(Season 3) Chapter 4

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Meimei: "Oh wow, you can see the whole city from here!"

Soryu: "Yeah."

We're at the London Eye tonight for a date.

Meimei: "Now I get why they call it that!"

Meimei: "The view is totally unobstructed."

As we get closer to the top, we can see out over all of London.

Meimei: "Such a big city..."

(...I hope we can make it a peaceful place where the mafia and ordinary people can coexist.)

(I know that'll make Soryu feel better.)

Meimei: "I hope we can solve things soon."

Soryu: "So do I."

His eyes look so peaceful right now. I close my eyes in anticipation of a kiss, and I feel a soft sensation on my lips.

(No matter what anyone says... I love him.)

(He's so sweet... I love him more than anything.)

He pulls away and grabs my left hand.

Soryu: "...I have something important to talk to you about."

Meimei: "What is it?"

His gaze turns serious, and my heart starts pounding.

Soryu: "I told you before I want to marry you, but how do you feel about it?"

Soryu: "Are you prepared to be a mobster's wife, and all that entails?"

Meimei: "Of course I am."

Soryu: "I feel much better hearing that."

Soryu: "But there's something else I need to make sure of."

(What could it be?)

I can feel how nervous he is, and I brace myself as I wait.

Soryu: "My feelings for you won't change."

Soryu: "But once we get married, things will be tough for you and there's no denying that."

Meimei: "What?"

Soryu: "If you marry me... unfortunately we can't make it official. It has to be a common-law marriage."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

I'm so shocked, but I can't even hide it.

Soryu: "If you take my last name, you'll be in even more danger than you are now."

Soryu: "And... I doubt your parents would ever welcome me with open arms."

Meimei: "!!!"

A pained look is on his face, and my heart wrenches in my chest.

(But I can't even say anything to that...)

Meimei: "...There has to be another way."

Soryu: "I'm not sure what it would be."

He murmurs, and I feel like I'm going to cry.

Meimei: "But still... we could get through it together."

Soryu: "You were just hurt the other day because of me."

Soryu: "I can't let your affiliation with the Dragons endanger your life."

Meimei: "What?"

Soryu: "...Also, I heard there was an incident with a guest at the hotel."

Meimei: "!!!"

(Did he see us!?)

That frustration and sadness or madness I felt that day starts welling up again.

Meimei: "It's making me angry when I warning her..."

Soryu: "You shouldn't say 'you're death to me'... your grandfather will upset."

Meimei: "I know..."

Soryu: "...I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

Meimei: "..."

Soryu: "Common-law marriages are, well, common in the mafia world."

Soryu: "And it's not unusual for couples to stay together their whole lives without marrying."

Soryu: "Honestly, I don't know how long I can keep this up."

Soryu: "Even if I ask you to wait until society's opinion of the mafia has changed."

Soryu: "I still can't promise that I can legally marry you."

Soryu: "So if we do get married, it will have to be a common-law marriage."

Soryu: "That's what I wanted to tell you today."

(...That's the kind of marriage Soryu can offer to me.)

(I know that he has unusual job.)

(And I knew marriage would be never be smooth-sailling for us, but...)

(I always thought that if we stayed together, the two of us could... overcome any kind of hardships that may come our way.)

I'd been holding onto that belief, but I can feel my confidence slowly begin to crumble.

(Maybe I should just give up on marrying him if I'm just going to be a burden.)

My mind starts to feel numb, and Soryu rests his hand on my head.

Soryu: "I'll never love another woman besides you."

Soryu: "As long as we love each other, it shouldn't matter if we're married on paper or not."

(I know I have to accept this if we're going to stay together.)

But there are so many thoughts swirling around in my head, but still... I can't answer right now.

Meimei: "...Give me some time to think about it."

(If I want to stay with him, I might have no other choice.)

A few days later...

Meimei: "Hello... I'm here to clean."

I enter the penthouse lounge and find everyone relaxing.

Baba: "Ugh.... I REALLY wanted it, too..."

Ota: "Are you still pissed that Soryu bought that vase?"

Baba: "Yes! I really, really wanted it!!"

Ota: "...Baba, you sound like a kid having a tantrum."

Baba: "Nobody asked you, Ota."

Ota: "What did you use that thing for, anyway?"

Soryu: "You want to know that badly? I suppose it won't hurt to tell you now."

Soryu: "I gave it to the boss of a rival gang as a peaceful gesture."

(I bet he's talking about the Crimson Swords.)

Baba: "Must be important if you gave him something that expensive."

Soryu: "We're just trying to negotiate a truce right now."

Soryu: "They're sick of fighting, too. It's a win-win for both of us."

Soryu says with a sigh as he takes a sip some coffee.

Meimei: "So, what happened, then?"

Soryu: "They were responsive, but I'm waiting for their answer now."

Soryu: "I'm hoping there will be a truce soon."

Meimei: "Oh, really?"

