Chapter 33 - In A Family

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That night chatter did not stop in Oberoi Mansion. Voice of laughter, witty comments and the small boy's orchestra rang in the Oberoi living hall. Dinner had never been so long and entertaining. Topics kept flowing. After a long time Shivaay was witnessing the two chatterboxes, going on and on – first his sister and second his wife. Anika hadn't spent much time with Priyanka. Only during the wedding, and once after that when Priyanka had paid a visit during Rakshabandhan. The latter had been very brief. During the wedding Priyanka used to stay very busy as Raunak was very young.

Occasionally, the two men who were sipping beer would add something. Shivaay pitied Nihaal taking care of the little one, while his sister and his wife were in a work of their own. 

When Nihaal had momentarily turned to his ringing phone Raunak had knocked of the half empty glass bowl to the floor. Immediately, there was Priyanka shouting.

"Prinku relax. He's a kid. It happens."

"I told him not to touch it!" She said annoyed making sure he the little one wasn't hurt. Anika noted and smiled. 

"Its alright. Happens. We'll have it cleaned. "

Shivaay could see annoyance on his sister's face. He tapped Anika's hand and signed her. Anika nodded and quickly called the cleaner and then took the little boy from Priyanka's hand. She walked out with boy towards the garden. 

"You did not have to shout. " Nihaal said softly, helping his wife out to clean off the gravy on her dress.

"He gets on my nerves. " she said cross.

"Relax." Nihaal looked at her. 

Shivaay noted the exchange and was uncomfortable feeling like the third person. Of certainly wasn't what of looked like. The two were throwing daggers at each other. 

"You two calm down. Its alright. He's a kid. Prinku relax." 

Priyanka nodded and rose to walk out. Shivaay looked at an irritated Nihaal.

"All okay?"

"I don't understood why she get's so impatient and irritable at times. "

"She was always like that. She's lucky to have found you!" Shivaay said earnestly.

"No. Shivaay. It isn't that. She has been wonderful. She has been patient enough to be a mother. She is the best. But off late she's growing irritated of it. I don't know whether this is burdening her. I don't want it to. I help her with whatever I can but.."

"Hey, Nihaal. Don't worry. It's natural. My sister is a very Moody person. Both of us know it. But she will be fine. "

"Yeah!" He sighed. 

"Go talk to her." Shivaay smiled. He nodded.

Shivaay got up and walked to the garden. The sight he saw warmed his heart. There Naika sat on the marble bench, playing with Raunak and kissing his fingers. She looked so cute. But what was up with his sister and Nihaal. He had never seen them so irritated or mad at each other. Whatever, they should be able to sort it.

He stood behind Anika placing his hands on her shoulder. 

"Is Pri okay?"

"Yeah. She just is tired I guess. The flight and Raunak. "

"Hmm..okay Shivaay. Play with him. I will get some nice mood maker."

"For us?" He grinned cheekily. Surprised at what his wife was saying.

"Shivaay, flush your thoughts. I meant the dessert."

"Oh, that Cake!" He smiled. Taking the boy in his arms. "Hey Raunak , Maami takes long but bakes lovely cakes."

Anika punched him with her left hand while her right was still caught between his chest and Raunak. "Shivaay my hand!"

He pulled her hand but continued holding it instead of freeing her. "See Raunak likes my stubble!" He said as the little boy's hands moved over his face. Anika gaped and laughed. 

"Maami doesn't like it Raunu, tell Maami, its sexy!"

"Shut up. You mustn't speak nonsense before children. They pick up things faster. "

"That's better. He would know the right thing. Stubble suits his Maama!"

Anika giggled. The sight of her husband with the cute little boy was so heart warming. She quickly inched closer and kissed Shivaay's cheek over the stubble. "Maybe Maami can learn to like it too."

Shivaay stared at his wife, her face so close to his. Her eyes lovingly looking at him. "She must learn to love it." He commented cascading his gaze down to her lips. She stared at his. Both inched closer. 


There was a slap on Shivaay's face by the two year old. Shivaay gaped back horrified.

Anika broke into giggles. "Raunu doesn't like the idea!" 

