Chapter 15 - Heartache.

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(Pre Note:- Major Heartache. If you are happy now and don't want it drained, you can read later.😞)

He walked into the room and found her folding clothes. He simply stared at her leaning against the door. She did not look up. Stubborn! If she was adamant he wasn't far behind. He gulped remembering seeing those pills last night. His expression grew serious. His heart was in the mouth last night. She couldn't do it to herself. Did she have no clue of side effects they could have? What bothered him more was, how long? Honestly he had also restored to them for few nights. But only those nights when he just couldn't sleep thinking of her and had something important the next day. However, the thought that she was doing it to herself did not go well with him.

When she had finished, she simply gave him a glance and walked up to the cardboard box. She settled the clothes in it. Her heart was racing. Why was he staring at her like that? Did she really not know? She asked herself.

She gasped when he suddenly pulled her to himself. 

"Shiv--" she couldn't even complete as her eyes looked into his. Did she see anger?

She gulped. His look eased. His hold was gentle but firm. 

"You ate lunch?" He enquired.

She blinked baffled. Then nodded affirmatively. 

"Had dinner last night?" 

Anika was further baffled. This is what he wanted to ask? She nodded trying to stealthily slip out of his hold. Maybe he realised. For immediately he left her hands and locked his arms around her waist pulling her closer. She gasped at the sudden proximity.

"Don't you dare try that! I want to talk." He said in a dominating voice.

"I don't want to!" She snapped back. She hated his tone. But more than that she was scared. His voice told her that he wasn't backing out. She was scared they both would be hurt. Very hurt.

He was challenged. She never snapped back at him in such a curt manner.

He made her sit on the bed and knelt before her. Taking her hand in his, he looked up at her. "I m waiting to listen."

"What?" She asked growing vulnerable inside trying hard to be cold.

He clenched his jaw, trying to suppress his growing frustration.

"Alright. You don't understand. Fine. Start from those sleeping pills. "

She gasped. He knew ? She looked away from his eyes. Somewhat his eyes accused her as though she did wrong.

"Look at me. " he said trying to get her to face him. "Please." 

Anika was trying hard to keep back the tears.

He saw through it. "How long have you been taking them for?" He asked in a heavy voice.

She had to look at him. Gulping she tried to find words. "Just yesterday." She looked down again. 

"You don't lie well. So don't try." He complained.

She pulled her hand back from his turning away, she quickly wiped the tear at the edge of her eye. 

He sat up beside her. Cupping her face, he wiped the tears appearing in her eyes. She stared at him helplessly. She could see his moist eyes. She felt goose-flesh build all over. 

Sniffing a little he said,"let it out Anika. I am waiting. Say whatever you have to. "

"Shivaay please!" She said pushing his hand away. Was it so easy for him?

He was very angry with her. But he was more broken to see tears in her eyes. Deep down more so because he was the reason.

She tried to get up but he pulled her to make her sit again. Turning her gently by the shoulder he tried again. "Anika say it. Tell me. I need to know."

"Shivaay!" She almost screamed tears streaming down her ears. 

"Damn it! Tell me Anika. What's bothering you so much? Me right? Ever since I've come you have been like a stranger to me. Ever since I've come you are like this. You are unhappy!" He said in a breaking voice. Her behavior pricked him hard.

"Really? " she faked surprise. "You see it now?"

He gaped at her. The menacing tone stabbed him.

"Yeah I am unhappy! Yes I am bothered by everything. Everything about you and you. Everything." She sprang to her feet screaming with tears moving down her cheeks.

She stepped back, looking at him sadly. She was giving him so much pain. Her pain only grew looking at him stare at her like that. Stepping backwards she reached the wall. Dragging herslef along it she fell crying. Tears rolled down his cheek and pain penetrated deeper into his heart. To see her break right before his eyes. His vision blurred. Her sobs grew louder.

He immediately made it to her. Grabbing her he hugged her despite how hard she tried to push him away.  She ultimately let him hold her. She held on tightly to his shirt crying her heart out. Silent tears flooded down his cheeks as he simply rested his chin on her shoulder. He did not know what hurt more- the pain of his hurt or her pain?

He was weeping but moving his hand comforting her. So much pain? When did their love make room for such sharp pain? He held on tighter to her. He wasn't going to let her go away. No. He loved her. He depended on her. For his own sake he couldn't let her go away. 

The two stayed crying out their heart. She couldn't stop her cries and sobs. Her cries just told him how badly he had failed at being a husband. He hated himself for this. He had assumed she was stronger than this. She was the one who always had his back. She was his pillar. Maybe he had put too much on her. Too much that she couldn't breathe. 

"Anika!" He pulled away pushing away the hair and wiping her tears. She was appalled to see his tear struck face. It was like seeing into a mirror. Her heartache grew. She wasn't the best wife after all. 

She wiped her tears. Looking at him. She couldn't meet his gaze for too long. He got up and extended his hand. She placed her hand in the wall instead. She did not want to depend on him so much that it ached when he was not around. She had probably been too drained and the uncomfortable position they had been crying in left her limbs numb, for she slipped. In a split second he was holding her securely. His deep blue eyes scrutinizing her.

She looked away. It was so hard to meet his eyes. She felt guilty. 

"Freshen up. I will arrange diner. What do you prefer?" 

She peered at him. What did she prefer?  Did it really matter?

"Anything is fine. " she said quietly moving away. 

He walked out of the room. Nice out he leaned against the wall. A lone tear escaping his eye. He could not see that indifference, that anger , that despair in her eyes. It ached to see her hold him guilty in her eyes. He missed the Anika who was his shield. Now she was the one with sword in hand. Was he so unworthy? 

Did she not see he did everything for the perfect life they both wanted? Did she not see that he had obligations to his family? Did he not see that the past one year had been equally hard for him? Was she so blind to his struggle that she thought she was the only one suffering and he was the reason?

He did not know he could be so emotionally hurt. Worse- hurt by her. But, "she" always came before he "himself". Composing himself he brought out his phone to order dinner. Her favorite dish. Their favorite restaurant.

This is my first of kind. Intense Heart Break- where no one is right and no one wrong. 😭

See you soon!


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