Chapter 52 - Imperfectly Perfect

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He held her hand gently as ever. Like he was about to propose. He made her sit on the couch and knelt before her. He couldn't find the words to explain what he felt. Just as always. But that feeling of being understood by someone more than what you understand about yourself was the one shining out through his eyes. 

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and began. Even if it made no sense he'd say it anyway.

"I am very lucky.. I have the best family. You all put up with my attitude, put up with my demands, put up with everything, everything. I always felt that I was made to have it all. Girls found me cute ever since I was at school. In High school I was a heartthrob." He grinned, while his eyes shone with the lining of tears.

She smiled at him lovingly. Lucky, she was, to find this best man.

He patted her hand gently. "I've been so pampered by mom-dad. Was always the favorite of teachers. In short I've always lived on my conditions, taking everything for granted. happened. It's cheesy and too romantic to be true– but trust me when I first saw you, I had this weird feeling. I was nervous for the first time in my life. Girls usually you know checked me out at first sight. But, you just looked into my eyes and then didn't look back again until I was leaving. Even when you spoke, you looked everywhere except me. I had this feeling that I wanted to have you look at me like that first time forever. "

She blushed slightly remembering the day. How could she freaking look at those hypnotizing eyes again! She had barely looked at him when her eyes sank the image of his. That was it. She couldn't dare to look again. The feeling she had never felt. It was so strong. She feared looking into those eyes again. They were very very magical. 

"Then we became friends, fell in love and were married was perfect. You'd do so much for me. I always knew I was destined to have the best. But slowly with time, I began feeling this hollowness... You all were so perfect, so loving, the best! But when I looked at myself, I was still that brat of a boy living like a prince. I had nothing I could say looking at- that is what I did...that is what makes my family takes pride in me. Was given the position of the head in office, was married to the best woman, I just got it all."

Anika looked at him painfully. She had never known behind that charming run of his there was so much conflict. She wanted to talk.. But stayed silent. He needed to get it all out. Once and forever.

"Couldn't even manage to wake up early!" He smiled tauntingly. She squeezed his hands. He shouldn't be so hard at himself. 

" That wasn't all.I had seen my parents leave this home and settle for a smaller one. I had been shifted out from the best school and put into a normal one. They wanted to save on the fees. I understood and was pretty okay. I knew wherever I'd be I would adapt. There was this phase in mom-dad's life, where they fought. They'd scream at each other. They would say the marriage was a mistake. I didn't like it. They were my parents, couldn't see them like that. The issue was always money. Crisis happens. One happened to us. "

She stared at him, understanding him like her own heart and mind. So much was there. A battle he had been in for so long. 

"I slowly began fearing. I never wanted us to fight. I never thought I could love something so much, that would make me want to protect it in anyway. That's when I decided. I would make you all proud of me. I'd never let financial issues between any relationship in the family. I'd give back to my parents what time took from them. I'd give you the life of that princess in a fairy-tale."

She cried, and he looked at her, holding back his tears. Her tears were just drops of testimony of that purest connection she had with his soul. 

"I never knew that – That one decision would take you so away from me in all ways. I know what you have in your mind." He paused, gulping to find his voice. "I was scared. " tears rained down his eyes. She wiped them her own falling on his hands. "I was scared Anika. What if I told you all of this, gave you hopes and failed! I'd never be able to meet your eyes." He pressed his forehead against her lap, crying bitterly. She ran her hands through his hair bending her face down kissing his hair. She could hear his cries and feel the scorching tears stream mercilessly down her cheeks. This was painful. To have her man breakdown before her, right in her arms, was so painful.

She let him cry. She didn't stop him. She just held him close to let him know she was there. He was so much than what he knew. 

He looked up and in a split second looked away. 

"Cry some more. " she said, trying to meet his eyes. 

He smiled amidst the tears. 

"I won't let anyone know, you cried. Not even you yourself!" She said biting her lips to hold back her tears.

He almost laughed with tears. " That's why I say. You are the best wife ever."

"That's because I am the Best Man's wife!" she said cupping his face and pulling him close. He sat there on the carpet with his face buried in her lap. She raked her hands through his hair her body bending over his. He kissed her hands and she smiled.  

She suddenly pushed his head away and he looked at her confused. She slipped down and sat beside him. Pulling his head closer to her chest she hugged him. "You are the best Shivaay. You know what made me fall for you. The way you loved yourself. You were so full of life , witty remarks, and care. I just wondered how wonderfully you'd love a woman. Before I could imagine, I knew I wanted to be that one. " she whispered into his ears. He smiled. He knew that. She had told him that before. When she was intoxicated with that slight overdose of brandy at their honeymoon.



"Can we move away."

He smiled at her stupid question. She could be cutely stupid at times. "No." He said hugging her more.

"I need to cook. Your mother will begin her melodrama if she doesn't get proper Indian food today. She has been cribbing about the food since like ever. " she said rubbing his back.

"Oh. She'll be mad if we don't get at the airport in time, also." He said moving away.

He cupped her face, rubbing her wet face with his napkin. He gently tucked her hair and positioned the locket in the center of her neck. She smiled. 

"We cry a lot these days." He complained.

She chuckled. Then staring at him she moved closer and rising on her knees she kissed his forehead. He gazed at her lovingly.

She got up to leave when he tugged at her kurti. She turned and looked at him questioningly. He nodded asking her to come down again. She raised her eyebrows suspiciously. He frowned, she could swear by it that it was one of his cutest. She nodded his head in a no and began walking a stupid smile on her face. With him around she was sure she didn't need a baby. 

