Sequel 1

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Man: "You'll pay for this, you bastard!"

A sharp blade glints as I hear a scream in the busy shopping district. Soryu and I were enjoying a rare date when as suddenly a man appeared wielding a knife.

Meimei: "Soryu!"

Soryu: "Get back, Meimei."

He stands in front of me to shield me when he glares at the man.

Soryu: "Who do you work for?"

Man: "Shut up! Because of you bastards, our gang has... has..."

Man: "You won't get away with this!!"

The man charges at Soryu, who deftly evades him and lands a swift kick on him.


Man: "Arrggh!"

The man groans loudly and crumples to the ground.

Soryu: "Get lost. There won't be a second chance."

Soryu gives him a piercing glare and the man screams and run away, I laughed softly.

Ryosuke: "You're so amazing, sir! I'd expect nothing less!"

Ryosuke runs up to us happily.

Soryu: "...You were watching?"

Ryosuke: "I'm sorry! When I came back from buying your drink, you were already with him!"

Soryu: "Tch. You're hopeless."


Ryosuke: "Looks like the cops are showing up."

Soryu: "Let's go, Meimei."

Meimei: "H-Hold up!"

Soryu grabs my hand and quickly starts walking.

Ryosuke: "Please wait, sir!"

It's been one month since Soryu and I started dating. As things about between us are going great, but occasionally incidents like this happen.

(Ryosuke always comes with us for backup whenever we go out.)

(Is it really asking too much to just want a peaceful about date?)

Unfortunately, that puts an end to our date so Soryu and I decide to go back to the hotel. After we relax in the executive lounge for a while, I turn to him and ask.

Meimei: "Who was that guy, anyway?"

Meimei: "And what did he want with you?"

Soryu: "You don't need to know that, Meimei."

Meimei: "But things like this keep happening lately. I hate to say because I'm worried..."

Soryu: "And I'm telling you about it won't stop it from happening."

Meimei: "I know that, but..."

(He always says that and will never tell me about anything.)

(I want to know everything about him, but I guess it's just not possible.)

Soryu: "Don't make that face. I'm fine."

Meimei: "Well... I just don't know what's going on, so it makes me feel anxious."

Soryu: "Meimei..."

Meimei: "But I promise because I won't do anything about it if you tell me."

Meimei: "And I won't tell anyone about it, either."

Meimei: "At the very least, I just want to know what's going on with you, Soryu."

Meimei: "But I mean, I'm your girlfriend, after all..."

(But I wonder if he'll get annoyed with me about asking like this...)

Now that as I've said it when I start to lose my nerve. He was staring at me with a serious look on his face, but now his expression softens.

Soryu: "...You're right."

Soryu: "You're my girlfriend, so you have the right to know."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

Soryu: "From now on, I'll answer any questions you have for me."

Meimei: "Th-Thank you!"

(I'm so glad because I said something...)

(I feel a little better now.)

I breathe a sigh of relief and Soryu's eyes narrow fondly.

Soryu: "I guess if I'm making a promise to you, I need to offer some kind of proof."

Meimei: "Proof?"

I turn around and he tilts my chin upwards, then he presses his lips against mine.

Meimei: "...Mmm... wh-what's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

Soryu: "Meimei, you're always so earnest."

He smiles at me affectionately and he kisses me again.

Meimei: "W-Wait... what if someone comes..."

Soryu: "Don't worry."

He isn't showing any signs of letting me go. His teasing kisses gradually grow deeper...

Meimei: "...Soryu... mmmm... no..."

I says as gasping for breath just as I hear the sound of the door open.

Eisuke: "You were right. That was very interesting."

Baba: "See? I told you so."

Meimei: "!?"

(No way! But why did they have to come in now!?)

I pull away from Soryu and I quickly sit down on the sofa.

That's when the other four guys spot us.

Eisuke: "...Oh, I didn't know you two were here."

Baba: "I thought you guys were going on a date today?"