I feel happy when I see the relieved look on his face.

Ota: "So then, you'll be free for a while?"

Baba: "Come to a party with us. Let's pick up some gorgeous English girls!"

Soryu: "I'll pass."

Baba: "You're no fun. If we bring Boss, he'll steal all the hot ones away from us."

Eisuke: "I'm sick of wasting time with women who are of no use to me."

Ota: "Oh, why don't we bring Kishi then?"

Mamoru: "Hey! Why am I the last resort!?"

I feel like a burden's been lifted off my shoulders as I listen to their carefree conversation.

(Things were tense in here, but now they've finally calmed down.)

(I hope peace comes back to the city soon.)

Meimei: "I'm glad the talks are going well."

Soryu: "It's a step in the right direction."

That night, Soryu and I relax in his suite together.

(He seems so much more at ease lately.)

(He's been so stressed out since we got here, so I'm glad he can relax.)

Soryu: "What's wrong?"

Meimei: "Nothing. But, its just happy we get to rest tonight."

Soryu: "Mm."

He smiles a little and slips an arm around my waist.

Soryu: "...Remember what we talked about before?"

Meimei: "Wh-What do you mean...!?"

Soryu: "About you helping me unwind."

Meimei: "...!"

He says breathily, and I start to blush.

Meimei: "Just... g-go easy on me, okay?"

Soryu: "I'll try, but I can't make any promises."

He says, making my heart race.

(My god! This is so not fair...!)

Soryu: "Meimei..."

Meimei: "Mmm...."

He presses his lips against mine and I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts my body up and starts to carry me to the bedroom. He lowers me onto the bed and showers me with passionate kisses.

Meimei: "...Mmm..."

Soryu: "I love you from the bottom of my heart."

His husky voice makes my body tremble and I gasp are cuteness. He loosens his tie, that gesture a prelude of what's to come. He unbuttons his shirt and leans down to kiss me again.


We hear his cell phone ringing from the living room.

Meimei: "Ugh..."

Soryu: "Damn it. Not again."

Meimei: "Don't worry... just answer it."

I try to regain control of my breathing as I watch him.

(I'm used to this... but he's always so busy.)

Soryu: "Yes..."

Soryu: "What!?"

Soryu: "...I'll be right there."

Meimei: "What's going on..."

(Did something happen?)

Soryu hangs up the phone and sighs deeply.

Soryu: "We received the official response from the Crimson Swords."

Meimei: "What did they say?"

Soryu: "We need to go to the office. There's something I have to tell you there."

Meimei: "Huh? Me?"

His voice sounds pained, and I have a very bad feeling about this. We silently head over to the London headquarters.

As soon as we arrive, I can feel the tension in the air.

Soryu: "...So?"

Jin: "They have agreed to a truce."

(Good. Now everything can be solved.)

Jin: "But there are conditions."

Jin: "...The boss wants you to marry his daughter, Mr. Oh."

Meimei: "What!?"

(What the hell did he just say!?)

Meimei: "What the hell is going on?"

This is like a nightmare... but it's making me angry. Soryu breaks the silence.

Soryu: "I'm going to have to marry her."

(What!? Legally marry her!?)

I feel like my heart's about to stop. Suddenly I remember when we first met.

*Back then as we first met*

Soryu: "I've turned down the marriage offer to Mei Ling."

Soryu: "There are other ways to gain power besides marriage."

(Back then, thanks to Mr. Ichinomiya and Simon, the marriage was called off.)

But circumstances are different now. Soryu's the boss of the Dragons now, and if this deal falls apart...

Soryu: "...Isn't there anything else we can offer?"

Jin: "I asked, but was told he will only agree to a truce if his daughter marries the boss of the Ice Dragons."

Jin: "He says if you don't agree... he'll make an alliance with another gang and destory the Ice Dragons."

Meimei: "That bastard..."

(Destroy the Ice Dragons!? How dare him!?)

Soryu: "..."

Soryu's speechless, and suddenly various Dragons call out angrily...

Mobster 1: "Boss, you're not thinking of turning him down, aren't you!?"

Mobster 2: "What's more important? That woman or us!?"

Ryosuke: "H-Hang on! Princess is very, very important to Boss!"

Mobster 3: "Yeah! I don't want some strange woman in here!"

Mobster 1: "That's got nothing to do with this! Our future depends on this!"

Everyone starts squabbling, but I'm so numb I just stand there, speechless and angry.

Mobster 1: "Just legally marry her and make this one your mistress!"

Mobster 3: "What are you gonna do, Boss!?"

Soryu: "..."

Soryu doesn't answer them.

Mobster 2: "Alliance by marriage is expected from mobsters!"

Mobster 2: "I won't follow any boss who can't understand that!"

Someone pipes up, then he and the other members who agree with him end up leaving.

(How in the world are we going to get through this?)

There are so many things I have to think about, but my mind is just a total blank.

~End of (Season 3) Chapter 4~


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