(Season 3) Last Epilogue 3

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Soryu: "Was I too rough?"

Meimei: "N-No..."

Soryu: "I'm sorry... I love you so much, it's hard for me to control myself."

He blush as embarrassed to make me giggle.

Meimei: "It's okay."

(How can I be mad when he says that?)

Soryu: "I want to cook breakfast with you tomorrow."

Meimei: "Well, let's make omelettes, then."

Soryu: "And I'll try to be home early tomorrow night so we can eat dinner together."

Meimei: "Okay. I'll make something extra yummy tomorrow."

Soryu: "Good... I'm so tired of eating out."

We talk quietly in the bed as Soryu gently strokes my hair.

Soryu: "I want you to finish that pamphlet, too."

Soryu: "It made me really happy hearing you wanted to do it to help me."

Meimei: "Hehe... alright. I'll work on finding good spots to include."

Soryu: "Mm."

He pulls me tight against his body.

Soryu: "I'm so happy being with you."

Meimei: "Me, too."

I snuggle against his warmth, and before long I fall right to sleep.

A few days later...

Meimei: "This is taking forever..."

I'm totally exhausted from sitting at the computer.

(I don't really have much to write for this pamphlet.)

Everyone working on it got together, but since every place featured... is kind of similar to the other, I'm stuck on what to write about.

(I'm not sure if the guests will even enjoy this thing.)

I look at the computer screen, suddenly feeling unsure.

Soryu: "Meimei, if you're stuck, would you like to go out for a bit?"

Meimei: "But what about work?"

Soryu: "I'm cutting back."

Meimei: "What!?"

Soryu: "There's no need for me to work so hard I can't make time for you."

Soryu: "There are plenty of things the others can do."

Meimei: "Oh..."

(He did that for me? But that's so nice...)

Meimei: "Okay, I'll go get ready!"

It's been a while since we went on a date, and I'm really excited.

Meimei: "So, where are we going?"

Soryu: "Nowhere in particular."

Soryu: "Just walking around town to see if we can find any good spots for the pamphlet."

Meimei: "!!!"

I look at him in surprise and he smiles.

Soryu: "Normally I can't help you with work, but I can with something like this."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Meimei: "Thank you. I bet we'll find something!"

Soryu: "Let's start looking right away."

Meimei: "Okay!"

(Soryu wants to help me with my work, too!)

I'm so happy, and we haven't even found anything yet!

Meimei: "All these places are already in the travel guides."

Soryu: "I guess only locals would know where the good sports are."

Soryu: "Sorry... I guess I should have payed more attention when I lived here."

Meimei: "No, it's not your fault."

Meimei: "And I bet it's different from back then, anyway."

Soryu: "Yeah..."

I try to cheer him up when I notice he looks disappointed.

Soryu: "Oh, that's right."

Meimei: "Hm?"

Soryu: "I just thought of something. Follow me."

(I wonder where he's taking me?)

I curious when I follow Soryu.

Meimei: "Oh my gosh! This is gorgeous!"

I exclaim as I look up at the stained glass which goes all the way up to the ceiling.

Soryu: "This brings back a lot of memories. It hasn't changed much at all."

Soryu: "This place is open to the public on the weekends. Why don't you include it?"

Meimei: "Yeah! I'm sure the guests will love it."

(It's really nice here, and it makes me happy to introduce a place from Soryu's past.)

(Hm? But still...)

*Back then*

Eisuke: "Haven't you told her about that yet?"

(What are they talking about?)

Soryu: "I'm different now. I'm past that already."


I remember that conversation with Mr. Ichinomiya... and start to worry, but maybe Soryu didn't want to come here.

(I'm glad he brought me to his school, but... is it really okay?)

Soryu: "What is it?"

Soryu: "...I guess this place isn't what you're looking for. It is a little far..."

Meimei: "No, that's not it. I'm sorry you're going to this trouble for me."

Soryu: "Why are you apologizing?"

Meimei: "Don't you have some kind of painful memories here?"

Meimei: "The other day... it seemed like you didn't want to talk about the past."

Soryu: "Huh? No, that's not it at all."

Meimei: "What?"

He sighs.

Soryu: "I think you got the wrong idea. It's just... it's not a very flattering story."

Meimei: "What do you mean?"

Soryu: "One night I stayed up too late studying and went to church early the next morning."

Soryu: "...I ended up passing out and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance."

Meimei: "!!!"

Soryu: "It turned out to be slight anemia, but I'd always followed the idea that... mobsters aren't supposed to show any signs of weakness."

Soryu: "Back then, all I wanted was to become a big, tough mobster. Not now, though."

Soryu: "Since I met you, I've realized how nice it is to have someone accept your weaknesses."

Meimei: "Oh Soryu..."

Meimei: "Tell me more. I want to know everything about you."

Soryu: "...I was really small back then. I have a lot of embarrassing stories like that."

Meimei: "It's not embarrassing. They're precious memories to you, right?"

Meimei: "And I want to make sure you know you can always take it easy with me."

Soryu: "I know."

His calm voice echoes throughout the chapel.

Soryu: "Thank you."

Meimei: "Hey, I should be thanking you."

Soryu: "No... I want to thank you more."

His eyes narrow kindly. I close my eyes in anticipation of a kiss, and it's not long before I feel his soft lips on mine.

Guest 1: "This pamphlet is filled with really great places to visit that aren't crowded with tourists!"