Meimei: "We did, but..."

Meimei: "There was a bit of an incident, so we decided to come back."

Ota: "Oh, really?"

Ota: "Hm? Your face is a little bit of red, Meimei."

Meimei: "What! Really!?"

I say hastily when Ota points out the face that I'm blushing.

Eisuke: "Pfft. I see what's going on here?"

Mamoru: "Tch. You're not a kid, you know."

Baba: "When you're in love, you forget everything around you."

Soryu: "..."

Ota: "Yeah, that's how I was, too... back in 7 grade."

Baba: "I'm still like that."

Soryu pulls out a gun from the back of the chair.

Soryu: "I should load four bullets in, right?"

Meimei: "Hey now! Soryu! Put that away, you can't do that!"

He looks disappointed but he changes the subject.

Soryu: "...So? what were you talking about that was interesting?"

Soryu: "Something to do with tomorrow's auction?"

Eisuke: "That's right."

Meimei: "..."

(There's going to be another auction?)

(I know Soryu and the other guys aren't all bad, but...)

(And I know Soryu's goal is to make a lot of money so he can be promoted... because he wants to change the way the Ice Dragons are being run. Expected my Fire Dragons...)

(And he tries so hard not to involve ordinary people in the gang's business.)

Soryu: "What is it, Meimei? You look like you've got something to say."

Meimei: "!?"

Meimei: "No, it's nothing..."

Ota: "I have a pretty good idea what you want to say."

Meimei: "What?"

Soryu: "Well? What's so interesting, Eisuke?"

Eisuke: "Oh. Someone very good at their job."

Eisuke: "I'm hoping they'll participate in tomorrow's auction."

Soryu: "Someone good at their job?"


Soryu's cell phone rings.

Soryu: "Oh, that's mine."

Soryu: "...Again?"

Soryu: "Alright. I'll be right there."

Soryu hangs up the phone with a sigh and he starts getting ready to leave.

Soryu: "Fill me in on the details later, Eisuke."

Eisuke: "Got it."

Meimei: "Do you have to go work, Soryu?"

Soryu: "Just have to take care of some minor business. You stay here."

Soryu: "...Ah, wait. I'm supposed to answer your questions, right?"

Soryu: "You can come with me, then."

Meimei: "What!"

I was shocked, but Soryu pulls me by the arm and we leave the lounge.

Soryu takes us to some kind of sports club. He parks the car in the lot and a man immediately comes running up to us.

Kyoichiro: "I'm sorry to bother you on your day off, Soryu."

Kyoichiro: "Oh, I didn't know Meimei was with you."

(Oh this guy works for Soryu!)

Soryu: "This is Kyoichiro Okawa. Kyo for short."

Soryu: "You've met before, right?"

Meimei: "Yes, that's right. It's been a while."

Kyoichiro: "Good afternoon."

Soryu: "Meimei is the one who Fire Dragons and she's with her grandfather."

Kyoichiro: "!?"

Kyoichiro: "She's look wonderful with you, Soryu."

Meimei: "Haha..."

Meimei: "Um... so where are we going?"

Soryu: "It's a shooting range."

Meimei: "Wait... like where you shoot plates or something?"

(So... does Soryu practice like that, too? But I should try.)

Kyoichiro: "Let's not talk out of here. Come on inside."

Inside, the room is divided into booths like at a golf driving range. Ryosuke and tall man are in separate booths, each holding rifles.

Kyoichiro: "Inui! Samejima!"

They hearing their names, both of them come over to us.

Ryosuke: "Oh! Hello sir! Miss Yae!"

Ryosuke: "Did you come to see me win?"

Samejima: "You mean lose, right?"

Ryosuke: "Whaaaaaat!? I'm the one who's gonna win, obviously!"

Kyoichiro: "Knock it off, you two. You're in front of Soryu."

(Um... is it just me or did somethings as suddenly get awkward?)

Kyoichiro: "This is your first time meeting Meimei, right?"

