Chapter 27 - Onset Of The Storm

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"Everything set? Okay.Twenty more  minutes. The bridegroom and his family are in church right? Perfect. Let me know if there's any problem. " she ended the call, walking over to the parking. 

"Can I steal my wife away for sometime?" A very familiar voice made her turn, and caused a smile to appear on her face. 

Anika felt the world around her freeze. There he stood dressed in a black tuxedo. His physique was perfect. Neither too hulky nor too slim. His stubble was epitome of perfection. How did he even keep it that perfect? As he walked closer her heart performed somersaults. The black bow sitting on his collar. The way he had his one hand in his pocket. Her eyes moved up to that perfect jawline. Her fingers itched to touch his face. Those lips tempted her. Finally, her gaze settled on his eyes. They were mysteriously beautiful. Looking more green at times and at other dazzling blue. They looked the perfect sapphire blue. 

He snapped his fingers before her eyes. "Like what you see?" There was softness in his eyes and his smile was playful.

"Haan?" She blinked. She hadn't paid attention to his words. She was just staring at the way his lips moved.

"I take that for a yes." He chuckled.

"Let's go." She said not liking the fact that he knew that she was muddled up on seeing him.

"Not like this." He held her hand and pulled her back. 


"Walk quickly!" He said holding her hand leading her outside the gates of the church and on to the pavement.

"The wedding is in the church." She told him.

"I know." He smiled.

"Can you--" she was cut off when he stopped and indicated her to enter the four star hotel.

"You are going to be the guest for the next few minutes, not the event planner. You need a change." 

Anika looked down at her simple kurti and leggings. In a hurry, she'd forgotten to pack a nice dress for the wedding. There was so much work that she had no time to figure out a way. Honestly, there were other things that were her priority. 

She quickly entered the room while he shut the door. Her eyes fell on the three dresses spread out on the bed. 

"Look, I know. You said you didn't want to look all decked up. So, I picked out the simplest dresses that would fit the occasion. Choose one and be quick."

Anika smiled at his thoughtfulness and quickly picked the floor length anarkali dress leaving out the saree and gown. It was a cream-golden with pink borders and pink dupatta. It was one of her favorite dresses. He'd gifted her that on their first diwali

He was going through his emails while waiting for his wife. The moment the door clicked he looked up. To his surprise she came out in the white bathrobe. He blinked baffled waiting for an explanation.

"Shivaay.." She bit her lower lip anxiously. He cocked up a brow. 

"I - I forgot to carry a sanitary napkin and I am on it!" She said sheepishly.

He sighed looking up. She was always very particular about having her things when she needed them. "It must be in the bathroom kit..did you check?" He got up walking to check the drawers. "Why would they put a sanitary napkin here?"

"Because they do. I mean our hotels do. I guess." He added the latter owing to his unsureness. 

"Whatever. Get me one now." She said folding her arms. 

"Excuse me!" He exclaimed cocking up his brow. Did she just order him?

" need to be back at the venue."

"Fine!" He said immediately leaving the room shutting the door behind him. She did get crazy, annoying and irritating in those days. Luckily, there was a medical shop right adjacent to the hotel. 

He entered back to find her on the phone. She immediately ended the call looking at him. He threw the packet over and she caught it well. "Fast !" he said.

She narrowed her eye, "What took you so long to come? "

"I was manufacturing them." He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Thank you Padman!" She shouted entering the bathroom. 

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Crazy days of the month!"

He handed her the chocolate when she was finally ready to walk out. Her eyes twinkled. "Thanks!" She snatched it from him. She could be a ten year old at times.

Hurriedly, they headed back to the church. Surprisingly, almost on time. He was making it for the center door, when she pulled him back. "You aren't the bride. This way." She pulled him towards the side door. He mentally laughed at her comment. Extending his elbow outward he looked at her and she slipped her arm locking it with his. She stared at him. He took his napkin and extended it to her. She then looked at her fingers sheepishly. Quickly taking it she wiped her fingers giving it back to him. They just did not words at times. 

He walked in with her by his side. Her eyes caught Vishal giving her an impressed look. She gave him her own attitude look flipping her hair, he chuckled. She sat beside her husband their arms staying locked.

Anika smiled at Nia she was looking pretty in her white gown. It was a love marriage. She simply kept looking everywhere hoping everything went well till the end. The lunch was in the lawn and Vishal was taking care of it. 

