(Season 3) Chapter 6

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Soryu: "From the day forward, I, Soryu Oh, will no longer be an Ice Dragon."

The entire room falls silent.

Soryu: "I'm sorry for not letting you know there was a different boss sooner."

Soryu: "But I thought it would be easier to say this when everyone was together."

Soryu: "This is my formal annoucement."

(No way... hang on a second...)

Soryu: "I've already arranged this with Jin, the new boss."

Soryu: "Please offer your support to the Ice Dragons under his leadership."

He says, bowing his head and then he walking towards me.

Soryu: "Let's go, Meimei."

Meimei: "W-W-Wait a minute! But why didn't you tell me about this!?"

He silently pulls me out of the office.

Meimei: "Soryu, you've got to be kidding! How can you quit the Dragons!?"

Soryu: "I would never joke about this. I chose you over the Dragons, it's as simple as that."

Meimei: "But still...!"

He smiles at me, and I look into his eyes and see none of the indecisiveness that I saw the other day.

Meimei: "No..."

(Now Soryu doesn't have to marry someone else.)

(And I'm sure the Dragons will be secure under Jin's leadership, but...)

*Back then*

Soryu: "I don't want to threaten ordinary citizens or steal from them."

Soryu: "I think the mafia should be protecting the citizens, not harming them."

(If he leaves the Dragons, what will happen to his dream?)

(He inherited it from his grandfather and it means so much to him.)

(Is it really okay for him to let go of the Dragons?)

Meimei: "Soryu, I..."

My emotions are such a mess right now, and I start to sobbing and I can't speak.

Soryu: "...You don't have to say anything right now."

And so all I do is just crying in his arms.

(Soryu's really quit being a mobster.)

I think absently as I make the bed in the guest room when I'm cleaning. It's been several days since then, but it doesn't feel real.

*Remember about earlier*

Soryu: "I chose you over the Dragons, it's simple as that."

Meimei: "But how can I be happy?"

(Now that he's quit, we won't be able to see Ryosuke and Samejima again...)

(And now he's lost his dream of building the Ice Dragons into a mob which protects people.)

(I wonder if he regrets his decision?)

As suddenly, I realize I've been spacing out.

Meimei: "No... no, I need to do my work today."

If I stop, I'll just start thinking about unnecessary things. I focus on the task at hand to chase all those thoughts out of my head.

Meimei: "I'm home."

Soryu: "Welcome home."

Soryu greets me when I get back to the suite.

(Lately he's been waiting for me when I get home.)

Meimei: "Thanks. I'll make dinner."

Soryu: "I'm sure you're tired, though. You can rest if you want."

Meimei: "Thanks. What do you want to eat? Chinese? Japanese?"

I head over to the kitchen to grab my apron, but... I still feeling down.


Suddenly, my cell phone rings and I see that... it's from my mom.

*Phone Conversation*

Meimei: "Hello?"

Ai: "Hi, can you talk? It's not the middle of the night, is it?"

Meimei: "No, it's still evening. I can talk. So what's up?"

Ai: "Well, I just wanted to continue our conversation from the other day."

Ai: "So I really think it's time for you to get married. So I found you a great match."

Meimei: "What!?"

Ai: "Yep!"

Ai: "A nice young man about your age from your daddy's company."

Ai: "I asked him over for dinner the next time you come back to Japan."

Meimei: "What? You mean an arranged marriage?"

Ai: "It doesn't have to be that formal. But I think it's a good opportunity for you."

Meimei: "Hang on a second, don't make decisions like that for me! I have my own life!"

(Ugh, this is so annoying...)

Soryu: "What's wrong?"

Soryu whispers, sensing something's up.

Meimei: "My mom's trying to get me to marry someone from my dad's company."

Soryu: "Oh? Tell her you already have someone."

Soryu: "You can tell your family about me now, remember?"

Meimei: "!!!"

(That's right, Soryu's not a mobster anymore so I can tell my mom about him.)