Kyoichiro: "This is Koichi Samejima, our new member from the Hong Kong branch."

Samejima: "Nice to meet you."

Meimei: "I'm Meimei Yae. Nice to meet you."

Kyoichiro: "Soryu told me because Meimei is granddaughter of Fire Dragons."

Samejima: "!?"

(Whoa! How did he shocked!?)

Meimei: "Well... my grandfather who being nice to me. Haha..."

Meimei: "But anyway... so why are you at the shooting range today?"

Kyoichiro: "Samejima and Inui here joined the Ice Dragons on the same day, in Hong Kong and Japan respectively."

Kyoichiro: "In this world, age or education doesn't matter."

Kyoichiro: "Even people who joined the organization one day earlier then you is of higher rank."

Kyoichiro: "So since they joined on the same day, they're going to see who is of higher rank... through a shooting competition."

(That sounds like something the mafia would do...)

Ryosuke: "I joined at 10 am! Even though it's the same day, I joined earlier!"

Samejima: "And what about the time difference? Idiot."

Ryosuke: "What did you call me!?"

Kyoichiro: "That's enough, you two!"


Samejima & Ryosuke: "!?"

They startled when I glared at them and Soryu spoke.

Soryu: "...Whatever. let them do as they please, Kyo."

Kyoichiro: "But sir..."

Soryu: "There's no stopping them at this point."

Soryu: "It might as well make things clear right now."

Kyoichiro: *Sigh*

Ryosuke: "I knew you'd understand, sir!"

Ryosuke: "There's no way I'm losing now!"

Samejima: "I'm going to win."

Ryosuke and Samejima start their competition again. I watch them absently as they shoot one plate after another...

Kyoichiro: "Have you ever shot a gun, Meimei?"

Meimei: "Why yes, I shoot the plate when I was age. But the toy gun at carnivals when I was a kid... it's making me annoying."

Soryu: "Want to try?"

Meimei: "What? No way! I am totally miss it about shot...."

Soryu: "Don't worry. I'll show you."

Soryu forces a rifles into my hands and he shows me how to hold it.

Soryu: "Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. Right hand goes here, left hand goes here."

(It's lighter than I expected.)

(But I'm not afraid to shoot a gun.)

I feel the cold metal in my hands.

Soryu: "The most important thing is to keep the butt of the rifle flush against your shoulder."

Soryu: "Or else the kick back from shooting it could break a bone."

Meimei: "What!? Seriously!"

Now that he's shown me how to hold the gun, Soryu walks around behind me... and he puts his fingers over mine, which are on the trigger.

Soryu: "Once the target's released, take aim and pull the trigger."

Soryu: "You can't hesitate."

He instructs me cooly in a low voice in my ear.

(But I'm not sure cause I can...)

Soryu: "Got it? Okay... now shoot!"

Meimei: "!?"

The target flies up and I squeeze the trigger hard.


Meimei: "WHAT THE!?"

A white flag with the word "BANG" written in a comic bubble pops out of the end of the rifle.

Ryosuke: "Pffft, ahahahahahahaha! Look at her face!!"

Samejima: "A toy gun?"

Kyoichiro: "Look closer at it."

Kyoichiro: "That gun's a toy. It felt light, right?"

Soryu: "It's a very convincing replica. Baba gave it to me."

Meimei: "What the heck, Soryu!"

The shooting competition ends in a tie... so now Ryosuke and Samejima are in the midst of a drinking game.

Soryu: "Are you still mad, Meimei?"

Meimei: "Of course I am, and that was really mean as teasing me in front of everyone."

I pouts because I'm still mad.

Ryosuke: "Oh don't be mad, he didn't mean any harm by it."

Samejima: "Yeah!"

Soryu: "I couldn't help it when I saw how panicked you were to shoot for the first time."

Meimei: "..."

Kyoichiro: "You're so lucky, Soryu, to have a cute girlfriend like Meimei."

