Chapter Fourteen: Nightmares

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Nightmares felt like a regular part of Dick's life. He'd had them even before the tragic incident that somehow left him living in a superhero base waiting for his chance to prove he could be good. Before his parent's death, usually, his nightmares were about the folk tales he'd heard during his travels throughout the world. Each new country had such wonderful culture but he always seemed to find out about all the horrible things awaiting naughty children who annoyed their parents and those who got too close to the dark shadows of the world. His parents would be there, collecting him in their arms to bring him into their bedroom, and they'd tell him stories that reassured him he wasn't the target of the next evil spirit. They always told him that he was safe from those mythical evils because he was a good kid. How wrong they were. After their death, the nightmares were simple but terrifying. They were snippets of his parents fall mixed in with some of the horrific things he'd seen and experienced as Kitten. Selina protected him as much as she could but she couldn't always be there nor could it always be avoided. He'd been hurt before, he'd been scared before and he'd thought he'd die before. All things she never wanted for him but were a hazard of the job. When night came, Dick was always aware that nightmares would be brought in alongside it no matter how much fun he'd had that day. They weren't all waking up screaming in a panicked frenzy but no night was devoid of horror. Sometimes it was the near misses of true stomach-churning ideas that left him more shook up than actually seeing it. Selina was sometimes there to comfort him, pressing kisses against his forehead and petting his hair until he fell asleep again or if he was truly against sleeping she'd calm him down with a warm cup of milk. Either way, he'd feel comforted. She wouldn't always be there though and he'd come up with a little routine that got him together during those times. That routine was putting on his Kitten garb and skulking the street until he found something or got called back home. The freedom of taking on Gotham pushed the nightmares to the back of his mind where they could be smothered by more important things. 

Unfortunately, he was without Selina but also unable to go out as Kitten without supervision. His place with the team was already conditional and he didn't want to ruin it through escapism. He tried to convince himself that maybe he'd be spared of the nightmares but he knew it was inevitable. Like usual, Dick awoke with a start and gasped for breath. His hands clawed at his face where the wet cloth from his dream ghosted over his features. Finding it missing should've been the relief he needed to know he was safe but it didn't do anything to quell his panic. He didn't recognize the room. Where was Selina's TV? Why wasn't he on the couch? "Selina?" he called out into the darkness before he caught himself. A sad sigh slipped past his lips when he was met with silence. He wasn't there anymore. She wasn't there anymore. Well, she wasn't there for him anymore.  The teen pushed himself into a sitting position and pulled his legs close to his chest where he rested his chin on them. It was a weird feeling to be so alone. He'd felt lonely, especially during the early years of his time with his mentor where he couldn't follow her around as much, but he hadn't felt alone. There wasn't anyone here for him this time. Dinah was perhaps the closest he had to the figure he missed dearly and yet he didn't feel like he wanted her comfort. Dick knew what he wanted but he also knew he couldn't have it. He let out a long sigh as he sat up then swung his legs over the edge and pushed himself off the bed, fixing his pant legs once he was standing up and pulling on a hoodie. The cave got cold at night, not unlike the apartment he'd stayed in previously. He put on socks to protect his feet from the cold floor and finished his miss-matched look with the sunglasses gifted to him. Walking to the door, he paused when he was reminded that the old comfort mechanism wouldn't work this time. Unofficial house arrest had put a stop to it. That had put a spanner in the works but he figured getting out of his room would do something for him. Hopefully, nobody else was up and about because he was not in the mood to talk to people.

