Chapter 6 - Hand In Hand

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He smiled surprised as he saw his wife down in the law of the apartment. She was petting the two dogs - Tobby and Bozo. He was bewildered. The Anika who literally grasped him on seeing the dogs was petting them! Too much change to digest.

"Anika, come this way I have to make you meet two special species." Shivaay led his to-be-wife around the posh apartment block. He was so excited to introduce Anika to the two dogs he absolutely loved. 

As soon as Anika's gaze fell on them she froze. The second the two looked at her or maybe at Shivaay, they barked. That was all that was required, Anika forgot everything and hugged Shivaay. His eyes went wide as she held his forearm, digging her nails into them. 

"All okay Anika?" He asked unsure, loving the fact that she was so close.

"Dogs! Oh my God, They are coming towards us. Shivaay!" She hid her face in his chest and he smiled.

"They won't do anything. I brought you here to meet them.". He said in a relaxed tone.

" Wh-hat! Th-hem! Are you out of your mind? They bite. They bark. They go mad. And if they bite, you need to get fourteen injections or you become mad. Aa.aa..!" she squeezed her eyes shut holding on to him for dear life.

"Anika relax. They are tame creatures. I know them for like two years now! They stay here."

"Shiv-aaaay! Please first, shoo them away. 

Ple-asssee!" She almost said in a weeping voice.

"OK, OK relax." He put an arm around her and signed the dogs to back off. The lovely dogs obeyed their favorite's command. 

He then slowly walked over with her to the inside of a block while the dogs barked for his attention.

Once away from the dogs Anika relaxed visibly and embarrassment set in. She pulled her hands away and turned crimson. 

That was awkward!

His arm pulled back from her shoulder. "Okay?" She nodded in response.

"Anika they are the cutest creatures. I mean look at them. So adorable. That is Bozo and that one Tobby!" He pointed at the brownish dog.

"I hate dogs," she said terrified.

"Oh, you are kidding, right? How can you hate them? I mean look at them. Do you know how amazing it is to cuddle them and love them and play with them? I even go jogging with them on Sundays!"

Anika looked bewildered. She had found herself a dog-loving fiancé. Thank God he doesn't sleep with them. Yuck. Dog on your bed. Scary.

"You know once I even took them home and woke up to their licking. " he grinned.

"Yuck!" Anika remarked.

"Hey. They are very loving." Shivaay said in protest."Unlike you!" He grinned.

"Excuse me?" Anika blurted out without thinking. She was just compared to them? No important thing was she was 'not loving'? What?

"I mean see what you have done to me!"  He concealed his smirk putting up a puppy face. Extending his arms he showed her the marks her nails had made. 

Anika cuddled the dogs just as she had seen him do. She smiled remembering the first time she had seen them. It was a week or two after their Roka(engagement). They would casually go out for walks or hit the malls or simply have lunch 'dates'. One day he had asked her to come down to his place and that day she had known how much he loved dogs. They licked her hands as they ate. She couldn't believe she at once ridiculed the action.

She looked embarrassed. "I am sorry!"  She looked at those reddish marks, She had made on his forearm in horror. But she couldn't ignore the tone with which he said, 'what you have done to me!" 

She looked up and he was grinning. Such a Playboy grin!  "Give me five minutes!" He said staring right into her eyes. He returned to the dogs and cuddled them. They licked his hands. She saw with distaste. 

When he came back she expressed how unhygienic it was and he gave her a dry face. "You don't know how amazing it feels!" He said smiling.

"Whatever, please wash your hands. " she looked at his slightly wet hands. 

He was in the mood for some fun. "You know what Anika. Hug me. You will feel their scent, their love. " he said in a modulating tone, inching closer.

Her eyes went wide, what was wrong with him? Forget that! He had the dog's saliva on his arms. Eeww!

"Shivaay, no. Shivaay, please. The dog's saliva is all over your arms!" She shrieked as he inches closer and she backward.

His eyebrow twitched up impressively. "So I get a hug after I wash?" He teased her.

She gaped at him shyly. "I did not mean that!" She said quickly tucking her lock behind her ear.

He smiled. "You are cuter!" He then laughed away stepping back.

She rolled her eyes. Very funny. Though she did not say that aloud. He was an adorable man. Despite the fact that he loved irritating and teasing her. 

