Sequel 5

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It's been a since about Soryu broke up with me... and I'm finally getting back to life as normal.

Chisato: "Hey Meimei, wanna go shopping on our next day off?"

Chisato asks me as we clean a guest room.

Meimei: "Hmm... sounds good."

Chisato: "Then how about we invite Sakiko, too?"

(Chisato's trying to be extra nice to me. Sakiko's talked to me several times, too.)

(I need to hurry up and forget about Soryu.)


Baba: "Hey, pretty lady. You won't be happy with that look on your face."

Meimei: "WAAAAH! Damn it, Baba! You always sneak up on me like that! Grrr...."

Chisato: "Um, sir? I'm sorry, but we're still cleaning this room..."

Baba: "Pardon me, but I love doing this as I shouldn't."

Baba: "Like stealing hearts of women like you."

Chisato: "Huh...?"

Meimei: "What the! Hang on a second! Why are you hitting on Chisato!"

Chisato: "Meimei, who is this...?"

Meimei: "He's a guest staying in the penthouse..."

Baba: "My name is Baba. Today must be my lucky day, meeting you here."

Chisato: "Uh-huh..."

I smack Baba's arm.

Meimei: "Would you stop hitting on her already. Also, what do you want?"

Baba: "Oh, Mei Ling arrived today from Hong Kong. And your two best friends is here."

Meimei: "No way... they did? I have to see them!"

Baba: "They're in the penthouse. Come on up."

Meimei: "Oh, but..."

Baba: "Hm?"

(It might be awkward to see Soryu.)

(Plus, he told me to stay away...)

Meimei: "...Sorry, but I can't right now. But I have to work..."

Chisato: "..."

Baba: "Really? You're dedicated as usual."

Baba: "Sor's not there. And neither is Ota."

Meimei: "Soryu's not there?"

Baba: "Nope. He's out with the boss. They've got some kind of secret talks going on."

Meimei: "Ohh..."

Chisato: "Meimei, it's almost lunchtime. Why don't you go?"

Meimei: "Okay..."

Mei Ling: "We miss you, Meimei!"

I go to the executive lounge, so Mei Ling, Lei Fang and Mulan immediately runs up to me and they hugged me gently.

Meimei: "Sheesh Mei Ling, you're super energetic as usual."

Meimei: "So... I miss you too, Mei Ling, Lei Fang and Mulan."

Mei Ling: "Yeah!"

Mei Ling: "Hm? Have you lost weight?"

Meimei: "What? Have I?"

(That reminds me... I guess I haven't had much of an appetite this week.)

Mei Ling: "Oh, that's right! We have a present for you!"

Mei Ling hands me...

Mei Ling: "Look, it matches mine!"

...a beautiful embroidered silk cheongsam, just like Mei Ling's a different color.

Baba: "That's Mei Ling. The best Chinese souvenir is a cheongsam!"

Mulan: "Well, Mei Ling saw it because she told me as she want it for Meimei."

Meimei: "R-Realy? Well... I'm sure there's other things..."

(When am I gonna wear this cheongsam, anyway...)

Baba: "Why don't you try it on, Meimei?"

Meimei: "What!? Right now!"

Baba: "Of course right now!"

Mei Ling: "Yeah, try it on, Meimei! I want to make sure it's the right size."

Mulan: "Mei Ling's right."

Lei Fang: "Try it on!"

I sighs because I give up.

Meimei: "Alright, fine."

Meimei: "Well, what do you think...?"

Meimei's Cheongsam:

Mei Ling: "It looks great on you!"

Baba: "Yeah. Definitely fulfills a man's fantasies!"

It's a little more form-fitting than as I thought and I'm kind of embarrassed when suddenly...

Ota: "Mei Ling's here! Long time no see!"

I feel someone pat me on the back.

Meimei: "Huh?"

Ota: "Huh? Oh, it's you, Meimei!"

I laughed and my two best was bust out laughed.

Mei Ling: "I'm over here, Ota."

Mei Ling peeks her head out from behind Baba.

Baba: "Doesn't she look good in that cheongsam?"

Ota: "Now that I'm looking you side by side, you two sure look alike."

Ota: "Especially from the back."

Just then, I hear a voices from the front door.

Soryu: "Is Mei Ling here yet?"

Meimei: "!?"

(Oh no! It's Soryu!?)

(He's home... oh no, I'm wearing this...!)

I start panicking and Baba places a finger over his lips and he smile meaningfully.

Baba: "Let's play a joke on him."

Meimei: "A joke...?"

Baba: "Pretend like you're Mei Ling and surprise Sor."

Meimei: "What! I can't do that! He- dammit Baba!"

Baba forces me to sit down on the sofa with my back facing the front door while he hides with Mei Ling and Ota.

Soryu: "Mei Ling?"

Soryu appears and he calls to me.

(Ugh... what a terrible reunion. This is totally foolish...)

I feel his presence behind me and I am frozen, unable to speak...

Soryu: "...What's the meaning of this, Meimei."

(What! No way! He realized it was me!?)

Meimei: "I can explain..."

Baba: "I knew you'd figure it out, Sor."

Mei Ling: "Well of course. Love is never wrong!"