The Mountain was quiet as he began his travel to nowhere in particular. He just chose a direction and continued to walk. It wasn't too surprising that nobody else was up given that it was the middle of the night and, from what he could tell, none of his fellow teens worked the night shift during their developing years. Hell, one of them was only born a few weeks ago. He wondered if Connor had dreams or if it was just darkness. Dick found himself jealous at the peace it would bring. It'd be nice to get a good night's sleep without testing the strength of his heart every time he closed his eyes. Then again, maybe the clone did have dreams. He wondered if they would be boring or something cool. There was the possibility he didn't sleep at all but Dick didn't find it particularly viable. He was roused from his thoughts when he found himself stopping at the doorway of the living room. Warm milk came to mind as he stepped across the threshold and caught sight of the open kitchen. Selina made him warm milk when he couldn't sleep so his brain must've subconsciously led him here. Smart brain. He trotted over to the fridge and peeked inside, enjoying the soft hum the bulb emitted. The milk was easy to find so he moved on to the next stage of the hunt. A mug. He put the milk carton on the side before jumping onto the counter and searching through the cupboards for the perfect mug. They were all so plain, he mentally complained as he picked out a black one. They needed to go shopping for more statement pieces or at least something interesting on a mug. Maybe get them some superhero-themed ones for the irony. He poured the milk in and put it in the microwave before hopping onto the opposing counter. He brought his leg up and rested his chin on his knee as he watched the cup turn. His tail swirled softly and he let the hum of the microwave chase away the last of his nightmares. Tonight's nightmare had been about Selina. She didn't have him as backup anymore and he guessed he was letting that get to him. It's not like he was her sole protector. He was a tiny acrobat turned thief which came with its own host of guilt but he had saved her skin plenty of times before. Now he wouldn't be there to do that and his ever so lovely brain created a scenario he dreaded. Some villain had got her, the name had ghosted him, and she didn't make it. Dick hated those types of dreams because now whenever he saw the person, he was reminded of the blood-soaked images that haunted him at night. He almost hated it even more now that he couldn't see the person in real life. Now they'd cut off contact, he might not see her for a while. There was that lonely feeling again.

"You're up late," Dinah announced. He jumped at the sound of her voice, having become engrossed in the microwave hum and whipped around to face her. The blonde wore a smile although it was tainted with concern for him. He didn't understand how she could be concerned for someone she'd never fully interacted with. "What're you making?" she inquired, stepping further into the room hinting that this conversation was happening. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun and she wore a simple tank top and sweatpants. Dick hoped he hadn't woken her up with the microwave but he doubted he had. She didn't have super hearing but she could scream very loudly. If anything, that would damage her ears to the point the simple hum of a microwave would be nothing more than white noise. In all honesty, he hadn't known she'd been sleeping here but now he thought about it, it made sense. They couldn't just lump a bunch of random teenagers together and expect them to get on. "Warm milk. You can make one cat joke," he replied croakily. Her eyebrows furrowed at the sound of his voice but she didn't mention it. Dick ignored it too.  

"I'll save it for later," she replied. She leaned against the counter beside him and took note of the timer before returning her gaze to him. He could feel her eyes scanning him and he shifted uncomfortably. "You can take off the glasses, you know? I won't tell anyone."

"Sure," he tutted but he didn't make any moves to take them off. There was comfort hiding behind them that, although only having them for a short length of time, he'd grown rather attached to. It was secure and something he could control. Given all he'd lost to get to this point, he'd rather like to keep a hold of things he cared for. "Heard from him since?" The blonde shook her head and he didn't make any effort to continue the conversation he hadn't wanted in the first place. 

"I'm to hear that Selina is radio silent with you?" Dinah noted, seemingly not happy with leaving the conversation as it were. Typical.

"Yup. Safe thing to do really," he replied blandly. A conversation about Selina was the exact opposite of what he needed right now. 

"Safe doesn't always mean happy." He rolled his eyes at the reply. Duh. He knew that it didn't mean happy but safe was more important than not so he had to deal with it. It didn't matter that he was upset about losing yet another mother and it didn't matter that he felt alone because he was going to be on the opposite side now and from this side, he had to do what he could to keep Selina safe. There wouldn't be any more blood on his hands. His tail thrashed around as he successfully whipped himself to anger. 

"Look, I understand your whole goal here is to mother hen a bunch of teenagers but you're wasting your time with me. I can look after myself, I've got my emotions in order and I don't need someone looking over my shoulder. Go use that shit on Connor or Kal, hell even M'gann. They'll probably love the bull you're spurting but it doesn't work on me. I don't need you," he grumbled. The microwave beeped as if to punctuate his sentence and he hopped off the counter with a scowl. That didn't deter Dinah though. 

"Then why are you standing in the kitchen at four am shaking and spacing out?" Dick held out his hands and glared at them as they shook from the residual fear of the nightmare. He busied them by getting his mug from the microwave and began to storm off back to his room when the older caught him by the shoulder. "This whole process will be a lot easier if you cooperate." He barked out a laugh and turned to her, a dark look hidden by the glasses.

"I've heard that line before with a lot more at risk so don't think it'll work." She shot him a frown but he ignored it. "I don't need you, Dinah, but the others do so spend your time on them. Forget I'm even here."

"I'd be doing a bad job if I did." He tutted and continued his efforts to leave the room. This time she let him go.

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