(Twist of Fate) Chapter 6

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That night, the medicine seems to be working because Jasmine eats her dinner normally and then falls asleep. But that uncomfortable feeling is still inside of me.

(...Next time I see Murata, I have to make sure I turn him down once and for all. AND I tell him as who I am...)

(No matter what he says, my feelings for Soryu won't change.)

That's how I truly feel. But it's also true that something new is blossoming in my heart that wasn't there until yesterday.

Meimei: *Sigh*...

I let out a sigh.


My cell phone rings.

Meimei: "It's Soryu..."

*Phone Conversation*

Meimei: "...Hello?"

Soryu: "You're still up?"

The uneasiness inside of me disappears once I hear his voice.

(I'm so happy to hear his voice.)

Meimei: "Hehe. I was just about to go to sleep."

But just as I feel relief, a slight doubt enters my mind.

(Wait... why did I feel so uneasy in the first place?)

I can't stop worrying about it.

(But why is it bothering me so much?)

(Am I uncertain of my feelings now that Murata's asked me out?)

Soryu: "...Meimei?"

Meimei: "Ah, yes!"

I realize I haven't been listening to Soryu at all.

Soryu: "I knew it. You're..."

Meimei: "What?"

Soryu: "No, it's nothing. I'm sorry to call you so late. Should we hang up for today?"

Meimei: "What...?"

(But I want to talk to him more...)

(But I'm sure he's tired. I should let him get to bed early.)

Meimei: "I'm sorry... alright then, good night."

Soryu: "Yeah. Good night."

*End of Phone Conversation*

Meimei: "...I just want to see him, not talk on the phone."

I let out a sigh after I hang up the phone.

Meimei: "Soryu..."

I'm consumed with loneliness as I head to our bedroom. And I climb into the bed we always sleep in together.

(Mmm, it still smells like him.)

Even though he's not here with me, it helps fill in the void in my heart just a little.

(I miss you, Soryu...)

Between the uneasiness in my heart and his lingering scent, I couldn't get to sleep.

The next night, I finally get home.

(It's pretty late, but on days like this it's kind of a relief that I'm alone...)

Because when I'm alone, I can just eat whatever and go to sleep when I want.

Meimei: "I'll just eat some ochazuke or something."

Meimei: "I'm home."

I open the door and Jasmine immediately runs up to me.

Meimei: "Hehe, sorry I'm late. Now, I'll get your dinner ready."

???: "I already feed her."

Meimei: "What...!?"

(That voice...)

I almost doubt my ears when I hear that voice coming from the living room.

Meimei: "Soryu!!"

I'm so happy as I race into the living room.

Meimei: "Welcome home!"

I've missed him so much, and he's finally back!

Soryu: "I'm home."

Meimei: "My god, I wish you would've told me you were coming home!"

Soryu: "I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you."

Meimei: "Hehe. Well, you did!"

Even this casual conversation fills me with happiness.

Soryu: "Did anything out of the ordinary happen while I was gone?"

Meimei: "Umm... well..."

Meimei: "There was a bit of trouble..."

Soryu: "...What happened?"

Meimei: "You see, Jasmine..."

(But she's fine now, so I shouldn't worry him for no reason.)

I think, and then tell him...

Meimei: "...When I was on my way out, but Jasmine spilled her food bowl..."

Meimei: "And by the time I cleaned it up, I was almost late for work."

Soryu: "...That's it?"

Meimei: "There might still be some food spilled..."

Soryu: "...That's not a big deal."

(Soryu's tired. I don't want to worry him for no reason.)

(I'll try to handle things on my own so I don't put more of a burden on him.)

(It's been so long since we spent the night together. I'm a little nervous.)

I'm so happy to see him again I can't seem to calm down.

Soryu: "Where's Jasmine?"

Meimei: "She's sleeping in her crate."

Soryu: "Okay. I'm glad she won't interrupt us."

(Interrupt? Haha... well, it has been a while.)

Soryu: "...Hm?"

Soryu sits down on the bed and finds something.

Soryu: "...Did you sleep here?"

Meimei: "Wha!?"

(H-How did he know!?)

Soryu: "My pillow is all caved in like yours is."

Meimei: "I-I'm sorry. I was too lonely to sleep on my side of the bed."

I says honestly, and he gently strokes my cheek.

Soryu: "You were lonely?"

Meimei: "Yes..."

Soryu: "...So was I."

Soryu murmurs and my heart aches. His breath hits me, and he kisses me.

Meimei: "...Mmm..."

It's been so long since I felt this, and my body starts to grow weak.

Meimei: "Soryu..."

I start to get chills from every place he touches me, and I feel a sweet numbness deep inside of me.

Meimei: "Ohh...!"

But my anticipation ends abruptly.