Our eyes meet and we smiles at each other.

Meimei: "You know mother... I haven't mentioned this yet, but I told you I have a boyfriend. So I'm actually already dating someone."

Ai: "What!? Why didn't you say so!? Since when!? What's he like!?"

Meimei: "He's a friend of the owner of the Tres Spades."

Meimei: "We've been dating since I worked in Japan. So... he's from Hong Kong."

Ai: "Oooh, an international marriage!! Did he propose? When's the wedding!?"

Meimei: "Calm down, mom! Sheesh!"

I can't help but laughed at how excited she sounds.

Meimei: "We haven't decided anything yet, but when we do I'll let you know."

Meimei: "So please don't try to set me up with anyone."

Ai: "Alright, I'll tell your daddy. I bet he'll start sobbing!!"

Meimei: "Uh-huh..."

*End of Phone Conversation*

I'm a little overwhelmed by my mom's reaction, and I hang up with a sigh.

Meimei: "Looks like... my mom's totally jumping to conclusions."

(I can't believe she's so happy...)

(But it feels good not to have to hide our relationship anymore, though.)

Soryu: "Looks like we should go back to Japan soon."

Meimei: "What...?"

Meimei: "You mean to meet them?"

Soryu: "Yes. I'll formally ask your hand in marriage."

Meimei: "!!!"

Soryu: "Now we can marry sooner than we expected."

(Now there's nothing standing in our way.)


I'd given up on it, but now it seems like it could really happen.

Ota: "What? You quit the mob, Soryu?"

I go up to the penthouse and see Soryu and the others.

Baba: "Choosing his beloved over his brothers... that's so romantic!"

Baba: "I'm totally behind it. Let's have a party to celebrate!"

Soryu: "That's not necessary."

Baba: "Okay, first let's start with room service... we'll need champagne..."

Baba ignores Soryu and takes it upon himself to call for room service. I sigh then shake my head.

Ota: "Now what are you going to do?"

Ota: "Without the mob, you're just some nasty old dude with a chip on his shoulder."

Soryu: "...Watch it."

Ota: "Now you're unemployed just like Kishi."

Mamoru: "Hah!? I got a damn job!"

Eisuke: "I'll hire you as my personal bodyguard."

Soryu: "I'd rather not work for someone who's that much trouble..."

Baba: "Ooh, how about you become a thief like me?"

Soryu: "I'll pass."

Meimei: "PFF..."

Ota: "Ahahahaha! Baba, you totally just got rejected."

Baba: "I really thought we'd make a good team, too..."

Mamoru: "I'd arrest both of ya in a heartbeat."

(Looks like these guys never change.)

They're acting the same even though Soryu's not a mobster anymore... but, that makes me really happy.

Soryu: "Now that I've quit the mob, I no longer have their back. But I still want to take part in the auctions."

Soryu: "I had to pay a lot of money to buy my way out of the Dragons."

Eisuke: "So that's how you were able to get out with no resistance."

Soryu: "Yes. They needed the money."

(So he had to go through a lot to get out of the Dragons.)

Baba: "Okay, so in honor of the party, I'll give you a gift. What will it be?"

Baba: "A trip around the world with a beautiful woman? Or..."

Soryu: "I don't need that."

Soryu abruptly turns Baba down as usual when I giggle softly.

Soryu: "But if you insist... I'd like you to attend our wedding as our friend."

Meimei: "Wh-Wh-What!?"

Baba: "Huh? That's it!?"

Ota: "Wait, you two are getting married!?"

Soryu: "Yes. As soon as we get everything in place."

Meimei: "Y-Yeah..."

(It's kind of embarrassing to hear it out loud.)

Soryu: "Meimei would be sad if there were no friends or family on the groom's side."

Soryu: "And you people are better than nothing."

(That's right. I'll have a lot of family there, but Soryu doesn't have any...)

Ota: "I've got nothing better to do, so I can make your invitations."

Baba: "I can perform magic at the reception! Something amazing, like sawing someone in half!"

