(Season 3.5) Last Chapter 10

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Soryu: "Don't you dare touch them! Or anyone else here!"

Man 2: "Damn it! Shoot him, boys!"

We're surrounded by men with guns and I pick up the gun.

(Soryu won't be able to handle that many at once!)

Hikaru: "Go right ahead, unless you want me to post all kinds of nasty things about you on the internet."

(What the?)

Man 2: "What are you talkin' about?"

Hikaru: "I hacked into your server and found out all of your identities. And all the bad things you've done, too."

Man 3: "Like we'd believe that!"

Hishikura: "Oh? So you're not Dominik Cerny from the Czech Republic, then?"

Man 2: "H-How did you know that!?"

Ota: "Probably because you didn't protect your info enough."

???: "Hey, can you give me a hand?"

Man 2: "Huh?"

The man turns around, but he trips over someone and falls flat on his face. I see Baba standing there, and he waves to me.

Baba: "You should really be more careful next time. If there IS a next time."

Man 3: "H-Hey, where'd you come from!?"

The man points his gun up at Baba.

Meimei: "I don't think so!"


Man 3: "Gah!?"

The gun flies out of his hand.

Meimei & Soryu: "Don't touch him. None of you!"

Man 3: "D-Damn it!!"

Tension fills the room. Just then, a group of police officers swarm inside the building.

Mamoru: "Everybody freeze!"

(Mr. Kishi!!)

Mamoru: "We're police! Put down your weapons, NOW!"

Man 3: "Grr..."

The police quickly handcuff all the robbers and take them away.

Man 1: "You'll pay for this!!"

Meimei: "You're the one who talking! Or you'll die!"

Man 1: "!?"

Eisuke: "That's enough, Meimei."

Eisuke said as he place his hand on my shoulder when he look at the man.

Eisuke: "Do you have any idea how much it'll cost to repair the ceiling and the floor? Bullet holes everywhere..."

Eisuke: "It's alright, everyone. I'm so very sorry you had to through such a frightening experience."

Hishikura: "Please let us know if any of your feeling sick or injured, and our resident doctor can tend to you."

Guest: "My world! The owner himself dealt with the robbers! Just what I'd expect from the Tres Spades!"

Cao Da Hen: "Arrghh...!"

Meimei's Grandma: "Darling!"

Meimei: "Grandpa!"

Meimei: "Hang in there, grandpa!"

Soryu: "Meimei, can I move him?"

Meimei: "Yes, go ahead."

Soryu: "I'll bring him to Luke, then."

Meimei's Grandma: "Ahhh!"

Soryu crouches in front of my grandpa and carries him across his shoulder.

Soryu: "I know this might hurt, but please hang in there."

Meimei's Grandma: "..."

I know she want to refuse his help... but I glare to make her flinched. As neither of my grandma say a word until we get to Luke's office.

Luke: "The shock just gave him about of angina is all. Has the pain eased a bit?"

Cao Da Hen: "Yes, I'm feeling much better now."

Luke: "You were scared of those robbers, no doubt. Bloody awful, that was."

Luke: "As soo as the pain passes, you're fine to move. Just don't push yourself too hard."

Meimei's Grandma: "Thank you, Dr. Foster."

After my grandpa feels better, Luke gives me permission to take them to the airport.

Soryu: "I'll go, too. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I want to be there just in case something happens again."

After my grandparents check in, we walk over to customs with them. They haven't said a word to Soryu since we left Luke's office.

(I won't see them for a while again, so I want to talk to them or her.)

But I have no idea what to say. But suddenly, my grandma smiles at me.

Meimei's Grandma: "We'll see you later, Meimei. And you too, Soryu."


Soryu's eyes sparkle when she says his name. But then his lips tightens in a line.

Soryu: "I apologize from the bottom of my heart for lying to the both of you."

Soryu: "But please, please let me continue protecting your precious granddaughter. I beg you."

Soryu: "And don't do divorced your husband."

He gets down on his hands and knees and falls prostrate in front of them. My grandparents look down at him, bewildered.

Meimei: "Soryu!"

(I should beg them, too!)

Meimei: "I'm sorry for not telling you about Soryu fo so long. I really wanted to."

Meimei: "...But we were afraid about my grandpa would have a heart attack if he found out who Soryu is? Or you were about divorced to him, grandma..."

