(Sequel) Last Epilogue 3

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Ota: "Hey, what a great picture!"

Baba: "What?"

Ota: "Pictures of our trip. Meimei brought them."

It's been two days since our trip, and I brought up the pictures to the penthouse lounge. Baba and Ota are up here, but I don't see Soryu anwhere.

Baba: "Ohh, look at this picture!"

Meimei: "Oh, that's..."

That's the picture the old ladies took of us. Soryu and I are snuggled against each other, the night view of Hakodate behind us.

Baba: "Sor's face! I can't even!!"

Ota: "Looks like his usual poker face to me."

Baba: "No, you can tell he's secretly grinning! Sor's a closet per, y'know."

Meimei: "Ahahaha... is he...?"

(Soryu did really seem happy at that moment...)

I remember how shy is he seemed on the mountain.

Ota: "Speaking of Soryu..."

Ota: "I haven't seen him since we got back. Where is he?"

Baba: "I haven't seen him, either."

Meimei: "Really?"

(It's not too unusual to hear from Soryu for days at a time.)

(But I'm a little worried since we just got back from the trip.)

Meimei: "I'll go to his condo and I see if he's there."

Meimei: "I want to give him these pictures anyway..."'

I gather up the photos and I head over to his place.

Meimei: "Soryu? Hello...?"

I use the spare key to get inside, but the living room is dark and no one seems to be here.

(Is he not home?)

I'm just about to leave when...

Soryu: "...You came."

Meimei: "KYAAAAAH!"

As suddenly, Soryu appears from within the darkness and I about jump out of my skin.

Meimei: "Damn it, Soryu. Don't scared me like that."

Soryu: "Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you..."

Meimei: "No, I was just a little surprised."

Meimei: "Were you taking a nap?"

Soryu: "No... but why are you here?"

Meimei: "Well, I wanted to show you the pictures from our trip to Hokkaido."

Soryu: "...Oh. Thanks."

Soryu: "I'll look at them later."

Meimei: "...?"

(He's acting weird.)

(Plus he looks pale and he doesn't seem well.)

Meimei: "Did you catch the flu?"

Soryu: "...!"

Meimei: "Did you catch it from Ryosuke?"

Soryu: "..."

Soryu: "Maybe. It's not a big deal, though."

Meimei: "Are you sure?"

Meimei: "Did you go to the doctor? Did you get medicine?"

Soryu: "It's just the flu."

Meimei: "But you shouldn't underestimate the flu!"

Meimei: "Sometimes the flu can be really serious!"

Meimei: "Let me take care of you. I can take the day off tomorrow."

I put down my purse and I turn on the lights.

Meimei: "Okay, first I'll take your temperature. But where's your thermometer?"

Soryu: "Don't worry about it..."

Meimei: "You have a medicine cabinet in the bathroom, right?"

Soryu: "Don't worry about it."

Meimei: "Seriously... Soryu."

Soryu: "Can you please just leave me alone!?"

Meimei: "..."

Soryu: "I'm sorry. It's just..."

He sighs loudly. He seems confused, which is totally unlike him.

Soryu: "I just want to be alone when I'm sick."

Soryu: "I don't want people to see me when I'm weak."

Meimei: "It's when you're sick when you should depend on people the most."

Soryu: "You think a mobster can admit that he sick?"

Meimei: "But didn't you promise to tell me anything?"

Meimei: "It makes me said that you won't rely on me at a time like this."

Soryu: "I understand where you're coming from, but... *COUGH* *COUGH*"

That's all he says before he starts coughing.

Meimei: "Soryu!?"

He almost looks like he's going to collapse, but I quickly catch him.

(Oh my gosh, he's burning up!!)

He's so hot, I wouldn't be surprised if steam was coming off of his body!

I drag him into the bedroom and I help him down on the bed. As then, Soryu mutters pitifully...

Soryu: "I'm sorry..."

Meimei: "Don't worry about it. Just get some rest."

Then he falls asleep. I look down at him as I cool off his forehead with a wet cloth.

(I bet it was hard for him to get up with such a fever.)

(Why does he always have to act so tough?)

I remember the look on his face when he said he didn't want to show people his weaknesses.

Meimei: "Hey, Soryu..."

I gently hold his hand while he sleeps.

Meimei: "It's okay to show me your weaknesses."

Meimei: "I want to know all of your strengths, and all of your weaknesses."

Meimei: "Because when you love someone, you love all of them."

Meimei: "Not just the good parts."

