Chapter Eight: Recruited

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A voice. One that couldn't be placed. The voice rang through Kitten's, Aqualad's and Kid Flash's heads. It urged them to wake up so they did.

They found that their limbs were pinned down and they were in some kind of containment tube. There were white lights underneath their feet and a control panel in front of them. Also in front of them was the very person who put them in there, Superboy. He stared at them silently, unblinking, his gaze hard. They struggled against their bonds but that wasn't going to work out. They were locked uptight. Even with Kitten's lockpicking skills, he daren't try it in front of the clone. What would be the point of getting out when he was right there to put them back in? They looked to find one another, all relaxing when they were in view of each other. "Oh Catwoman is so gonna kill me," Kitten grumbled, putting his head against the wall. She was probably trying to call him now but without a signal he could neither answer or call her back. Not that he could even reach his phone. 

"Is there something on our faces?" Kid Flash asked the clone, his eyes narrowing. He didn't like the staring. It was unnerving and they were already in a bad situation.

"No," the clone replied quietly. The trio raised an eyebrow at that.

"You can talk?" Kitten stated in surprise. The clone nodded. 

"Who taught you to speak?" Aqualad asked.

"The G-Nomes," he answered. They hummed.

"Is this the first time you've been conscious?" Kitten inquired. He nodded. "Never been outside then?" He shook his head. "That's a bit sad I won't lie to you. CADMUS isn't really a cool place to grow up in." There's some silence between them as the group try to work out if they could use the clone to get out. If they could get them on their side, they'd be able to get out. Of course, they didn't want to leave the clone here either. They needed to convince him both to let them out and then come with him. Only, what would it take to be convincing? 

"You know, there's more to life than CADMUS," Kid Flash began. "There's a whole world out there you could see."

"I live because of CADMUS," Superboy snapped. Okay so badmouthing the facility wasn't going to get them out.

"It's all you know. Don't you want to see the world they told you about?" Kid Flash asked. The clone didn't say anything to that but he sensed he was getting somewhere. "We could get you outside. Introduce you to Superman too."

"Yeah, you three can do that. I'll pass on the meet and greet. He might throw me into the sun after I stole his girlfriend's car," Kitten mentioned. The heroic pair glanced at him but decided they weren't going to go down that route. That was a story for another day. "It's probably nighttime right now, we could show you the moon. Might still be setting off fireworks still too." Superboy tilted his head as he thought about the proposition. They really hoped they convinced him because they had about zero ideas on how else to get out of their predicament. He didn't give them any verbal confirmation though which would be their solid ticket out. Whilst they were waiting, Kitten's ears pricked up. "Someone's coming," he muttered, flicking his eyes over to the door. "Look SB, I don't want to hurry your life-changing decision but I'd really like to be alive to show you the moon and the fireworks. I don't have life insurance and I'm not entirely into the idea of my organs being harvested."

"They harvest organs?" Kid Flash asked.

"If they're smart they will," Kitten replied.

Then a door opened a man walked through with more G-Nomes but Kitten wasn't done trying yet. "Superboy, seriously, we can get you somewhere better. You just have to help us out," he insured the clone. The man scoffed at him to which he responded with a glare. He read the tag on the man's lapel. Desmond. He looked like a Desmond. "Oh goodie, an evil scientist. I'm really getting the full hero experience here," Kitten complained. Shady cooperation, running from explosions, captured with no hope of a quick rescue and now an evil scientist. Catwoman was so going to kill him for this. She specifically said to stay out of the big league stuff. The hero work was implied in the big league. They weren't heroes, not total villains either but they were closer to that than heroes. Yet here he was strapped into some contraption waiting for a clone to have a change of heart passed on the moon and Superman. Yep, he was gonna die here. "Shut it," Desmond snapped. "You three are wasting your breath on trying to convince it. We control everything in that head, your attempts are fruitless."

"Sounds like what an evil scientist would say," Kitten commented.