As the bridegroom began saying his vow she felt his fingers slip into hers. Looking down at their hands she slowly raised her gaze to look up at him. 

" be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow."

Their gazes locked and stayed like that until the recital of the vows had concluded. Only when the applause rang inside the hallway, they were broken out of their stance. She smiled looking around her heart heavy with emotion. She slipped out her hand from his and walked past him to check on the things. He sat back thoughtfully. 

* * *

Anika felt much lighter by the evening. Her two hour sleep in the late afternoon had magically released the tiredness. She was first mad at Shivaay for not waking her up. But later, she was okay when Radha made her the best ginger tea. 

But now as she stood with her eyes cover by his hands she was getting impatient. He had said there was a party they had to attend and she had to dress up in his favorite saree. Only when they got to the Oberoi Hotel she knew he was up to something else. He asked her to keep patience as he walked he rout of the lift covering her eyes.


"Almost there. Now!" He pulled his hand away and like the other hand, it rested on her waist, as he stood close behind her back. Anika slowly opened her eyes. His proximity was driving her crazy. Ever since the morning she was craving to kiss him and make love. She blamed her hormones but well truth was she had felt that way every freaking day after his arrival. Maybe the one year of being deprived of her rights made her desperate. 

Her eyes widened as she saw a picture of them and below it was written in a beautiful font - 

" Happy Marriage Anniversary "

She blinked. Was she missing something? No.

"Shivaay, our anniversary.."

"I know, of course. It was almost a month back. But, we can celebrate now. " he said wrapping his hands around her, his palms reaching her abdomen, taking her in a back hug. Anika parted her lips to say something and then pressed them close again.

"I am sorry Anika. For not being here that day. But like you say, we don't need a date on a calendar to celebrate. "

Anika bit her lip keeping her face with a smile. It was an ironical smile but.  He turned her to him. His face fell. "Anika-?"

She closed her eyes, telling herself to be calm. She bit her tongue to not shout. What did he think of himself ? Why was everything the way he wanted it, to be? What was he trying at by doing all this?

"Shivaay." She pressed her lips, inhaling deeply. "Let's go home. " 

"What-?" He asked getting irked up.

"I don't want this..please let's go home."

"I don't understand Anika. You -"

"Yes, you don't. " she raised her voice looking at him. "You. Don't. Understand." She spat.

"Then explain." He said his eyes fixed on hers. She could see the anger he was holding back.

"No point. There's bloody no point. When I explain I am called immature, impractical and whatever.." She told it on in one breath. Her hands in air she vigorously shook her head. Covering her face she sat on the chair. She had never spoken to him so badly, never shouted at him until the night few days back. He was staring at her like he'd seen someone he never knew. She hated it.

He pulled the chair and dragged it near to the one she sat on. The beautifully set table was forgotten. The fairy lights on the trees no longer seemed romantic. The perfect romantic dinner was sabotaged by the emotional outburst.

He held her hand, "Tell me. I am listening. Finish this Anika. I am tired. "

She sharply turned to look at him. "You are tired? I am not enjoying this Shivaay. Hell I never wanted this. Anyway who am I to decide? You decide right?"

He stared back at her. He couldn't tolerate anyone shouting at him. He was silently listening to her. He needed to deal with patience. She was the most precious part of him. He couldn't be reckless. He took a deep breath, almost delicately he extended his hand to voice her face. She pushed it away annoyed. He looked down fisting his fingers. Gulping hard he gently held her Hans and began, "I am sorry Anika. I-I didn't exactly mean it that day. I have apologized so many times below. Look Anika in life we need to be practical , we can't-"

"Not again. Please. Not again!" She got up pulling her hand back. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

Shivaay's tolerance faded. He took quick steps close to her and was almost going to bold her hand when he saw the waiters staring at them from the glass door. Sensing his gaze they immediately dispersed.

"I want to go home!" Anika said clearing the tears off her face.

"Fine!" He stepped back his voice clipped and jaw muscles tensed.

He stormed till the door and stopped. Not looking back he waited for her. Biting her lips, she held back her tears. Steadily she walked towards the door. He held the door open for her. She walked out and he followed her, each not sparing a single glance to the other.

He got rid off his coat and rolled up his sleeves, before settling into the driver's seat. She sat turning slightly to the door. Angrily he gripped the steering wheel. Perhaps the time in drive would cool him down. He didn't want to fight. He hated the idea of heated arguments in their relationship. He'd do anything to avoid it. 


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