(Season 3.5) Chapter 5

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After a few days, Soryu's got the basics of cleaning down. We just got called up to the penthouse lounge.

Eisuke: "There's more to working at a hotel than just cleaning."

Eisuke: "I've arranged for some special training for you. Good luck."

Hikaru: "...That's my cue."

Soryu: "Alright. I'm ready for whatever you have."

Soryu bows politely in front of Hikaru.

Soryu: "But... why are Ota and Luke here?"

Ota: "We're playing the role of guests."

Luke: "We'll go easy on you, Soryu."

Meimei: "Isn't that great, Soryu? This is a great opportunity to practice."

Soryu: "Right. I'll have to pay close attention."

(This brings back a lot of memories.)

(The guys are finally back here, so I'll have to try hard, too.)

And so the training begins.

Hikaru: "Let's start with asking for directions around the hotel."

Luke: "Um... where's the restaurant?"

Soryu: "There's one on the first, second, and top floors."

Luke: "...You said that with a frightening face, Soryu."

Eisuke: "Do you have any idea how many complaints we would get if you treated guests like that, Soryu?"

Ota: "Not to mention the women and children who'd flee at athe sight of him."

Hikaru: "It would ruin our hotel's reputation."

Soryu: "Oh..."

He looks at me for help, and I give him some gentle advice.

Meimei: "You should give brief descriptions of each restaurant."

Meimei: "That was it'll be easier for the guests to remember which is which."

Meimei: "And try to smile when you speak."

Soryu: "Alright, I'll try."

But after that, Soryu's voice is tense, deep... and when he tries to smile his face looks even more frightening than usual.

Meimei: "Just lift up the corners of your lips."

Meimei: "That'll help your voice not be so deep, too. Try it."

He imitates me and pushes up the corners of his lips with his fingers.

Ota: "Scary!!"

Luke: "It doesn't matter how much you smile if you're still glaring."

Soryu: "...Is is that bad?"

Soryu turns towards to Hikaru, the corners of his lips still uplifted.

Hikaru: "...Alright, I'm gonna be honest."

Soryu: "What?"

Hikaru: "You suck at this job."

Hikaru says with a sigh, and everyone else nods in agreement.

Soryu: "I know that."

Hikaru: "No, I mean you're actually beyond hope."

(I guess all of this was too much for Soryu.)

Soryu: "This is my only choice, though."

Soryu: "Please, teach me."

Hikaru: "Can't do it. It's impossible."

Eisuke: "Wait. I won't let you just walk away."

Hikaru: "Don't be ridiculous, Ichinomiya."

Eisuke: "You're my employee, and I want you to teach him. Or else you're fired."

Hikaru: "...Whatever."

Hikaru: " 'Where are the stairs?' answer that one."

Soryu: "They're right over there."

Hikaru: "If you say it with that ominous look on your face they'll think you're gonna follow 'em and attack 'em!"

Soryu: "Please. I would never attack a civilian."

Hikaru: "Well, the guests don't know that!!"

Meimei: "Hikaru... you're an idiot!?"

They practice until after lunch, but Hikaru's still not satisfied with his progress. But they finally let us go after I promise I'll teach him the rest. We're about to head to the guest room to clean when a woman calls out...

Guest: "Excuse me, can you tell me what floor the café is on? I'd like to drink some coffee."

Soryu: "...!"

Soryu freezes, but I whisper...

Meimei: "It's okay. Just remember how we practiced."

Soryu: "Alright, I'll try it."

He walks towards to the guest with a serious look on his face.

Soryu: "Coffee is offered at all the eating establishments in this hotel..."

Soryu: "Do you like sweets, Miss?"

Guest: "Yes, I do!"

His expression is still tense, but I can tell he's trying to help the guest.

Soryu: "I'd recommend the café on the first floor."

Soryu: "It has afternoon tea, coffee, and cakes our hotel is famous for."

Guest: "Oh my! Do they sell newspapers there, I wonder?"

(Wait... I haven't told him that yet.)

Meimei: "Yes, there are newspapers on sale from all over the world there."

Guest: "Oh, thank you."

The guest smiles and Soryu's expression softens.

Soryu: "Would you like me to show you to the café, Miss?"

Guest: "That won't be necessary, I can manage. Thanks so much!"

Meimei: "I'm glad we were able to help. Let us know if you need anything else."