Guest 2: "Oh, I went to that chapel on Sunday and it was gorgeous!"

(Good! I'm so glad the guests are enjoying it!)

Several weeks later... the pamphlet is done, and I start hearing guests talk about it.

Guest 1: "I think I'll stay at the Tres Spades again. They have great customer service."


My heart swells with pride hearing this, and I continue on with my work.

Baba: "Meimei, I saw that brochure you put out!"

Ota: "There were tons of spots in there. What a good girl you are."

Meimei: "I had a lot of help."

Mamoru: "It's all your fault, my favorite soba joint's been crowded lately!"

Meimei: "Excuse me? You're the one who told me where it was... so SHUT THE HELL UP SLACKER POLICE!"

Mamoru: "..."

Ota & Baba: "Hahahahaha!"

Baba: "N-Now, now.... ahaha, at least the hotel's reputation is improving. Right?"

Meimei: "Yep!"

Soryu and I look at each other and smile.

(I couldn't do much alone, but I managed to finish it working with Soryu.)

(We should keep helping each other from now on...)

Ryosuke: "Alright! See you later!

Meimei: "Be careful, Ryosuke."

One day, I'm at the office and see Ryosuke with his girlfriend (Momiji) and the others off to work.

(Pfft, he keeps turning around and waving. He's like a little puppy. But I'm glad he's with my member Momiji are dating.)

Soryu's quietly working.

(We're going to be all alone today.)

(It's rare for the office to be empty like this.)

Alone together, it feels unbelievably quiet and peaceful, especially for a mafia headquarters.

Meimei: *Yaaawn*

I quickly try to stifle the yawn that comes out.

(God... I shouldn't yawn while Soryu's hard at work.)

(I'll go make some tea to wake me up.)

I stand up and stretch and then head into the kitchen.

Meimei: "I made you some tea."

Meimei: "Hm? Soryu....?"

I say softly, so I don't interrupt his work...

Soryu: "..."

Soryu's fallen asleep on the couch.

(Looks like he's been working so hard lately. I guess it was quiet in here and he just dozed off.)

(It's rare for him to nap during the day, though.)

I can't help but giggle at the relaxed look on his face.

(It's nice seeing him like this for a change, too.)

I gently set down his tea and gaze at him quietly so as not to wake him up.

Soryu: "Hm?"

Meimei: "Oh, are you awake?"

He wakes up a little bit later. And then he stands up, looking guilty.

Soryu: "I guess I fell asleep."

Meimei: "It's so quiet in here. I was sleepy, too."

Soryu: "I've never fallen asleep while working..."

Soryu: "Maybe I'm too relaxed."

Meimei: "It's alright. It's just you and me here."

Meimei: "You can be relaxed in front of me, honey."

Soryu: "....Just don't tell the others."

Meimei: "Pffft. It's our little secret."

Soryu: "Mm."

He says with a smile.

Meimei: "Let me brew up a new cup of tea. It'll wake you up."

Soryu: "Thanks."

I goes back into the kitchen.

Soryu: "I had a dream, just now."

He murmurs after taking a sip of tea.

Meimei: "What kind of dream?"

Soryu: "Mm... we had a baby."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

(What!? We did!?)

My cheeks immediately blush from the unexpected response.

Meimei: "W-Was it a girl or a boy?"

Soryu: "I don't remember. I just remember all three of us talking about something and really happy."

Meimei: "Hehe. I bet our baby was really adorable."

Soryu: "I'm sure. I remember thinking how much I loved our child... how much I wanted to protect them, just like you."

Soryu: "...I might really be a father someday."

Meimei: "Yep."

(Soryu will be an amazing dad.)

I start to imagine us having a baby... and my heart starts pounding with anticipation.

Soryu: "That's right... we still need to get an application for the marriage certificate."

Meimei: "Yeah... I tore it up the old one..."

Soryu: "This time I'll get a whole stack of them just in case you feel destructive again."

Meimei: "I won't do it again, silly!"

Soryu: "Let's fill it out together, okay? And think of our future children."

Meimei: "!!!"

His tender smile tugs at my heart, filling me with affection.

(We're really going to be a family.)

We're not just going to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We're going to become a family and spend the rest of our lives together. He's going to become an even bigger part of my life.

(I hope my mother and father understand how wonderful he is.)

I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

Meimei: "Let's stay together forever."

Soryu: "Mm. I'll love you until the end of time."

His large hands tenderly cup my cheeks. I close my eyes and he kisses me softly.

(I love you so much, Soryu.)

My heart is so full with love for him, and I surrender myself to his kisses.

Meimei: "Hm? it's gone..."

I had some free time so I cleaned up, but then I realized I was missing something.

Meimei: "It's not here... that lucky cat thing I got a Chisato's wedding."

(Maybe Soryu put it somewhere else?)

(Or maybe Ryosuke knocked it off the table and broke it...)

Soryu: "Thanks for cleaning."

Meimei: "Sure... I'm glad to help you out."

Soryu: "I really appreciate it."

Meimei: "What should I make for dinner?"

Soryu: "I want omelettes again."

Meimei: "Alright. Let's go shopping on the way home."

Soryu: "I'm so excited to marry you... because that means I'll get to eat your food every day."

Meimei: "Hehe. And I'm so excited to cook for you."

We smile at each other, and I relish this happiness.

~End of (Season 3) Epilogue 3~


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