Meimei: "Soryu was very worried about that."

Meimei's Grandma: "Is that so..."

Meimei's Grandma: "But I thought it was strange, you know. Soryu doesn't seem they type of man to lie."

They have relived smiles on their faces, and I let out a sigh.

Meimei: "He's kind, dependable, and cherishes and cares for everyone around him."

Meimei: "I want to be happy with him forever. Please accept him as my fiance. Please!!"

I sit by Soryu on the floor and bow deeply. After a short pause, I hear a tender voice.

Meimei's Grandma: "Oh... please stop that, you two. People are staring."

I look up. Both of my grandparents are smiling as despite themselves.

Meimei's Grandma: "When I heard you were a mobster girl, I thought for sure you'd bring misery to my granddaughter."

Meimei's Grandma: "I thought I'd never agree..."

Meimei's Grandma: "...But when you stood in front of us, your back looked so solid and strong."

Cao Da Hen: "Well, I'm too old now to protect Isabel. So I suppose you'll just have to do it for me now."

(...Do they finally approve?)

As happiness wells up inside of me. But my grandma looks worried.

Meimei's s Grandma: "Your grandpa's beating around the bush because it's hard for him to express himself."

Meimei's Grandma: "But I hope you know what he means."

Meimei: "It's okay. I know."

Meimei: "Remember what I said before? I want a marriage like yours."

Meimei: "I want to be best friends with my husband. Depend on each other and help each other out."

Meimei's Grandma: "Now, if you keep this up we'll just have to approve, won't we?"

Cao Da Hen: "Haha, that's right! I'm proud of my beloved granddaughter lover with Soryu!"

Meimei: "Hehe. Now grandma?"

My grandma flinched as my voice are coldly.

Meimei's Grandma: "R-Right... dear... I'm sorry if I divorced you, but we can stay together as married."

My grandpa widen his eyes when he hugged his wife.

Cao Da Hen: "My wife... thank you."

Soryu stands up and lowers his head.

Soryu: "Thank you so much. I swear that I'll make her happy."

Meimei's Grandma: "But, no more hiding things from me, you hear?"

Meimei: "We know."

Cao Da Hen: "Next time, you should come visit us together."

Soryu: "I'd love to."

Meimei's Grandma: "You know, I think at first Isabel's parents might put up a fuss, but don't worry."

Meimei's Grandma: "We're on your side, and we'll convince'em!"

Meimei: "Thank you!"

Meimei's Grandparents: "Soryu. Please take care of Meimei."

Soryu: "Of course. She's in good hands."

Meimei: "Take care, you two."

Meimei's Grandparents: "You take care, too."

We exchange goodbyes and my grandparents board their plane. Soryu and I stay until their plane takes off.

After we get back from the airport, we go to the penthouse lounge.

Meimei: "Thank you so much, everyone. My grandparents got on their plane safely."

Ota: "So did she finally accept your relationship?"

Meimei: "Yes, somehow and she finally get back together with my grandpa."

Luke: "Good for you, then."

Soryu: "Why did you and Kishi come back, Baba?"

Baba: "Because I heard you and Meimei might break off your engagement!"

Luke: "So you came back because you worried?"

Mamoru: "Nah, just bored."

Baba: "I was so excited to get back to the hotel and I walked right into a robbery! That took me off-guard."

Mamoru: "I'm just glad nobody got hurt."

(They sound casual, but I bet they came back because they were worried about Soryu.)

I think Soryu sense that too, because he has a faint smile on his lips. Kishi says teasingly...

Mamoru: "You owe me big time, Oh?"

Soryu: "Yeah, yeah. ...Thanks."

Ota: "Whoa."

Baba: "Holy crap, everyone. Sor just thanked to Mamo!!"

Hishikura: "He must be losing it."

Eisuke: "Everyone get out their heavy coats, because I'm sure hell will freeze over."

Soryu: "Say whatever you want. Even I can thank someone who saved my life."

Baba: "Speaking of acting out of character, is it true you worked at the hotel, Sor?"

Baba: "I called as soon as Ota told me, but you hung up on me!"

Baba: "So is it true or not?"

Soryu: "It's true. I quit as soon as Meimei's grandma's found out cause we were lying."

Mamoru: "What? We missed it!"