She sighed getting up to leave. The night had grown darker. It had become a daily custom for her from the past few months to come down at night and feed the dogs. It had taken an entire month for her to get accustomed to looking at them without panic. Another entire to start patting them. And finally, she had learned to be with them just as he was.

Her smile disappeared. She sighed. Was she really not happy that he was here? Was she really still hurt with all that had happened? Was it hurt or the feeling of guilt that ate her? Guilt that she no longer loved him!

* * *

"Hey!" She heard a voice as she quietly shut the door. She turned quickly to see him walk over from the balcony. 

She pressed a smile. "Hi." 

"So you finally agree that they are lovable and it feels amazing to pamper them!" He grinned. Jeez, he had grown extremely handsome. She slowly walked towards him. Technically towards the stairs. He joined as they moved up. He knew the first thing she would do is wash her hands for a good minute.

"They aren't that bad," she said in a soft voice.

"Finally!" He smiled as he walked.  "So many changes!"

She turned back staring at him. "So many changes!"

He blinked as she quickly moved up, increasing the distance between them. He couldn't help but notice her perfect backside. He let out a curse. He still couldn't get over or enough of that perfect figure. Neither could he get enough of her. " Welcome back Shivaay!" He muttered grinning to himself.

* * *

He was in the balcony of their room when the door clicked and she stepped out in her night Patialas and a plain black sleeveless kurti. She looked at him. He was leaning against the railing talking on the phone. He looked extremely irresistible in that black gym tee and tracks. His toned arms looked more tempting in the dim-lit night. Anika tore her gaze away from him. He looked handsome even in those pajamas and kurta he wore. Well, things change and so do people! She was hating this feeling. This feeling in her heart she couldn't understand.

"Anika!" He called her name as he stepped inside sliding the glass door. She looked up at him. From closer, he looked even finer. 

"Anika, you are okay?" He asked approaching her. Her heart rammed crazily in her ribs. Her eyes involuntarily made it to his perfect lips. She had and did miss them. She immediately realized he was asking her something. The last thing she wanted was to let him know how desperately she missed him. 


"You are lying... You did not even hug me properly Anika. I know something is wrong. What is it?" He asked slowly taking her hand in his. She stared at his hand. It wasn't soft as before it was harder, though his hold was as gentle as ever. His thumb began tracing the bracelet. 

"Nothing. It's nothing like that!" She managed to say looking at him, though her brain was where his hands were.

He looked at her intently. He was trying to read her. What had happened to his ever expressive wife? Maybe the surprise and so many things in a day after so long got her worked up. Oh yes, remember she had a long day at the office as well.

"Then...hug me!" He demanded like a ten-year-old kid. 

She sensed a dominance in that voice. It wasn't her ever cute husband behaving like a kid it was something different. There was something different about it. Was she just thinking too much?

She quietly moved close and put her arms around his neck. Gently she let her chin rest on his shoulder taking a deep breath. His hands gently landed on her back. She exhaled the breath she did not even know she was holding. His hands moved slightly and her eyes grew wide. Why was this different? She quickly pulled away. Her heart was disputed but her body was terribly falling trap to his presence. Her body seemed to be on her own. She couldn't help but feel the heat his body radiated. 

He was disappointed when she pulled back so fast. There was nothing similar. Her hands didn't go around his back or waist! "Get some rest you must be tired!" He kissed her forehead. She smiled lightly and moved to switch off the lights. As his gaze rested on the bed, he noticed there wasn't one single duvet but two. She laid on her side the bed and he reached to his side. 

"Anika, you will sleep in that?"

"Hmm." She said simply. 

He nodded and got on the bed. This was another change. She always wore nighties or those 3/4ths and those long tops to bed. He sighed. Changes! 

He turned to look at her. Her eyes were closed. There was something not okay. He had to know what it was. He slowly slipped his fingers between hers and pulling her hand gently placed it on his abdomen. Now things seemed better. 

She felt him move her hand, she let him. Her heart fluttered as the back of her palm rested on his abdomen. No sleep tonight as well she assumed. 

She was wrong.

For that night both slept well with their hands holding on to the other's.

Any dog stories to share?😂

I am more like that old Anika. 


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