"Yeah definitely bad guy dialogue," Kid Flash concurred. Desmond rolled his eyes at the pair and walked over to the panel. They watched him nervously as he pressed a few buttons then flicked a switch. Then two prongs came down in each of their pods and they knew from there, this wasn't going to be fun. Electricity sparked from them before they stabbed into the trio's chests. Yells of pain escaped their mouths as they writhed in pain, the sparks flying off them and a searing sensation riveting through their bodies. Superboy flinched if only microscopically but a G-Nome was swiftly sent to set him right. "Back to your pod," Desmond ordered. The clone obeyed though not of his own free will and they had to watch their chance of escape walk out the room. 

"Superboy. You live. That gives you the right to follow your own path. A weapon or a person? The choice is yours but ask yourself what would Superman do?" Aqualad whispered through pain. They knew the clone has super hearing so he hoped he heard him. He really did. There was so much potential there. If only Superboy realised it.

As the boys writhed in pain, they heard the sound of metal scraping and wires snapping. Upon this sound, the electricity shocking them died out and they were given freedom from the pain. They gasped and panted but all the same dragged their eyes to find their saviour. Superboy. Desmond whipped around with a glare, clearly very much pissed that expensive equipment had been damaged by something he was supposed to have complete control over. "What are you doing? I told you to go back to your pod!" Desmond snarled. He ran towards the clone along with Guardian and another only for all three to be thrown aside by Superboy. He'd clearly made his mind up. 

"Don't give me orders," Superboy growled out, glaring down at the scientist before turning his attention back to the trio trapped in the boxes. Below them held spheres swirling with red but he didn't much care about that. There were other things to concentrate on.

"You here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked. Valid question considering the last time they saved his ass, he'd happily attacked them. Not the best of foundations for trusting him. The clone narrowed his eyes at the speedster for a moment, his stare intense to the point it almost rivalled Batman's. It would never beat out the Dark Knight's but it was a good imitation.

"Huh," the clone said, easing his stare. "I don't seem to have heat vision so I suppose helping is my only option."

"Comforting," Kitten grumbled. He finished pick locking the cuffs around his wrist, groaning upon their release. He jumped down and rubbed his wrists. "Lucky Catwoman wasn't here. That took so long it was embarrassing."

"In case you haven't noticed Kit, the whole League is going to have our heads tonight! I don't think they'll care!" Kid Flash snapped back. The younger rolled his eyes. 

"The League is your problem, not mine," he replied.

"Oh screw you." He went over to the panel and pressed one of the buttons that then retracted the prongs and opened the boxes. "You get Aqualad, I'll get Kid Mouth," Kitten instructed Superboy. The taller glared at him and for a moment he suspected he might receive a repeat of their last meeting. Thankfully he didn't.

"Don't you order me around either," Superboy snarled before hopping to it. Literally. 

"Oh I can tell you're gonna be fun," the younger mumbled sarcastically. The clone ripped off the cuffs around Aqualad's wrists whilst Kitten did what he did best, getting the speedster out just as quickly.

"Thank you," Aqualad told the clone only to receive a nod.

"Cute but I've got places to be," Kitten announced. "So let's get the hell out of dodge." He jumped down from Kid Flash's pod, the said hero following, and ran out with the clone and other hero. 

"You'll never get out of here!" Desmond yelled to them. "I'll get you back in pods before morning." Kitten rolled his eyes and paused at the doorway, reaching into his belt for just the thing to make sure it would be at least a few days. 

"That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all," he mumbled to himself as he threw out a few explosives. They'd do the trick.

"Do not start with your whelmed thing," Kid Flash responded. The pair ran off to catch up with the others and heard the explosives go off behind them. "Nice one."

"Thank you, I stole the recipe from Bats. The man knows how to make an explosive."

