Chapter Five: Speed

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Kitten had made quite the name for himself. If you wanted to know something in Gotham, whether that be where the newest gang is getting their weapons from or if Batman was going to be on the south side, Kitten was your man. Well boy. He knew everything about everyone and information like that was highly valuable. Though, if you wanted to get your hands on that information, you'd have to go through Catwoman or try and catch the cat yourself. Unfortunately, to know everything, you've got to be everywhere. He roamed the streets, rooftops and sidewalks in no particular routine. Sometimes he wasn't even guaranteed to be in Gotham. Hence how he met a ginger speedster.

Kid Flash AKA Wally West was patrolling when Flash told him to wait whilst he dealt with a big baddie. The ginger had protested that he was ready for the big leagues but alas, it was no use. He was left on a rooftop and told to call his mentor if anything looked fishy or if he was in danger. So there he was, bored out of his mind, sitting on top of an apartment block roof. He huffed as he watched over the city he could be running around when he felt a presence on the rooftop beside him. Immediately, he whipped around to see it only to find a black figure. The figure tilted its head at him and jumped down. Kid Flash was tempted to call his mentor but he paused when he saw just how small they were. Now that they were closer, he could make out a tail and ears. They wore big goggles with red lenses but he couldn't see their eyes. A black mask covered most of their face so their identity was hidden. Not like Kid Flash would know them anyway. "Hello?"

"You're new," they stated, ignoring the greeting. They took a step forward and Kid Flash scrambled to his feet to take a step back. "Jumpy so definitely new." They brought their arm up and a small screen appeared followed by a keyboard. It was a light blue but that wasn't what caught the speedster's attention. He was more concerned about another blue light that shot out and scanned him. He winced back but was pleasantly surprised when he wasn't incinerated. "You know, you're the first to stay still when I do this," they commented. The scan popped up on the screen and the smaller hummed. "Hero or villain?"

"Excuse me?"

"Hero or villain?" they repeated.

"Why do you wanna know? Who are you?" 

"Inquisitive but not brash, interesting. Bright colours, Flash symbol but you're not that weirdo who's obsessed with Flash. Must be a protege. Hero then," they stated, typing in the information. They paused. "Kid Flash." He really didn't know how to react to this. There hadn't been an attack yet but that didn't mean he was in the clear. Why did they even need this information? "Left alone for extended periods of time but doesn't patrol alone. New to the game and isn't initially aggressive." They nodded to themselves and went to get closer but Kid Flash moved away. "Wary but not skittish."

"Dude, can you not do that?" he snapped. They looked up at him and put their arm down. 

"Sorry, I like to get it down as fast as I can. Quite a few people are looking to take you out. Of course, I don't leak the stuff that leads to murder. Well directly leads to murder. I'm not a murder person," they rambled. "Name's Kitten."

"Kitten?" Kid Flash repeated.

"Yep. Protege of Catwoman and prolific burglar as well as Gotham's number one informant." 

That name sounded familiar but it wasn't one Kid Flash knew off the top of his head. Kitten waited for him to say something but when he didn't, he shrugged to himself. "Alright well, considering I've got my startup, I'll be on my way," he stated. He turned back to the rooftop he'd come from and took a run-up, jumping off and landing effortlessly. Kid Flash stared at him as a debate sparked in his head. This Kitten was the most interesting thing he had going on right now and he'd much rather figure out more about the mysterious criminal than sit alone on a rooftop. He'd never really jumped from rooftop to rooftop but that was his best bet at not losing the guy. He remembered what Kitten did. He turned to the rooftop, he took a few steps back and then he ran. Unfortunately, he hadn't accounted for the fact he was heavier than the smaller so when he copied the speed that only made him fall short. This only became apparent when he'd already jumped off and when he reached out to grab onto the edge. The brick scraped his fingers and he felt his stomach sink as he failed to grab on. He was falling and he was going to be one big yellow and red mess on the pavement below. That was until two hands grabbed onto his arm and paused his free fall. He looked up to find Kitten was the owner of those hands and was pulling him up. He let out a relieved sigh and grabbed onto the edge as soon as he could, pulling himself up with the other's help. "Close one speedster," Kitten commented. 

"You're telling me. How'd you do that so easily?"

"Practice," he replied. "Did you want something? If you're gonna take me in, you're gonna have one hell of a time trying." Kid Flash shook his head and got to his feet with a smile. 

"Nah, you're just um- how old are you?"

"Just turned twelve."

"Awesome! I'm fourteen, you're like the first person around my age out here," he commented. 