Ota: "We were just fooling you to test if you'd know it was Meimei."

Soryu: "What a bunch of nonsense..."

Soryu sighs as the other five appear from behind the stairs.

Soryu: "Mei Ling, you wanted to go to Kamakura, right?"

Mei Ling: "Yep! I saw it on TV and it looked really amazing."

Mei Ling: "Will you show me and your two best friends around, Meimei?"

I nodded my head.

Meimei: "Of course. I've been to Kamakura tons of times."

Mei Ling: "Then let's go tomorrow with Soryu!"

Meimei: "Wait, with Soryu?"

Soryu: "..."

Mei Ling: "Well, daddy says I can't go out alone..."

Mei Ling: "And we need somebody to protect me, right?"

(Ugh... but this is will be a little- no... a LOT awkward!?)

(But probably for Soryu, too...)

Soryu: "...Fine, then."

Soryu: "I can't go against the wishes of Simon Lee."

Meimei: "!?"

Mei Ling: "Alright!"

(Going out with Soryu... usually I'd be thrilled...)

(But now I'm dreading it.)

The next day...

Mei Ling: "So this is Kamakura! It seems like a really busy place!"

Baba: "It's close to Tokyo and the ocean so it's a popular tourist spot."

Ota: "Great spot for a date, too."

Meimei: "And... why are you two coming with us!?"

Ota: "Because it sounded fun?"

Baba: "I bet there are a lot of beautiful women in kimonos here, too."

Soryu: "If you guys try anything stupid..."

Baba: "Yeah, yeah. You're such a hardass, Sor."

Ota: "No kidding. Meimei's here. Might as well think it as a date."

Soryu: "I came here today to watch over Mei Ling. It's work."

Baba: "See? He's always like this. Say something to him, Meimei."

Meimei: "Why...?"

Meimei: "I'm going on a date with Mei Ling, Lei Fang and Mulan today. That's that..."

Mei Ling: "Yeah! Today's a girls' day out! You guys are just tagging along."

Lei Fang: "I agreed!"

Mulan: "Yep."

(Phew... I somehow managed to deflect that.)

(But I can't believe as I have to spend the whole day with Soryu.)

(I'm sure Baba and the others will tease us as usual... but I can't stand it.)

Mei Ling: "The Kamakura temple is so chic and beautiful!"

Mei Ling looks around the temple grounds happily. Mei Ling, Lei Fang, Mulan and I walk together while the guys walk ahead.

Meimei: "Are the temples in Hong Kong different?"

Mei Ling: "Mmm, the temples in Hong Kong are more colorful and gaudy, I guess."

Meimei: "Well, Kamakura was city built by warriors, so the temple is simple."

Mei Ling: "Oh, really?"

Meimei: "Why yes. More emphasis was put on the sturdy structure than the decorations."

Meimei: "It's strong and serious."

Mei Ling: "Strong and serious. Sounds like Soryu."

Meimei: "I guess so..."

(It's strange for someone in the mafia to be so serious, but Soryu is strong.)

(He does kind of remind me of a warrior.)

(But I bet he'd look good in traditional Japanese clothes...)

Meimei: "...Ah!"

Mei Ling: "What's wrong?"

Meimei: "N-Nothing."

(Damn it... I keep catching myself thinking about Soryu.)

(And he won't even look at me.)

I look away from him and I start to walk, but I miss a steps because I am thrown off balance.

Meimei: "WHA!?"

Lei Fang, Mei Ling, & Mulan: "Meimei!?"

(I'm gonna fall!?)

I think, but then... someone firmly pulls me back.

Meimei: "Oh..."

Soryu: "..."

Soryu grabbed my arm.

Soryu: "You'd get really hurt if you fell down those stairs. Be careful."

Meimei: "...I know. Sorry..."

He doesn't answer and he leaves.

Mei Ling: "That scared us!"

Lei Fang: "Yeah!"

Mulan: "We're glad because you didn't fall!"

Meimei: "Yeah..."

(Soryu's arms... still he protected me like that because he always does.)

(But I knew he was a good person at heart.)

Mei Ling: "Soryu wasn't even watchinng us... but that was amazing."

Meimei: "..."

(I'm really letting myself get carried away.)

(But I thought maybe he was thinking about me...)

(I'm being too girly about this... but it's irritating.)

After that, we visit more temples and then we head to the beach. Lei Fang, Mei Ling, Mulan and I play by the shore away from the guys, we putting our feet in the water.

Mei Ling: "Hey, Meimei. Did something happen with Soryu?"

Meimei: "What do you mean...?"

Mei Ling: "You two won't even look at each other."

Mulan: "True."

Lei Fang: "Tell us what happened?"

Meimei: "..."

(I'm not surprised because she noticed... it's really awkward between us.)

(Mei Ling supported our relationship, so I should explain about what happened...)

Meimei: "You see... Soryu broke up with me."

Lei Fang & Mulan: "What!?"

Mei Ling: "What? He did?"

Meimei: "Yes..."

I told them about what happened between us.

Mei Ling: "...Wow. I thought you two were the perfect couple."

Lei Fang & Mulan: "True."