They ran down the familiar unusual alien walls with one goal in mind. Get out. "We're still over forty levels underground. We need to get to an elevator," Aqualad announced. He was running at the front of the pack which was rather odd considering one of them has speed superpowers. They spotted an elevator at the down of the hall but just as they stupidly thought it would be that easy, two hulking creatures blocked their path. Typical. They paused and looked back around for any other possible routes only to find the bubbles that had lined the walls were now growing red and pulsed as white figures pushed from the inside of them. Gross. The figures managed to burst out and snarled as they focused their attention on the group of heroes - and one morally grey person - with red glowing eyes. "This is the last time I go out with you two," Kitten began in a joking tone. "We just need to get past-" He paused when he saw Superboy had already decided that fighting was their best option, running into battle. The criminal was feeling quite tired of things delaying their escape and decided to take it upon himself to get to the elevator. He avoided scratches and lunges made by the creatures around him, using the walls to jump off and clear the massive bruting pair that had been near the elevator but were now running to deal with Superboy. He decided to forego the usual etiquette when using an elevator and called over to Aqualad who's just escape a brush with a beast. "Little help? I'm saving explosives," he announced. The hero nodded and wrenched the doors open as Kid Flash evaded a punch and got over to them. "C'mon Flashy, I've got places to be," Kitten announced as he shot his grappling hook upwards and held his hand out for his friend. The speedster gladly grabbed it and hung on as Kitten pulled them up. 

"Superboy!" Aqualad called, gaining the clone's attention. He nodded his head towards the elevator shaft and the other finished his opponent with another hit. He ran over to Aqualad, grabbing him before leaping up expecting to fly up the elevator shaft yet he only got a few feet up before falling. Seeing this, Kitten got out his whip and whipped it so it wrapped around Superboy's outstretched hand. There was a jolt as he felt the weight of two people who were probably quadruple his body weight and whined as he felt his shoulders almost jump from their sockets. He clipped the whip onto his waistband, thankful for the strong material, and continued his ascent. "I can't fly," Superboy commented.

"You're telling me," Kitten grunted. He felt a little guilty after glancing down and seeing the very clear disappointment in the clone's face. He supposed if he was a clone and couldn't do something the original could, he'd feel quite bad about it. "Maybe you just need a sun boost or maybe it's like a puberty thing? Either way, we need to get out. Let's hope we can take this all the way out."

Kitten spoke too soon as when they got to sub-level fifteen, they had to get out otherwise they'd have to take an elevator to the face. It wasn't preferable but he could work with it. He took a quick moment to take out the security cameras and the motion detectors. Before he could even begin to mention an idea of a plan, Superboy spoke up with instructions of where to go. Whilst the criminal was suspicious of the sudden directions given by someone who'd been in a tube his entire existence but the others were going with it and he didn't want to be separated from the group. If he got out alone it would be very suspicious and he didn't know if he could talk his way out of being blamed. They ran down random halls and through doorways only to be met with a dead end. "Well done Superboy," Kid Flash snapped sarcastically. Kitten was about to join him on that when he noticed his favourite way to sneak around a building. Air vents. It looked big enough for the heroes to fit inside which was a rare find and he was glad to take advantage of that. He jumped up and unscrewed the vent plate, catching it before it could fall forward. He pulled himself up and got inside, beckoning everyone to join him. "I love your brain dude," Kid Flash commented as he screwed the vent back in place.

"I'll send a signal through the motion sensors to make them think we're going in the other direction. Can't say they won't catch on soon though," he informed them.

"Then we best get on our way. Do you know where to head?" Aqualad asked.

"Straight up ahead. There's another vent grate there which should take up to the stairwell. KF, you'll go up ahead and clear the way then Superboy you can destroy the stairs behind us. Sound good?" They nodded. "Great! Now get moving." They didn't protest to the order and got on moving, popping out as planned and doing what they were told. It was only until they got to sub-level one that they came across yet another issue with their escape. The door that would get them out was closed right in Kid Flash's face and was well and truly locked up by the time everyone caught up. Kitten tried to hack it but he couldn't get very far before they were interrupted. Guardian and his gang of genomorphes had caught up with them and sent Aqualad, Kitten and Kid Flash into a deep sleep. 

Luckily, they weren't out of commission for long and eventually woke up after Superboy found out his purpose. He was the one who was going to save the genomorphs and he couldn't help but feel like Superman at that moment. He was going to save people just like the man he was cloned after. The only problem with that was the escaping part that continued to prove an issue for the group. "I'm so done with being knocked out," Kitten grumbled as they got to their feet. One time was enough for his taste. Two times was overkill and he was going to flip his lid if there was a third time. Guardian looked to them with newfound recognition as though he hadn't been seeing them this entire time as who they were and took a few moments to recollect himself. "Are you okay?" he asked the group.