"Why'd you make the jump speedster?"

"Well you're much more interesting than sitting on that roof waiting for Flash to come back and-I-don't-know-you-seem-cool," he explained quickly. Kitten stared at him for a moment then let out a little cackle.

"Cool it speedster, it's rather bold of you to assume I have the time to hang out." Kid Flash flushed with embarrassment. Of course, this guy had places to be. Maybe he could follow him about? No that wouldn't be a good look. A hero and a criminal hanging out. Although, he was only young. "I was joking. Besides I could do with a break. Maybe you can tell me a little about yourself and I won't leak your patrol routes."

"Making a deal with criminals? I don't know," Kid Flash replied, faking a pondering tone. "I suppose I'm keeping you out of trouble this way."

"Indeed." He stuck his hand out which Kitten promptly took, shaking to confirm the deal. 

The younger sat down and patted the ground next to him. Kid Flash followed suit and filled the empty spot. Kitten took off his goggles then pulled down his mask and rooted through his utility belt. He brought out an unopened packet of skittles, throwing it to the speedster before bringing out another. "Thanks. You definitely haven't poisoned these right?" Kid Flash asked.

"I don't do murder. I don't do kidnapping either," he answered. "I'll eat one from your packet if it'll keep you happy."

"I'll take your word for it." He opened the packet and snacked on the colourful candies whilst Kitten put snacking on the back burner. He brought up his arm and the blue screen returned with a keyboard. "Where'd you get that?"

"Stole the code from Bats, added my own twist and stole the rest of the parts."

"You stole from Bats? How? Were you caught?" the ginger asked, immediately needing the details of the story. Nobody stole from Batman and got away with it. At least, not without sustaining a few major injuries. 

"So inside of the Batmobile is a computer console that connects to the network that he uses for everything be it police files or codes. I looked for my coding stuff, tried to play a prank but guess who shows up?"

"No way!"

"Yes way! The Batman opens the car door to find little old me sitting in there. Luckily, he didn't see me actually take the information. He just thought I got in and started messing around. He's basically Catwoman's on and off boyfriend but you didn't hear that from me so I get some special treatment. He takes me home and I use everything I took to make this sweet thing, a few viruses, worms, things like that," he explained, all too proud to retell the tale. "I also took some leads with me about some burglaries and so I leaked it for things I wanted. Hey presto, I'm the number one informant for Gotham."

"That's so cool! Illegal but still so cool!" Kid Flash praised. He couldn't believe the tale but there was no reason to lie. 

"Can I ask about your powers? You must be able to run fast like Flash plus you smell like electricity," Kitten inquired.

"Basically the same skill set as Flash but I haven't quite figured out the vibrating through walls part. Last time I tried to go through a wall, I gave myself a nose bleed." The younger cackled at that but rightly decided to leave that out of the file. "How can you smell electricity?"

"I don't know. Catwoman says it's just our enhanced sense of smell."

"Our?" the older repeated.

"Yeah, Nekos. We have enhanced smell, hearing, sight. Nothing meta-level but better than the average human," he responded. "Hey, after you give me the basics, you wanna watch something?"

"Sounds good."

The pair laughed and chatted the night away until Flash came to pick up his protege. Upon seeing the hero, they both got to their feet with guilty looks. Kitten was tempted to run off but there wasn't much point in that given the super-speed he was up against. Flash took one look at them then smirked. "This a new friend of yours?" he asked. 

"Uh sorta. Kitten this is Flash. Flash this is Kitten," Kid Flash said, unsure of what else to do. 

"Ah, you're Gotham's informant. Have anything interesting for me?" 

"In two hours, Captain Cold is gonna break into the Mayor's office." Flash nodded and held out his hand. Hesitantly, Kitten took it and was surprised to find he wasn't being put in handcuffs. Instead, the older shook his hand and looked to his protege. "Looks like we've got some fun to look forward to. Thanks, kid."

"No worries. See you around speedster?" Kitten asked, looking to his new ginger friend. 

"Yeah, dude. You know where I'll be. Don't be committing crimes here though."

"I wouldn't dare," he responded before running off. 

"He seems lovely," Flash stated. "Catwoman's kid isn't he?"

"Yeah but he doesn't seem like her. He just feels different," Kid Flash admitted, keeping his eyes trained on the figure before it disappeared into the night. 

"Something you'll learn is that not all criminals are bad people. Sometimes it's all they had open for them." He hummed and turned back to his mentor. Maybe in another life, they'd be hero buddies. 

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