I whispers to him as he sleeps, but I think I see the corner of his lips smile slightly.

(Wait... did he hear me? No, it was just a coincidence, right?)

I gaze at his sleeping face and I just can't bear to leave his side.

(I need to get him some food and medicine.)

Reluctantly, I stand up.

After I get back from buying the food and medicine at the grocery store, I see Soryu's awake in bed.

Meimei: "How are you feeling?"

Meimei: "I made you come rice porridge. I'll go get it."

Soryu: "Oh. Thanks."

I carry over a tray with the porridge, water, and some medicine over to the bed.

Meimei: "You need to eat something with this medicine."

Meimei: "So have a bite first, okay?"

Soryu: "Rice porridge with eggs in it..."

Meimei: "I'm sure you must be used to Chinese-style rice porridge..."

Soryu: "I'm happy with whatever you make me, Meimei."

Meimei: "Wh-What?"

(Just before he asked me to leave him alone...)

(But now he's saying something so adorable like this?)

Meimei: "Hehe. Should I feed you?"

Soryu: "..."

(Oh my god, what's wrong with me? Soryu's and in pain, I shouldn't sound so cheerful.)

Meimei: "I-I'm sure that would be too embarrassing, right?"

Meimei: "Just go ahead and eat!"

I hold out the spoon for him, but he looks at me like he wants to say something.

Soryu: "I'd like it if you fed me, if you don't mind."

Meimei: "What!?"

Soryu: "Usually it would be too much... but just this once it'll be okay."

Meimei: "S-Soryu!?"

I'm so surprised as I totally freeze.

Soryu: "You don't want to?"

Meimei: "N-No it's not like that... but I'm just surprised. But thank you!"

Soryu: "? I'm the one who should thank you for feeding me."

Soryu: "If you don't hurry it'll get cold."

Meimei: "R-Right."

I scoop up some porridge and I blow it on as it's not too hot.

Meimei: "Open your mouth."

Soryu: "Like this?"

He opens his mouth obediently and he looks at me expectantly. So. Cute!

Meimei: "Here you go..."

Soryu: "..."

He slowly chews the gruel and makes a difficult face.

Meimei: "Does it not taste good?"

Soryu: "It's just embarrassing, that's all."

Soryu: "...I'll eat the rest myself."

He says, he taking the spoon from me. He blushes as he slowly eats the gruel, and he looks so adorable now I can hardly stand it.

Meimei: "Hurry up and get well soon."

Meimei: "It's lonely at the penthouse without you."

Soryu: "Yeah..."

I realize it's already late at night.

(Maybe I should probably get going soon.)

I gather up my things to get ready to go home, but suddenly Soryu stops eating and he stares at me.

Soryu: "Meimei."

After he looks around a bit little bit, he murmurs my name.

Soryu: "...Could you please stay with me tonight?"

For a moment, I'm not sure I heard him correctly.

Meimei: "What did you just say...?"

Soryu: "I said..."

Soryu: "Meimei, please stay with me tonight."

His cheeks are red from his fever and he looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I feel my heart skips a beat.

(Oh my god, don't look at me with those sexy eyes...! And don't say things like that!)

(Why am I letting get this to me! But he's sick!!)

Meimei: "A-Alright."

I look away and I say casually, but inside my heart is racing.

An hour later... Soryu and I are lying in bed together, our foreheads pressed against each other's.

Soryu: "Do I have a fever?"

Meimei: "Hm?"

Soryu: "Did my fever go down yet?"

Meimei: "Well, let's see..."

I try to concentrate on his forehead, but I'm so nervous as still I can't.

Meimei: "I can't tell like this."

Meimei: "Let me take your temperature."

I move to go to the kitchen, but he slips an arm around my waist. And he drags me back under the covers.

Soryu: "Don't go."

Soryu: "You promised you'd stay with me tonight."

Meimei: "I-I know, but..."

Soryu: "No buts."

Meimei: "..."

Meimei: "Geez, you're kind of acting spoiled tonight, Soryu."

Soryu: "You're the one who told me to open up to you."

Meimei: "But I want you to depend on me, but I didn't tell you to be spoiled..."

Soryu: "You don't like it?"

Meimei: "Th-That's not it..."

I says and he looks relieved and smiles. His smile looks so adorable and almost like a child's. I strokes his hair gently.

Meimei: "This feels so strange."

Soryu: "Don't stop..."

Meimei: "Okay..."

(His hair is so much softer than it looks.)