"We're fine," Aqualad spoke on behalf of the group.

"You kids should get out here. I can handle Desmond," he assured them.

"Yeah right because you've been doing such a good job of that so far," Kitten commented. 

"Quite right," Desmond announced from behind the previously mind-controlled hero. "You can try but Project Blockbluster shall give me the power to return order to CADMUS," he added. He held up a vile of luminescent blue liquid and chugged the lot of it in one foul swoop. Not even a minute later, the sounds of his bones cracking became intermingled with his strangled cries of pain. Guardian took a step back to be closer to the teens as they watched the scientist writhe. He fell to his knees and tried to grip the metal floor as his muscles suddenly grew tenfold and tore his shirt and jacket to pieces. Kitten gulped and got out his whip as the others looked on with horror at this self-inflicted mutation going on before their eyes. Their concern and horror grew as it looked as though Desmond was shedding his human form with his skin tearing to reveal a layer of grey. With a roar, Desmond rose to his feet with his newly transformed body complete with red eyes and a set of chunky white teeth. "At least his pants stayed intact," Kitten joked. The creature that was formerly the scientist with his previous skin clinging onto his face stood up and grinned at the group. They got into a fighting stance as they looked on at one another. "Stay back," Guardian ordered. He ran at the scientist only to be batted away as though he weighed nothing with his temporary flight ending upon colliding with a wall. Superboy soon stepped up to the plate and threw a sucker punch at Desmond. The pair traded heavy hits on one another with equal ferocity. When thrown away, Superboy manged to catch himself and jumped up into the air with a cry of anger. Desmond jumped up before he could come down and they went crashing through the roof. The trio left behind ran over and looked up at the hole made in the ceiling. "That's one way to bust through the ceiling," Kitten commented as he shot a grappling up through the hole. 

"Think Labcoat planned that?" Kid Flash asked as the younger grabbed onto him and pulled them through the hole.

"I doubt he's planning anything anymore," Aqualad answered quietly before following them through.

Now caught up to the fight, they looked on as Superboy and Desmond fought it out with anger driving them. They didn't get to watch much more as Superboy was thrown into Aqualad and knocked them back a few feet. Kitten and Kid Flash ran over to them as Desmond let out another ferocious roar. They helped them get back on their feet and the group faced their adversary. Kid Flash ran towards the creature and slipped under the foot that went to crush him like a coke can. Desmond turned to him to see if he'd done any damage then turned back to see the situation with the others only to see two fists coming to collide with his face. As he fell back, Kid Flash knelt by his foot to successfully trip him. "Learned that one in kindergarten," the ginger quipped as the villain fell with a thud. Kitten ran up behind him and jumped up to sent two throwing stars in the shape of cat heads at Desmond only to have the scientist knock them away as he turned onto his front. He threw himself at Superboy and pinned him against it as he threw punch after punch. He was paused by a ring of water that wrapped around his wrist thanks to Aqualad and he pulled the hero in. The Atlantian jumped up over his head, the water now taking the form of a mace and went to hit with it only to be forced to the ground whilst Superboy was tossed to the other side of the room. Kid Flash ran up to the hulking villain but was caught by the wrist as Aqualad got to his feet. He was swiftly taken off his feet again by the speedster being thrown into him, knocking them both into the pillars that pattered the room. Desmond chose to finish off Aqualad first and punched him through the concrete. This caused a rumble in the building that felt different to the first. Kitten heard the difference loud and clear. He looked up to see a crack in the ceiling and noticed how the roof began to crumble. "Of course!" he exclaimed. He brought up a holograph of the floor layout and pinpointed the pillars. "KF, get over here!" he called. The speedster did as he was told. Superboy and Aqualad continued the fight with Desmond as he got beside his criminal friend. "Hit these ones and I'll get the others. Got it?" Robin told him, pointing to each of the pillars on the hologram. Catching his drift, the older nodded.