After the guest walks away, we head to the next guest room. Before he even closes the door, he reaches over and hugs me tight.

Soryu: "It's so strange... I feel so satisfied, being thanked like that."

Soryu: "This is what makes you happy, working at a hotel, isn't it?"

I can hear the happiness in his voice, and I smile back at him.

Meimei: "You were amazing."

Mei: "And we didn't teach you to ask if you could show her the way, but you still did it!"

Soryu: "It just naturally came out of my lips. I'm not even sure where it came from."

He loosens his grip on me and gazes into my eyes.

Soryu: "Thanks to you, I've got more self-confidence. If I work hard, I know I can pull this off."

He reminds me of an excited employee on their first day of work, and I find it so adorable.

Meimei: "You did a great job."

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek, and he looks at me with surprise. He flashes a sexy smile at me, and then he leans in close.

Soryu: "What, that's it?"

Meimei: "Huh...?"

Soryu: "I feel like we got interrupted in the middle... I want more of you."

Meimei: "But..."

Before I can protest that we're at work, he lightly pushes my body against the door. He wedges his knee in between my legs, forcing them apart.

Meimei: "Soryu... mmm..."

He interrupts me with a kiss.

(I can't moan or someone in the hallway might hear!)

I desperately try to stay quiet as he teasingly runs his fingertips over my earlobe. And he impatiently demands a reward from me.

After we've finished cleaning that room, we have to go deliver room service.

Meimei: "This is your first time doing room service, but just do it like how we practiced."

Soryu: "I know, but..."

Apparently he's nervous to push the cart.

Meimei: "Just say 'excuse me' and push card inside and set up the table. Okay?"

(Room #903. Here it is.)


Meimei: "Room service!"

???: "Come in."


Soryu: "Excuse me."

Soryu goes inside the room but then freezes.

(Uh-oh, he's nervous. I should go help.)

Meimei: "Excuse me... huh!?"

Inside, I find Samejima with his girlfriend Sakura and a very excited Ryosuke with his girlfriend Momiji.

Ryosuke: "Boss! Princess! Great job today!!"

Ryosuke: "You sound like a real hotel employee, Boss! You're so cool! WOO!"

Momiji: "Sheesh darling, calm down."

Samejima: "I agree. I'm very impressed, Soryu."

Sakura: "Darling, you made him mad."

Soryu: "..."

Soryu silently walks over to Ryosuke and bonks him on the head with a closed fist.

Ryosuke: "Owww!!"

Soryu: "Shut up and don't tease me!"

Samejima: "You really are doing a good job..."


Samejima: "Oww.."

Soryu: "That's enough. Shut up."

He looks embarrassed. He really is trying very hard, though. Is he that embarrassed about it?

Meimei: "You're such a hard worker, Soryu."

Soryu: "..."

Soryu glances in my direction and falls silent.

Ryosuke: "I knew it! That's our Boss!!"

Soryu: "I told you to shut up."


Ryosuke: "Ouch!! Sorry..."

Soryu knocks him on the head again.

(Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.)

Samejima: "...I almost forgot what we wanted to talk to you about."

Samejima: "We've finished spreading the word about the auctions, plush the issue with the painting has been resolved."

Samejima: "Plus, we were contacted by the Crimson Swords."

They lower their voices so I can only catch snippets like "gun" and "black market".

(Sounds dangerous...)

I decided to get back to work and leave the three of them to talk shop.

After his meeting with Ryosuke and Samejima, Soryu returns to headquarters and he doesn't get home till late.

Soryu: "I'm home."

Meimei: "Welcome back! Everything go all right at work?"

Soryu: "Yes. Sorry I'm late."

Meimei: "It's fine..."

I draw in a sharp breath as I notice he has his hair slicked back again.

(Wait, was he always this hot?)

Soryu: "What's wrong?"

Meimei: "I haven't seen you wear your hair like that in a while, so it just startled me."

Meimei: "I think you look really cool when you're working at the hotel, but..."

Meimei: "I love you best when you have your hair slicked back like this."

I saw as I reach up and smooth his hair back, but he gently grabs my wrist.

Soryu: "I'm happy to hear you say that."

He looks down at me, his eyes tender. Suddenly the faint scent of gunpowder tickles my nose. He gazes at me as making my heart skip a beat and I slowly close my eyes.

-End of (Season 3.5) Chapter 5-


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