Soryu: "...You have to work early tomorrow, right? You should go to bed."

Meimei: "Huh...?"


All the happiness I felt is instantly replaced with disappointment. And all the heat that's built up inside of me still lingers.

(Maybe Soryu's really tired...)

(Maybe his business trip was really hectic.)

Meimei: "...Okay. Good night, then."

Soryu: "...Night."

I quietly close my eyes while I lie in Soryu's arms. I guess I am pretty tired, because I fall asleep in no time.

???: "It's for Meimei's sake. Yes, I'm prepared..."

I seem to hear while I'm dreaming.

The next morning, Soryu's gone when I wake up.

(I guess he had to go work early.)

Meimei: "I thought we'd be able to eat breakfast together, though..."

I says to Jasmine, but she's too absorbed in her food to notice.

(I can't believe he left so early.)

(I guess it's no wonder, since we went to bed so early last night.)

(I hope he got a good night's sleep.)

I feel a little anxious for some reason as I leave for work.

Meimei: "Excuse me, it's houseke- huh?"

I go up to the penthouse lounge, but Soryu's not there.

(I wonder if he had Ice Dragons business to attend to today.)

Mamoru: "Soryu just left."

Meimei: "Wh-What!?"

Mamoru: "You're lookin' for him, ain't ya?"

Mamoru: "It's written all over your face, kid."

Mr. Kishi may look like he's half-asleep all the time, but he's surprisingly observant.

Mamoru: "He seemed pretty worried about the time. You two get into a fight?"

Meimei: "What are you talking about?"

(Does he mean he made sure to leave before I came to clean?)

(But... does he not want to see me?)

Meimei: "But why?"

Mamoru: "Hell if I know. Ask him yourself."

Meimei: "Right..."

(Maybe he did want to leave before I got here?)

(No, I'm sure it's just a coincidence.)

(But... he was acting a little weird towards me yesterday, though.)

This has never happened before, and I'm totally stumped. No matter how much I think about it, I can't think of a reason.

(I'll ask Soryu about it.)

Asking him will be the fastest way to find out.

Meimei: "...Do you know when Soryu will be back?"

Mamoru: "Didn't say. Why don't you give him a call?"

Meimei: "Okay, I'll do it."

I call him, but he doesn't answer.

(Guess it won't work...)

(Maybe I'll ask Ryosuke or my cousin Momiji...)

With a heavy heart, I finish my shift and head home.

Ryosuke: "Welcome home, Princess!"

Momiji: "Welcome home, Boss!"

Jasmine: *Woof!*

When I get home, my cousin Momiji, Jasmine and Ryosuke greet me with the same looks their faces.

Meimei: "Hello, Momiji and Ryosuke. Welcome home to you two, too."

Ryosuke: "Yes! We just got back from Hong Kong!"

Meimei: "...So how was it?"

Ryosuke: "Mr. Oh did great!"

Meimei: "Okay..."

Meimei: "Also... did anything happen to Soryu?"

I change the subject to Soryu.

Ryosuke: "Everyone from the main headquarters really welcomed us!"

Ryosuke: "And the food there was so great!"

Meimei: "But... Soryu's been acting strangely ever since he got home."

Ryosuke: "Yes, there's be a huge deal in a few days! I bet he's just nervous."

Momiji: "My darling got yelled at..."

Ryosuke: "Yes, my girlfriend said that! I got totally yelled at!"

(He always gets yelled at, though.)

(But I guess he does have that job to do with Rahman.)

Meimei: "But he hasn't seen me very much."

Ryosuke: "He's just making some final preparatons."

Ryosuke: "He's probably just trying not to worry you."

(Oh... I guess maybe he's just trying to be considerate of me.)

(Maybe he just had a meeting with Rahman today.)

There's a lot he doesn't tell me about work. Times like these really remind me that he's a mobster as I am a mobster girl.

(I want to know everything, but there are a lot of things he can't tell me.)

(This is his first major deal since he became the boss as do I, so maybe that's why it feels different.)

Soryu has subordinates all over the world, not just in Hong Kong. And he's doing everything he can to protect his family.

(But I'm sure he has a lot of pressure on him. I need to support him!)

Meimei: "Thanks for telling me that, Ryosuke."

Meimei: "What do you want to eat today? I'll make whatever you, Momiji, Sakura and Samejima want."

Ryosuke: "For real!?"

Momiji: "Really, boss!?"

I giggled and nod my head.

Ryosuke: "Alright! I love your cooking, Princess! My beloved Momiji cooking for me!"

Momiji: "D-Darling!"

I giggled cause my cousin Momiji blushes turn red. I feel so much better after talking to Momiji and Ryosuke. I pet Jasmine and head into the kitchen.

~End of (Twist of Fate) Chapter 6~


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