Meimei: "Do you not have a girlfriend, Kyoichiro?"

Kyoichiro: "Not with this scary face of mine."

Ryosuke: "Kyo always says that."

Ryosuke: "What do you think, Miss Yae?"

Meimei: "What do you mean?"

Meimei: "Hmm... well, your face may be scary, but don't worry."

Meimei: "You have very gentle eyes, Kyo."

Soryu: "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Meimei: "Yes... of course."

Meimei: "Anyway... I like your face, Kyo."

Kyoichiro: "...Thank you."

Kyoichiro: "You and my mother are the only ones who have ever said that."

Soryu: "Your mother lives alone in the country, right?"

Kyoichiro: "Yes. My father died when I was young and she raised me as a single mother."

Meimei: "Wow..."

(But speaking of which... Soryu never talks about his family.)

(I know his grandpa was the former boss of the Ice Dragons... but I wonder what his parents are like?)

Meimei: "Soryu?"

I decide to ask him, but then Ryosuke calls out of a waitress...

Ryosuke: "Excuse meeee! One more bottle of tequila over here!"

Kyoichiro: "Hey, don't drink too much."

Ryosuke: "The shooting competition might've ended in a tie, but I'm not gonna gonna lose this one."

Ryosuke: "Got it, Samejima."

Samejima: "That's my line."

Kyoichiro: "You two never learn..."

I sighed when I spoked.

Meimei: "They're an idiot. Anyway... I have my new member of Fire Dragons."

Ryosuke: "WHAT!"

Everyone look at us.


Ryosuke: "Ouch!"

Meimei: "Hush!?"

I scowl at Ryosuke when I spoke.

Meimei: "Anyway, here's they comes."

The four guys look over there because the young girl with pink eyes and black hair that is to shoulders length and the other young girl with yellow eyes and black hair that is to waist.

Meimei: "This is Sakura Yae and Momiji Yae. She's good fighter like me from the Hong Kong."

Meimei: "They're my two cousins."

Ryosuke: "Wooow~ she's look cute!"

Momiji: "Um... who's that guy? He looks cool?"

Ryosuke: "That's Soryu Oh. Miss Yae's boyfriend!"

Momiji: "..."

She stare at me because she shock.

Meimei: "Close your mouth, cuz."

Momiji: "Meep! Sorry!"

Meimei: "Pfft... you're sound Ryosuke."

Momiji: "!?"

Momiji: "I'm not like him, cuz!"

I giggles when I stood up and I walked toward to her then I hugged her softly.

Ryosuke: "Whoaaaa, the room is spinning..."

Kyoichiro: "You drank too much. You too, Samejima."

Momiji: "Is they are alright?"

Meimei: "They're an idiot because they don't get along."

Momiji: "Oh... I see."

Kyoichiro: "Huh? Where is he?"

Soryu: "He's gone... I didn't even notice."

Kyoichiro: "I don't really get that guy."

Kyoichiro: "I'm going to take Inui home now, Soryu."

Kyoichiro: "See you later, Meimei, Momiji and Sakura."

Meimei: "Good night."

Momiji: "G-Good night Kyoichiro."

Sakura: "Have a good night."

Kyo helps Ryosuke stand up and they get into a taxi. I watch as the taillights fade into the distance and sigh.

Sakura: "I-I'll should go and find Samejima,cuz."

Meimei: "Alright. But be careful."

Sakura: "Okay."

I watches her go to leave because she's going to find Samejima with her sister Momiji.

(But I was really looking forward to today's date...)

(But Soryu and I hardly spent any time alone at all.)

Soryu: "Let's go."

Meimei: "Hm?"

Soryu: "You're coming back to my place, right?"

Soryu says and he starts walking off.

Meimei: "...!?"

(N-No way! It's been forever since I've been to Soryu's!)

(Does this mean cause I'm going to spend the night?)

I feel a mixture of nervousness and happiness as I follow behind him.

~End of Sequel 1~


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