"Got it!"

"Go!" Kid Flash ran over to the fight and caught Desmond's attention by jumping up and landing a punch on him. He rolled back onto his feet and noticed he was holding part of the skin that had once been part of the scientist.

"Got your nose!" he taunted with a playful smirk. This taunt didn't go down well with Desmond as he let out a roar and came after the teen who quickly got to running. Kitten went to the pair that had previously been fighting Desmond and showed them a diagram. 

"Superboy! Aqualad!" They looked at the hologram and nodded. On the other side of the room, Kid Flash brought Desmond to one of the pillars and served another taunt.

"Come and get me incredible bulk!" He dodged a punch that would have definitely broken half the bones in his head but couldn't avoid a piece of rubble that came from the pillar's destruction. He was knocked off his feet but managed to get back on them before he could receive a hit from his pursuer. He did get one when his back was turned, however. 

Up to date with the plans, Aqualad and Superboy jumped into action with Kitten. The prior pair punched through the concrete whilst the latter of the trio chose to place explosives against the others. Kid Flash soon was back on his feet and taunting the villain into breaking more pillars, teasing him when he landed a hit on the inanimate objects. Kitten drew an x on the floor with chalk and Aqualad created an impromptu slip and slide. Kid Flash ran into the river of water with Desmond close behind him. With his focus on the ginger, Superboy was able to punch Desmond off his feet and they made sure they were out of the water before Aqualad sent an electrical current through it. As the electricity ran through Desmond, Kitten yelled for the Atlantian to "Move!" as beeps could be heard coming from the explosives. There were flashes of light as they went off and sent rubble down from the ceiling. Deafening cracks and crumbles followed at the ceiling began to collapse in massive chunks on top of them. Desmond looked up with a surprised roar as a piece of roof landed on top of him. The group ran from the main area things were coming in but there was no way for them to escape it all completely. As dust whirled around them and rubble fell, Aqualad and Superboy jumped on top of Kitten and Kid Flash to protect them. Around them there was smashing, crashing and more as the building gave out. They curled up around each other as best they could.

Dust settled around them and the debris creaked as the collapse came to a stop. When all was quiet, Superboy punched through the concrete and lifted up part of the roof that had fallen on him. He tossed it to the side with a grunt as the others got to their feet looking a little worse for wear. Their suits were ripped, they had developing bruises and cuts but other than that, they were alright. They tried to catch their breaths as the adrenaline rushed off and they looked around at their work. "We did it," Aqualad announced.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Kitten replied with a smirk. One that was shared by Kid Flash. They gave each other a high five only to regret it when pain riveted through their bodies. "Bad move. That's on me." Superboy walked over to where he could see Desmond passed out with half a tonne of rubble sitting on top of him.

"See," Kid Flash began, getting the clone's attention. "The moon." He pointed up to the full moon above them. The night was clear and Superboy stared at it in infatuation, taking in its every detail. The trio watched him with smiles. Then they noticed a figure in the moonlight and suddenly remembered that there were consequences to their actions as the figure came closer. Superman. Kitten's eyes widened as Superboy's narrowed and he looked around for an escape route. There was no way he'd be welcomed. "And there's Superman. That's my cue to leave," he announced. Kid Flash frowned for a moment but let the younger run off all the same. Not that he got very far with almost the whole League descending from the sky with serious expressions. He took to hiding in some rubble and waiting the whole thing out. With any luck, they wouldn't have seen him and won't linger so he could get home. At least he could see what was going to happen to his friend. Batman walked up to the group to stand beside Superman with his signature stern expression. Superboy stepped forward to get a closer look at the man he was cloned after and showed the man the S on his suit. He watched as the hero's eyes widened then narrowed then looked away. "Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked.

"He doesn't like being called an it," Kid Flash informed him as Superboy looked to floor dejectedly.

"I'm Superman's clone," Superboy announced a brief moment of silence. This proclamation sent waves of confusion through the League members who looked to each other.

"Start talking," Batman ordered.

