school day

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"Good morning Kite" my mom said as I was walking down the stairs.

"Mornin" I said as I started making toast

(Time skip to when school starts cause I'm lazy)

I was walking to school when I saw my friend Umber talking to some Jolteon, then Umber noticed me

"Hey Kite, over here!" Umber said, I walked casually toward him

"Sup man" I said

"This is Wyatt" Umber said

Then Wyatt grabs a sword out of his pocket and yells "I AM FRENCH" then he slashed a nearby tree in half with one swipe of his blade then he walked away like nothing happened

"What" I said as he walked away

"He's a weird one" Umber said

Then Umber Noticed Izzabell "well,see ya around" he said as he strolled away twords izzabell

I better get to class I thought as I started down the hall,then I saw a espeon come up to me

"Hi there I'm zack" the Espeon said

"Um hi I'm Kite"I said

Long dramatic pause later "see you around" I said

"Bye zack" I said

I walked into my first class Which just so happens to be Science
I sat down at a desk, I was one of the first people there so I sat in the middle. Then other people started trailing in,then some pink thing I have never seen before sat next to me

"hi there"she said as she was opening her books

"Oh hi I'm Kite, nice to meet you"I said to her

"I'm sylvea"she said to me as she was grabing her pencil

"Want to be friends" sylvea said

"S-sure" I said while playing with a snowman while made him dance on my side of the desk cause I was bored, then sylvea looked over in amazment at the dancing snowman

"Woah that's so cool"she said while staring at the snowman

"Thanks" I said as class began to start

"Hello class I'm Mr. Barnes I am you science teacher,the seats you are sitting in now are your perminent seats"he said as I was thinking that the beach is a lot of sand

"I'm going to take roll, Zack "here" sylvea "present" Fat peanut "here" Wyatt "I AM FRENCH" Opal "here" (time skip to when he finishes). Okay class today we are going to just relax and watch a movie because I don't have a lesson plan

Everyone except Kite: "yayyyyy" Kite also hears a muffled "I AM FRENCH"

(After science class)

"Hey Kite" I turned around to see Zack standing there

"Oh hi Zack" I said

"You want to sit with me at lunch,I can show you some new people"he said

"Sure" I said

"Great" he said

(Time skip to lunch)

I walked into the lunch room and saw Zack in the corner of the room talking to Wyatt and a flareon. I walked towards them and sat next to Zack

"Hey kite" sylvea said as she walked up and sat across from from me

"Oh hi sylvea" I said as she sat down

I looked around the lunch room for Umber, I noticed him at the end of the room talking to Izzabell about who knows what,then the Flareon started talking

"Hey I'm flance" he said to me holding out his paw

I shook his paw "I'm Kite, nice to meet you" I said

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