Meimei: "So did I... but he told me I was holding him back."

Meimei: "But I guess dating me was just a burden for him."

Mei Ling: "Do you still...?"

She doesn't finished, but I know what she's trying to say.

Meimei: "Yeas... but I can't stop thinking about him."

Mei Ling: "Meimei..."

Lei Fang and Mulan hugged me gently because I feel sad or depressed.

Meimei: "But I guess I have to, because he doesn't like me at all anymore."

Mei Ling: "You can't be like that."

Meimei: "Mei Ling?"

Mei Ling: "You haven't accepted it, right? So you should talk to him."

Meimei: "But..."

Mei Ling: "No but. Shutting off about your emotions is the same as being dead."

Meimei: "..."

Mei Ling: "Well, it's your decision."

Mei Ling: "I just don't want you to regret anything."

Meimei: "Yeah, thanks. Hey, it's getting chilly. Should we go back?"

Mei Ling: "Yeah... oh no!"

Meimei: "Wha! What's wrong?"

Mei Ling: "I forgot the souvenir back at the café as we were just at!"

Meimei: "Oh no! We should go back."

Mei Ling: "Sorry... but my legs hurt from walking so much. Would you mind getting it for me?"

Meimei: "Okay, sure."

Mulan: "I'll look for them."

Meimei: "Okay."

Employee: "Hm? No there wasn't anything like that here."

Meimei: "I see..."

(That's weird... maybe she forgot it about somewhere else?)

I'm not sure what to do as I leave the café...

Employee: "Welcome."

Meimei: "Huh? Soryu?"

Soryu: "How are you feeling, Meimei?"

Meimei: "What are you talking about, Soryu?"

Soryu: "Mei Ling just told me because you had a stomachache and you had to go to the bathroom..."

Meimei: "Dang it Mei Ling..."

Soryu: "...Damn it, she planned this, didn't she?"

Meimei: "What's...?"


(A text from Mei Ling?)

("We'll be waiting back at the penthouse for you.")

(No way! how dare them left Soryu and me behind!)

Meimei: "Soryu... I just got a text, and..."

Soryu: "...I'm sure they already left. Let's go home."

Meimei: "Okay..."

I stare up at Soryu's tall frame as I walk behind him towards the station.

(This is the first time as we've alone since we broke up.)

(He hasn't said a word since we left the café.)

(I can't believe we ever walked side by side. I don't even have the courage to talk to him.)

As suddenly, Soryu stops walking and he turns around.

Soryu: "Is it making you uncomfortable to walk with me?"

Meimei: "..."

I don't know what to say, so I remain silent.

Soryu: "...Guess I didn't have to ask."


Soryu: "I won't ask you beside me, but at least walk ahead of me, just in case."

Meimei: "Okay..."

(Is he worried about me? Like what happened back at the temple...)

(He was so harsh when he broke up with me, so it's not fair for him to be so nice now...)

(It makes it too hard to get over him.)

As drops of rain begin to fall from the sky as if expressing my feelings of wanting to cry.

Meimei: "We're back... is Mei Ling, and my two friends here?"

Mei Ling: "Oh, welcome back, Meimei! Where's Soryu?"

Meimei: "He went back to the office. He said he had work to do..."

Mulan: "That idiot Ice Dragon man..."

Lei Fang: "Chill, Mulan."

Meimei: "Still... I can't believe you did that, Mei Ling! And you two!?"

Mulan: "Oops..."

Mei Ling: "I thought I was helping out!"

Eisuke: "Looks like the flames weren't rekindled."

Ota: "This was your chance to make up, too!"

Baba: "You two are so clumsy."

Meimei: "You guys knew about us, huh?"

Eisuke: "You thought we wouldn't notice?"

Baba: "Soryu's been acting weird lately, so we figured."

Meimei: "I'm sorry I worried you guys..."

Eisuke: "Worried? I think you have the wrong idea."

Meimei: "...Huh?"

Ota: "We're more amused than worried."

Baba: "Especially since we made a bet."

Meimei: "A bet?"

Lei Fang & Mulan: "A bet?"

Eisuke: "I bet $10,000 you'd break up."

Ota: "I went with Eisuke about this time."

(Grrr.... these guys are the worst!)

Mei Ling: "You guys! Meimei is really having a hard time in here!"

Mulan: "Mei Ling is right."

Meimei: "Thanks, Mei Ling..."

Baba: "...Says Mei Ling, who also place a bet."

Mei Ling: "Because i believe in them! I bet $5000 you'd get back together."

Mei Ling: "Good luck, Meimei!"

Meimei: "Thanks..."

But I can't be mad at Mei Ling's innocent smile... just then, Mr. Kishi enters the room.

Mamoru: "Is Soryu here?"

Ota: "He's at his office."

Mamoru: "...Tch, at a time like this!?"

Eisuke: "What is it?"

Mamoru: "It's confidential police information... but I think you guys should know, too."

Mamoru: "There's going to be a warrant out for Soryu's arrest."

Meimei: "Say what!?"

Lei Fang & Mulan: "WHAT!"

(A warrant!?)

(Did Soryu's going to be arrested!?)

~End of Sequel 5~


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