They explained what happened but conveniently left out the part that it was Kitten who'd been with them and got them into the facility in the first place. Most of the League left with Desmond in tow but some remained to talk about how they were going to handle this. The whole time, Superboy kept glancing over at Superman for some form of acknowledgement but it seemed there was nothing there until Martian Manhunter brought attention to the cast aside glances. Superman sighed and walked over to his clone who glared at him, hands folded across his chest defensively. "We'll uh...we'll figure something out for you," he began awkwardly. "Legally I mean. For now, I-I better make sure they get that Blockbuster creature escorted away." He flew off without another word. Superboy watched him with the same angry expression. 

"CADMUS will be investigated," Batman announced, catching their attention. "All 52 levels but let's make one thing clear."

"You should've called," Flash stated. His tone sounded similar to an angry mother when you miss curfew.

"And results aside, we are not happy," he finished. "You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, endangered lives and I know for a fact he was and still is here." They looked down at the floor at the mention of "he" knowing it meant Kitten. Said criminal now decided there was no point hiding and climbed out from his hiding spot.

"Hey Batsy, funny seeing you here," he greeted as he joined the trio of scolded teens. The Justice League members gave him confused looks and he couldn't blame them. This was just as weird for him.

"We'll have a separate talk," Batman told him and he nodded. "You all will not be doing this again."

"I'm sorry but we will," Aqualad replied just as sternly as the Dark Knight had been.

"Aqualad, stand down," Aquaman ordered.

"Apologies my King but no. We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do together on our own. We forged something powerful even with the help of a criminal who has shown exemplary bravery." Kitten smiled at the inclusion of himself in the group. He had to admit, it was nice doing the right thing for once.

"If this is about your treatment at the Hall, the pair of you-"

"The four of us," Kid Flash corrected. "It's not."

"Batman, I'm not a hero I get that," Kitten began. "But they used what you taught them so if you didn't want them to do it then why teach them at all?"

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy asked with anger. "It's simple, get on board or get out of the way." They looked to the mentors for their response. There was a long silence tense silence.

"It was kinda impressive," Flash admitted but a glare from Batman kept him quiet.

"Fine. A trial period will be put in place for this team. We'll discuss details at a later date but for now, you'll go home. Superboy, you're being put in Black Canary's custody until we can find something permanent," Batman announced. "Kitten, in the car. The rest of you are dismissed."

The car ride was silent for the first portion but then finally Bruce spoke up. "Why were you with them?" he asked. It was a fair question. It's not like Kitten usually hung out in those parts and his friendship with heroes was usually kept to casual meet ups. 

"Went to see my friends get inducted," he answered quietly. There was a hum that prompted for more information than just that. "You left them in a room. Roy quit and Wally looked so sad I just thought raiding CADMUS would cheer him up."

"Is that all?"

"You can have my download history if you're that worried about it."

"I didn't-"

"It's what you were suggesting! I wanted to cheer my friend up and then fish boy comes along, we get in there, find SB and it just spiralled from there," he insisted. There was a tense silence between them before Bruce sighed.

"Did you want to be on the team with them?" he asked. This answer took time to cultivate. The short answer was yes. The long answer was maybe. It would be great to go on missions around the world saving it from destruction. Getting out of Gotham and seeing everything that was out there. He did like doing good when he could but he also liked doing bad. He liked sneaking around, taking what he pleased and spending time with Selina. If he became a hero, he couldn't do all that. If he did all that, he couldn't be a hero. The League wanted the true blood heroes that were pure not ones like him. Yet he couldn't help but find pride in the heroic acts he'd done and a little shame in the less than lawful decisions. "I think so."

"I'm going to need more than that," Bruce replied. "Look, I understand this is a big decision."

"You can say that again."

"But it's one that needs to be made. If you're part of the team, you're going to be given sensitive information. Your job description is to sell information. People will die if you do that to us, Dick. I can promise you that." That was heavy.

"I need time B. Just give me time."

"You have two days. That's all I can give." Two days to decide if he was a hero or a bad guy. 

"Two days."

So for the rest of the book should i rewrite the episodes of the season or should i get buck wild and do my own season one - i'm leaning towards the second one because im kinda bored rewriting episodes but i wanna get opinions

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