As I strokes his hair, automatically I feel myself growing calmer.

Meimei: "I'll stay with you no matter what."

Meimei: "So make sure you always tell me when you're feeling sad or lonely."

Soryu: "I will..."

Meimei: "And tell me when you're happy too."

Meimei: "Or when you come across a good book."

Soryu: "I promise."

He murmur tenderly in my ear.

Soryu: "It's so strange... I actually feel happy even though I'm so vulnerable right now."

Meimei: "I'm happy, too..."

And then I fall into a peaceful sleep.

The soft winter sunlight fills the room.

(Well, I guess I fell asleep.)

(But I wonder if Soryu is feeling better?)

He's still asleep, but I put my hand on his forehead. His fever doesn't seem as bad as yesterday.

(Good, his fever went down.)

(I'll make his breakfast before he wakes up.)

I start to get off the bed, but a large hand grabs my arm.

Meimei: "Waah! Y-You're awake?"

Soryu: "I just woke up now."

Meimei: "Good morning. How do you feel?"

Soryu: "Not bad."

Soryu doesn't let go of my arm.

Meimei: "Um, I was going to make some breakfast..."

Soryu: "Before you do..."

Meimei: "What?"

He pulls me towards him, and before I know it because he's on top of me.

(O-Oh my...!?)

Meimei: "S-Soryu?"

He looks down at me with a smile.

Soryu: "Let's do something better then eat breakfast."

Meimei: "So what's better than eating?"

I ask hesitantly, but he doesn't answer.


Instead, he reaches out for the button on my shirt.

Meimei: "W-We can't.... because you were just sick."

Soryu: "I'm fine now."

Meimei: "But even thought, you had such a bad fever yesterday?"

Soryu: "Want to see how much better I feel?"

Meimei: "U-Um.... ahhh!"

He easily unbuttons my shirt and he touches my chest. Then...

Samejima: "It's Samejima! Soryu, are you home!?"

(What the! Samejima?!)

Soryu: "In here, Samejima."

Soryu gets out of the bed and he opens the door.

Samejima: "Good morning."

Samejima: "Your front door was unlocked..."

Soryu: "Meimei, did you forget to lock it?"

Meimei: "What!?"

Now that I think about it, I might've forgotten to lock up after I went shopping last night.


Samejima: "...!!!"

Samejima's gaze settles on my chest. I quickly pull the sheets, but it's too late.

Samejima: "!!! I guess I came at a bad time..."

He turns red and he hides behind the door.

Meimei: "N-No, it's...!"

Meimei: "Soryu was sick, so I was just watching over him until morning..."

Soryu: "..."

Meimei: "Soryu, don't just stand there! Tell him!"

Soryu: "No, I think we were doing exactly what Samejima's imagining."

(Th-That's true, but...)

Soryu: "But more importantly..."

Soryu: "It's not often you come here. What's going on?"

Samejima: "Ah, that's right!"

Samejima: "I heard something odd and I wanted to run it by you."

Soryu and Samejima look at each other, tense expressions on their faces.

Samejima: "I heard the boss of the Ice Dragons is making a deal with a certain organization."

Soryu: "!!!"

Soryu: "A new deal? With another mob?"

Samejima: "I think so. I don't know many details, though."

Soryu: "I haven't heard anything it, so this must be a secret deal."

Soryu: "That bastard. I won't allow him to misuse the power of the Dragons."

Soryu slams his fist down on the table.

Samejima: "There was the incident before with the raid as well..."

Samejima: "There's a chance they might target you again."

Soryu: "True..."

Soryu: "The tim may have some to put an end to all this."

Soryu and Samejima nod their head solemnly.

Soryu: "Meimei."

Meimei: "Yes?"

He takes a step towards to me and he puts his hands on my shoulders. Then he looks at me straight in the eyes.

Soryu: "You might be put in danger, Meimei. Your grandfather worried about you."

Meimei: "...!?"

Soryu: "But I'm going to protect you, no matter what."

Soryu: "...So I want you to support me."

He looks so serious. I've never seen this look of passion his eyes before and I hold my breath. A strong determination burns in his eyes. But I nodded my head.

Meimei: "I will."

Meimei: "I'll do anything, I can to help you!"

He nods firmly. Our fates were already sealed the day he bought me at the auction.

(I can get thought anything as long as I'm with him.)

And now the wheels of fate are turning us in a new direction once again...

~End of (Sequel) Last Epilogue 3~


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