studio."

Baba: "You and me are the only bums around here."

Mamoru: "Hey, I'm workin'."

Baba: "Sure you are, Mamo. Sure you are."

(They seriously don't have care in the world...)

Baba: "So, back to the topic at hand."

Baba: "I don't think you should worry about him spoiling you too much."

Baba: "It's okay to let him."

Mamoru: "I'd never spoil a woman myself. Don't see the point."

Meimei: "I guess I could let him..."

Meimei: "But I just don't want to become a burden on the Dragons."

Mamoru: "Heh. Must be hard bein' a gangster's woman."

Meimei: "You're acting like this has nothing to do with you."

Mamoru: "Doesn't."

Baba: "Haha. I think that's why Sor chose you, though."

Baba: "He knows you're the kind of woman who can take care of herself when she needs to."

Mamoru: "And that makes him wanna take care of ya even more, right?"

Mamoru: "You're pretty seriously there."

Meimei: "It's not like that at all!"

For some reason my lunch with Baba and Mr. Kishi is strangely relaxing.

(I actually might feel refreshed...)

Meimei: "Well, I have to go back to work."

Baba: "Whaaaat? Already!?"

Mamoru: "Yeah, get to work!"

Meimei: "Right back to you, Mr. Kishi!"

Mamoru: "Hmph. Soryu must be rubbin' off on ya."

Meimei: "Well duh."

Baba: "Good luck!"

I say goodbye to them and leave.

Meimei: "Hmm..."

(Just like the librarian said, this event is really high-quality.)

(There's no way it won't have an impact on their business.)

Hikaru: "You don't have to look so upset. We're not doing anything wrong here."

Meimei: "That's the thing, though..."

Meimei: "Not only are we not doing anything wrong, but... there are a lot of guests who are looking forward to this."

Hikaru: "Then just let it go already."

Hikaru: "You've explained the situation to them several times."

Hikaru: "And you've sat there and listened to them."

Meimei: "But I want to make this the best event cause I can, so everyone enjoys it."

Meimei: "We have five more days, so I'll just try to think of something."

Hikaru: "You're always such a workaholic."

Meimei: "I'm just really happy I got the opportunity to work on this."

My job interacting with the guests is rewarding, but I rarely get an opportunity like this.

Hikaru: "Well, just take it one day at a time."

Hikaru: "Let me know if I can do anything for you."

Meimei: "Thanks."

To be honest, preparing for this event on top of my regular work... has been both physically and mentally exhausting.

(But Soryu's also been busy as leading the Ice Dragons.)

And yet, he never shows any weakness. He always is aware of those around him and is a strong leader.

Meimei: "Alright, I can do this!"

I need to try to understand the feelings of the people who work at the library. I decide to go back to the library again.

It's the day of the event...

Meimei: "Huh...?"

I take out of my cell phone and see that I have a message from Soryu.

(He said he was going to be away for two nights. I wonder if he's back yet?)

He was near the border of Dubai and Qatar, and we haven't seen each other for the past few days. I try to call him back, but he doesn't answer.

(I wanted to at least hear his voice. Oh, well...)

When I'm done with work today, Soryu will be home. I put my cell phone back in my purse and walk along my usual path to work.

(Whoa, what's with all these people?)

I left for work early today because of the event, but there's a huge crowd of people outside of the hotel.

Man 1: "Cancel the picture book event!"

Man 2: "It interferes with our business!"

Meimei: "What the hell..."

(It's not just a crowd of people. But it's a protest against the event!!)

A man on the board of directors and a manager from the library leads the demonstration... with several women quietly standing behind them.

(I've met that librarian several times.)

(What the hell is going on? Every time I talked to her, she seemed to be fine with the event.)

Meimei: "Excuse me."

Librarian: "Meimei..."

She furrows her brow apologetically and answers me quietly...

Librarian: "We librarians and everyone else who work at the library approve of the event."

Librarian: "We think exposing adults and children to books, no matter where is a positive thing."

Meimei: "So then, why?"

Librarian: "The managers and directors don't feel the same way."

So none of the people I spoke with several times were even the people opposed to the event!

Hikaru: "Meimei, what's this?"

Meimei: "Hikaru... bad idea..."

Hikaru's just showing up to work, and he frowns when he sees the scene.

Hikaru: "Let's call the police. They're going to show up sooner or later, anyway."

Meimei: "But then..."

(It still won't solve the root of the problem.)

Meimei: "Please get out of the way! I want to talk to you!"

Meimei: "But you're being a nuisance to the hotel guests!"

Man 1: "Call the person in charge!"

Meimei: "I'm asking you all to please move!"

Man 2: "We won't get anywhere talking to you. Go get the person in charge now!"

Meimei: "..."

(They're not even listening...)

(But I have to calm down them down soon.)

Meimei: "Just shut up and listen to me!"

Man 1: "Pipe down already!"

Meimei: "!!!"

One of the men grab me by the collar. He's so menacing I freeze, and suddenly his opposite hand raises high in the air.

Meimei: "!!!"

(He's going to hit me!)

I squeeze my eyes to shut and ball my hands into fists.


I stay still, waiting for the impact to come... but nothing happens.

Meimei: "...?"

Man 1: "Owwww! Let go of me!"

Soryu: "You let go of her first."

I open my eyes and see Soryu who grabbing the man's other hand.

Meimei: "S-Soryu...! Why are you...?"

Soryu: "I made some time to come see you. Are you in trouble?"

Meimei: "..."

(But it's my work...)

I'm not sure what to say.

Soryu: "Business is business."

Soryu: "But it crosses the line when you raise a hand at a woman."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Soryu: "When you're in trouble, you should just let me help."

Man 1: "Let me go, damn it!"

Momiji & Sakura: "No, YOU let our cousin go!"


Man 1: "GAH!"

Momiji and Sakura kicks the man's stomach harder cause he lets me go then he drops on the ground. Soryu stands in front of the crowd with his arms crossed. His big back feels even more reassuring than usual.

~End of (Season 2) Epilogue 2~


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