Soryu: "It wasn't that interesting."

Mamoru: "Seeing you bow your head and talkin' all polite to the guests is sure to be funny."

Soryu: "Be quiet."

Meimei: "But Soryu was actually really good at it. So be quiet Mr. Kishi!"

Mamoru: "Oh yeah? Tell me more, kid."

Soryu: "Meimei. Don't you dare tell him anything."

Meimei: "I'm sorry~"

(Aw, now I feel bad. He looks so embarrassed.)

Soryu: "Well, you know what they say. All's well that ends well."

Ota: "...Why's he being so nice, you guys?"

Baba: "Sor, can you save those tender eyes for when you're alone with Meimei?"

Soryu: "I didn't realize I was doing anything. Let's go, Meimei."

Meimei: "Bye."

Mamoru: "Yeah, yeah, get on outta here."

Meimei: "Whatever you say, Mr. Slacker police."

Mamoru: "What was that!"

We laughed at Mr. Kishi.

Soryu and I go back to our suite. As soon as we're inside and we hug each other tightly.

Meimei: "We finally got their approval!"

Soryu: "I'm so happy."

(Now we can really be together forever!)

Meimei: "It's all thanks to you."

Meimei: "You treated them respectfully the whole time, and I know they could tell."

Meimei: "And thank you for coming to save me."

Soryu: "I want to thank you, too."

He combs his long fingers through my hair.

Soryu: "Even when we were apart, I kept thinking how you said you wanted... to be with me no matter how much they were against it."

Soryu: "That's why I was able to keep going. Because of you."

We gaze at each other, and we smiling.

Meimei: "It looks like things are better between everyone now, too."

(Even Kishi and Baba came to the rescue.)

(Despite what everyone says, I know they all care for each other deeply.)

Soryu: "Yes, I'm very thankful."

Soryu: "But right now I want to focus on you. And how you're mine."

The way he gazes at me makes my blood sing. It's like he's shot me with an arrow and I'm frozen as he strokes my cheek with his finger.

Soryu: "While we were apart, all I could think about was you."

Soryu: "I can't live without you, Meimei."

Soryu: "Since when did a mobster like me get so weak?"

He chuckles self-deprecatingly and I gently shake my head.

Meimei: "I can't live without you, either."

Meimei: "But I think we can get throught anything, as long as we're together."

Soryu: "I feel like I'm stronger when I'm with you. Is that what you mean?"

Meimei: "Yes, that's it exactly. So let's stay together forever, okay?"

Soryu: "Meimei..."

He pulls my head to his chest. I hear his voice above my head, husky with emotion.

Soryu: "Yes. Forever."

He leans down and kisses me. It's a soft, affectionate kiss.

He carries me quickly towards the bed. He gently lowers me down onto the sheets and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Soryu: "I love you, Meimei."

Soryu: "I'll never let you again."

*Lemon: Start*

He whispers his love to me, and his breath heating up my skin. His tender movements make me cry out with pleasure.

Meimei: "I love you... I love you, too."

Meimei: "Soryu...! Ohhh!"

Soryu: "Louder, Meimei."

Soryu: "I love your voice so much... I want to hear it more."

Meimei: "...Ahhh..."

His fingers touch me in my sensitive spots, and I let out a loud moan.

Soryu: "You love being touched here, don't you?"

Meimei: "Ahhh! Soryu...!"

He took off his clothes then he shove his cock enter in my pussy to make me cry out as he thrusting in me from his pace rougher as he hit my g-spot all over, over and over again to make me scream in pleasure.

Meimei: "Ahhh! Soryu!!"

Soryu: "Meimei!!"

We moan our name, he kept hitting my g-spot are too rough when the bed are creaking as louder, we moan, groan, grunt and skin smacking skin roughter to make me scream more. He grunt louder when he hold our hands together as he kept thrusting in me roughter from his pace.

Soryu: "Ngh...! Meimei!!"

He ram in my womb to let out deep his cum filled inside me to make me scream in pleasure and he grunt louder.

*Lemon: End*

Why does it make me feel so happy to surrender to his body? Swept up in love, I hug him tightly and he tenderly wraps his arms around me. Our relationship has been accepted, and we whisper our love to each other over and over again, never tiring of it.

-End of (Season 3.5) Last Chapter 10-


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