"Anika!" He called. She turned back. "What?"

He didn't want to say anything. "Nothing."

She filled her eyes an turned and yet again he called. This time she stood still and then not just turned back but walked back to him and bent down to get her face at the level of his. "What?"

He pulled her cheeks. "You look cute!"

She laughed heartily. Then pulled his. "You are more cute." She blew a kiss right before his face.

"Anika. Don't say cute. " he said grumpily.

"I will!" She said haughtily. 

He grabbed her waist and fell back to the floor and then turned over her. "Shivaay!" She squealed at the sudden move.

He stared at her. He could just gaze at her forever.

"Shivaay. We are in the study. And I need to cook."

He pressed his lips controlling his laughter. "What makes you think that? I just wanted to.."

"I know." 

"Such a pervert!" He mimicked her. "I was talking about this. " saying that he tickled her at the waist. She burst out laughing pleading him to stop, while simultaneously pushing his hand away. 

"Shivaay..Shivaay..please...enough..aahh!" She laughed growing out of breath. He stopped and his eyes couldn't leave her. She was a sight to behold. He promised himself to always keep her laughing that way. She caught him watching her. As her laughter settled and long breaths filled the space between them. She pulled him closer by his collar and pecked his lips. They stayed like that. Their lips pasted against each other. Eyes closed. As though breathing in the same breath.  He was the firs to pull apart. She stared at him snaking her arms around his neck. She parted her lips !wanting to be kissed. 

"If I kiss you now... We both know we would want more." He said softly getting off her. 

"Whose stopping us?" She asked. She seemed possessed entirely by love.

He grinned at her playfully. "Anika, DON'T."

She giggled sitting up. This was the best way to make him assume her position. He kissed her cheek and got up extending his hand for her. She took it. As she stood, she leaned closer. He eyed her. "Go cook. We need to be at the airport at time."

She kissed his cheek. Then stared at him.

"Anika go!" He said shaking his head. 

She walked out, smiling. This reverse tactic worked. Otherwise she was sure he was in no mood to leave her. 

He grinned shaking his head. "Drama-queen, she thinks I don't understand!"

* * *

"Anika.." He said looking at the road ahead.

"Hmm." She responded, putting her hair on one side. 

" took the pill?"

"Yes. " she said taking a deep breath.

"Then why are you so worried?"

Anika looked thoughtfully. Maybe her anxiety over him had come out as worry over the unprotected sex. But still a part of her felt restless. Those pills weren't hundred percent guarantee.  What if she became expectant? 

"I don't know. " she said honestly. "I forgot it the other day, though. "

He glanced at her. "When?"

She blinked. He didn't remember? "In the shower." She said turning crimson and looking out of the window. 

"Oh...!" He chuckled. 

"Very funny!" She folded her hands embarrassed.

"You loved it, Anika..?" He said teasing. 

"Shivaay focus on the road." She ordered tapping the radio on. He laughed.

* * *

The excitement in air was unbeatable. The small family was so happy as they hugged each other. Pinky was cursing the flight for scaring her by trembling amidst the thick clouds. 

Back at home. Things finally felt like home. With Pinky's shrill voice debating with Radha aunty and Anika. Shakti and Shivaay exchanged glances on between and Shivaay filled in Shakti with recent developments.

At the dinner table, Pinky was the chief orator. While Shakti assumed the role similar to the judge of a court objecting what she said frequently. Shivaay smiled as his parents made complaints about each other. He looked at her who was with utmost interest listening to their travel talk. Minutes passed and she still didn't look at him. With mischief on mind, he slipped his hand over her thigh.

She immediately straightened up on chair and casually glanced at him. Boring her gaze into his. She kicked his leg. In a way to say get your hand off. He didn't obey.

She simply chose to let him be and diverted his attention to Pinky. 

"You know Shakti Ji met his girlfriend from college. What's her name?" She pretended to not remember. 

Shakti shook her head. "She isn't my girlfriend. Her name is Roopa."

Anika couldn't even giggle at that. All she knew was her husband's hand moving sensually on her inner thigh. She tried looking at him with pleading eyes. Even that did not work.

"She isn't but she was Shakti Ji" she said turning back to her kids. 

Pinky cleared her throat. "Shivaay!" She said aloud.

He looked at his mother his hand still very much on his wife's thigh. "Huh"

"Pass that dish."

He frowned inwardly and took his hand off her and forwarded the dish to his mom. "Anika... He isn't... I mean he didn't trouble you naa.." She said her eyes on him. 

He knew his mom knew what he'd been up to. She looked at her plate understanding very well. 

"Is there a chance I get to hear something like a good news?" Pinky said looking at the two while Shakti nudged her to shut her mouth.

Anika gaped turning red. Shivaay loved Anika's expression. But, he spoke up. "Mom. We aren't ready yet.." 

Pinky chewed thoughtfully. "Doesn't look like." Her voice trailed off. Anika caught her words and swallowed hard. Pinky noticed and winked at her. Anika blushed.

A sudden embracing happiness seemed to have set in it's foot in their life with the arrival of the parents.

Life was unpredictable but it sure was worth all the ups and downs. It was an ocean of imperfection with the momentarily ripples of perfections. That went away as fast as they came. The saving grace was one momentary perfection was followed quickly by another.

I didn't proof read, so hopefully no major errors. Point out if any.

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