Mamoru: "Just make sure you have an open bar."

Eisuke: "I know there's no convincing you otherwise, so I'll just offer my congratulations."

I start to feel warm inside as everyone congratulates us.

(This will be our new normal.)

I start imagining our futures together as the other guys chat.

Meimei: "Ahh, I drank too much."

We finally manage to escape the party cause Baba threw for us, and are back in our suite.

(I'm so happy. Is this the "ordinary happiness" we've been dreaming about?)

(We're happy now because Soryu quit the mob. It's all because of him.)

Meimei: "Soryu."

Soryu: "Hm?"

Meimei: "Thank you so much for quitting the mafia... but I'll not quit..."

Soryu: "Huh?"

Meimei: "Mulan told me not to quit being boss, but she doesn't want to see my grandfather will upset."

Meimei: "But you're here when I get home from work, and we can celebrate getting married."

Meimei: "I'm so happy we get to experience this together."

Soryu: "There, finally a genuine smile."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

Soryu: "I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand. It's why you've been down lately, right?"

He touches my cheeks with his big hands.

Meimei: "Well, you quit the Dragons because of me."

Soryu: "Not because of you. For us. I chose our future together."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Meimei: "Do you regret it?"

Soryu: "...Of course not. It was my decision."

Soryu: "I want to spend my life with you. That's my answer."

Soryu: "We can wait until you're ready, but..."

He brings up the subject of us registering our marriage in Japan.

Soryu: "We have to go through the proper procedures since it'll be an international marriage."

Soryu: "When we're done with that, we'll have a lot of paperwork."

(I doubt he doesn't have any regrets leaving the Dragons.)

(But now we can finally live our lives together.)

Meimei: "Okay."

So many emotions well up at once, and I reach out and hug him. He strokes my cheek in response and slowly kisses me.

Soryu: "Meimei..."

*Lemon: Start*

Meimei: "Mmm, ahhh, mmm!"

Our kiss gradually deepens and I find it harder to breathe. Maybe it's from all the alcohol, but our tongues push against each other aggressively and passionately... and I start to feel quaking, sweet sensation build up within.

Meimei: "Mm, wait..."

Meimei: "Ah..."

Soryu: "What if I told you I couldn't?"

His eyes pierce through me, and he pushes me down onto the couch. He starts unbuttoning my blouse.

Soryu: "No one's going to interrupt us now."

Soryu: "The phone won't ring. There will be no gunshots."

Soryu says, glancing at his phone on the table. He leans down and runs his tongue over my bare breasts to making me moan.

Soryu: "I've put you through so much. From now on, I live for you."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

My heart is so full I can't say anything else.

Soryu: "I love you."

His words fill me up even more.

(I don't have to worry about anything now. We can be happy together.)

That night, we make love again and again, and he fills up every part of me. But it's goes round 2. I gasp/moan when he thrusting in me rammed and rammed with his hard shaft as he growls and groans louder. He grab my right bare breast with his hand to squeeze it when he lifted my left thigh up with his other hand to continue his hard cock thrusting in me harder then quicken roughest pace to slammed my g-spot full speed-up to making me scream in pleasure and he grunts louder. I came harder milking over his harder shaft but he can't stop thrusting in me to rammed and rammed even quicken roughest pace.

Meimei: "Mmm... ahhh... mmm... ahhhh!"

I moan in sexy/lewd tone when he turned him on as I felt his hard cock are throbbing, he's gonna to cum when he kept thrusting even harder then quicken roughest pace, I open my mouth like 'o' and our skin are slapped harder and we moan and breathing heavily, he grunted when he slammed his hips as I felt his hot cums fills me up harder and deeper when I cried out in pleasure then he gritted his teeth cause he can't stop cumming inside even more fills me up. He pull his hard cock out of my pussy.

*Lemon: End*

Soryu lift me like a bride style to take me to the bedroom.

~End of (Season 3) Chapter 6~


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