"Shut up Anika. This boy is on his mom."

Anika laughed. "Let's see how mad his mother is still."

Shivaay frowned and followed her holding the boy's hands and teaching him manners. "No!" The little boy kept saying. "Yes!" Shivaay kept arguing and Anika kept giggling.

* * *

Anika knocked on the room's door. As Shivaay stood close behind her with little Raunak, standing next to him, finding his own fingers very amusing.

While waiting for the door to open, Anika glanced aside to find the boy running away and Shivaay after him. She nodded her head as the door opened. Nihaal smiled at her. 

"You guy forgot the dessert!" Anika said entering the room.

"Not at all Bhabhs!" Priyanka smiled clearing the clothes of the bed for Anika to sit.

"Where's Raunu?" She asked concerned.

"With Mammu!"She spoke grinning.

" Oh God, Prinku he is totally on you. He slapped me!" Shivaay said walking in with the boy in his hands, giving Anika a quick glance.

"Such a mischief-maker!" He added.

"I am certain not more than you!" Prinku grinned cheekily taking her son in her arms. 

Anika laughed. If anyone could give Shivaay perfectly on the face it was his sister, after his mother of course.

"What's funny?" He turned at her.

"Everyone knows it Shivaay. You are more a mischief maker. If mom would be here. She'd second it. "

"Oh wait mom is almost here," Nihaal added sitting beside his wife." Mom's going to be surprised. " he added as the video call was connecting.

"Bhabs come here. " Priyanka said patting the empty bed beside her. Anika followed.

"What about us?" Shivaay pouted looking at The little one. 

"Well, Bhai no place for you. Raunu can sit on my lap."

Anika laughed. Shivaay shook his head. "What's so funny?" He asked in a cross tone. She was his wife but taking his sister's side.

"Arey! Bhai, relax. What's your problem? She will laugh if she wants to."

Anika continued laughing.

"I m sitting on your lap!" Shivaay smirked reaching Anika's side. Anika blinked flushed trying to decipher how serious he was about that. She scooted a little, closer to Prinku, so that he could have place to sit. "Bhabs come little forward. " Nihaal said adjusting the laptop. 

She did and Shivaay sat more behind her than on her side. His hands immediately on her waist. 

Pinky and Shakti were totally surprised to see them all together. They laughed and chattered. Pinky was telling her vivid experience in the foreign continent. Shakti was complaining about Pinky. Prinku was complaining about them not being here. Nihaal was telling them how Priyanka did not consider his advice. Anika was telling them about Raunak and Raunak kept amusingly trying to type on the keyboard while Shivaay kept the little boy's fingers from the keyboard. One dysfunctional happy family was what they looked like. 

While Shakti engaged in a conversation with Nihaal and Priyanka with his mother, Shivaay slipped his hands to Anika's lower back from her top. Sitting right behind her with her scent hitting his nostrils couldn't make him think about anything except her. Anika stiffened and did not let that be evident on her face. She was holding on to Raunak whose new amusement was her bangles. 

Shivaay began steadily stroking her soft skin. Anika turned slightly to avoid his other hand that landed on her thighs. He had lost his sanity, was all she could conclude. They were before four adults and one little one. But that made things more easier for him. He ran his hand upwards dangerously close to her inner wear's clasp. While on his face was painted interest in his mother and sister's conversation. 

Anika got used to it, in minutes. She thought he'd tease and stop. He did not. He began rubbing his fingertips on her back. Anika sat slightly straight not making things obvious though. His hand was well hidden between their bodies and he was an excellent actor. But her little hold began fading when his fingers got out from her top and began tracing her skirt. His feet dangling down the bed on one side just like hers, caressed her feet. This man was too much for her to handle. 

She casually moved her hand behind and caught his. He freed it and caught hers instead. She blinked keeping a normal face. She tried freeing her hand , he did not allow. 

"Priyanka, you said you needed milk for Raunak right?"

"Yes Bhabs. " she smiled. 

"Okay!" Anika gave him a quick winning smile and left. He smiled to himself turning back to the screen. The sister -brother duo began debating with their mother about their childhood as Raunak's topic came up.


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