Chapter Twelve: Reunion

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Welp, here's where I divert from some of the main story so don't expect an exact retelling of YJ with Kitten because I'm a simple demi boy who cannot be arsed with that after the few chapters I did

Their training session wasn't nearly as long as Kitten had liked it to be but he wasn't going to be the one to tell Dinah he wanted to punch a punching bag until it broke. She was no Selina but she was still a fierce woman and he knew better than to tackle one. Selina had taught him to be respectful in some ways. It was mostly to clients that way you always got repeating customers. Luckily he could just transfer the skills to other places. They were brought into the centre of the Mountain where the Zetatubes led and were told to line up in height order on the glowing pad. He'd have to take a closer look at the technology later. That's if they even let him near those sorts of things whilst they were still sussing him out. After all, he'd only changed his tune in a matter of days so they had a right to be suspicious. "Today you'll be meeting the other team members who I hope you will be getting along with. As only two of the members have been entered into the system, we'll be focusing on paperwork. We should be greeting the members soon enough. Best behaviour," Dinah announced.

"Can't help but feel that was directed at me," Kitten commented, folding his arms. "I'm ballsy but not ballsy enough to pickpocket in this place."

"Didn't you say you stole Superman's girlfriend's car?"

"Well yeah but he wasn't watching whilst I did it," he argued. Superman had been on another planet at the time or at least that's what he heard. Either way, it was simply a coincidence that he stole her car and he returned it without a scratch. It was just missing part of her engine and some other parts. She could get a mechanic to look at it, it wasn't like he took the whole thing. Just enough for a bomb that he wasn't the proudest of but it worked for the job. Not that Superman would be empathetic towards him for that. If anything, he'd be even worse. "Point is, I can be a model child." He received a few looks at that. "What? I can! I've had to go to a gala or two and they loved me there. Of course, that was until I took something."

"Do all your stories end in theft?" Connor asked with genuine curiosity. He giggled at how innocent the question sounded. Had it come from someone else he would've assumed it to be a comment on his character but the clone was new to things. He'd get a pass. 

"No, but a lot of them do." He can't help but notice a small smile appear on Dinah's face and he puts together that she's happy Connor is settling in well or that they're getting along. There was no doubt that would happen since he could get along with the likes of Joker for an hour until he hit his threshold. Connor was no Joker though. Thank heavens.

It wasn't long until the room filled with mentors and their protege's. Superman looked like he'd been dragged along for the ride by Flash whilst the other mentors seemed a little happier to be there. Batman had shown up which caught Kitten by surprise but he guessed he should've expected it. Although he wasn't his mentor, the older was like his guardian or something. He wasn't sure what their relationship was. All he knew was he was responsible if he decided to do any nefarious acts. Green Arrow appeared and went by Black Canary's side, sharing a short stint of eye contact that seemed to hold a secretive conversation. He got the feeling it was about Roy but he couldn't be sure. There was someone with him too who looked awfully familiar and they seemed surprised to see him too. Almost as though they knew each other. He'd remember eventually where he'd seen her but he'd be annoyed by it until then. Then there was Martian Manhunter with his protege who looked like rainbows and kittens was their only personality traits. There was some chatter as they waited for everyone to arrive and aside from the small wave he received from Kid Flash, he was ignored. It was for the best though. He didn't know what he'd say. Hey, I'm Kitten and I know I'm a criminal but I'm totally different now. Yeah, that would go over really well. Once everyone was in the room, Red Tornado included, Black Canary clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright newbies, today you shouldn't be expecting anything more than an induction. As some of you are new here, we'll be entering you into the database then you'll be left to do your greetings. We want the team to run smoothly so we're trusting you to spend that time getting to know one another. Any questions?" The protege that came with Green Arrow put their hand up. "Yes, Artemis."

"What's he doing here?" she asked, pointing her finger at Kitten.

"Don't tell me, let me guess. Did I steal your motorbike? I remember taking one in Star City. It was green so I assumed it was Robin Hood over there," he replied. She narrowed her eyes at him as she sported a frown.

"What're you doing here?"

"Change of tune Blondie," he answered simply. Now he was sure he'd seen her somewhere before. She just looked so damn familiar and he was sure it was from work rather than seeing her in passing. 

"Sure because criminals just switch up their act overnight," she spat out. 

"It was over a few nights actually," he muttered. 

"He's a criminal?" the protege Martian Manhunter brought in asked. 

"Yeah, he is."

"Was, Arty. Was." 

"Artemis, he's on a tester here. His work in saving Connor has shown proof of something and we're allowing him to work with us as long as he cuts out the criminal behaviour. He has the most experience on the team and his skills work well in a hero environment," Black Canary explained in a calm tone. Her fellow blonde backed down but she was still sending their new member all sorts of dirty looks that he happily returned. She'd have to do a lot more than that if she wanted to get to him. "Kitten is here unless I have reason to believe he shouldn't be. If anyone has a problem with that, you can take it up with me. Privately."

"I can handle myself," Kitten stated, missing any venom usually there when he felt undermined. He knew she was just trying to help but it was coming across way too motherly. Maybe because he was the youngest here aside from Connor she felt the need to look out for him. That or maybe she thought he'd settle things his own way if she didn't step in. 

"I'm aware. Let's get you all scanned in. Mentors, you can collect your proteges at four. Any earlier and I'm dragging you into therapy on boundaries." They nodded and swiftly said goodbye to their proteges. Kitten wasn't expecting a goodbye or anything but it was nice that Batman gave him an acknowledging nod. 

"I bought some stuff for you. It'll be in your room in the next few days," the older told him. Kitten smirked at how awkward he sounded. The big bad bat was finally defeated by casual conversation. 

"Thanks, Batsy. Hope I didn't make too big of a dent in your bank account." Batman rolled his eyes and resigned to leave on that note. Not too bad of a response really. 

"Alright, step up one at a time kids."

Kitten listens intently as each person stands up and their stats are listed. Most of the information is censored or just isn't relevant but he listens anyway just in case. He can't turn that off even when he gets some suspicious looks from the archer. It's not like he was going to use it against them, he was a curious cat. When it was his turn to step up, he suddenly felt very self conscious. As much as he would've liked to play it cool and stand there listing off all his abilities - which he did - he couldn't hide the slight hesitance in his voice as he supplied information the computer couldn't already get. He was the last one up so he guessed it was just from waiting and tried his best to shake off the feeling. Oddly enough, focusing on the glares he was getting from Artemis helped settle his nerves. Once he was done, Black Canary practically herded them into the living room and gestured to some things they could do before leaving the room. It was an awkward few minutes of silence before he decided to break it. "I know I'm new to this whole heroing thing but I'm pretty sure this is the point where we talk to each other," he announced. 

"Dude, this is so weird but like a super cool weird. I knew you'd be a hero," Wally replied with a bright grin. 

"He's not a hero yet," Artemis corrected in a bitter tone. 

"You'll like me eventually Arty, I bet my bottom dollar on it," he teased. "So Greencheeks, how you liking Earth?" M'gann brightened at her inclusion in the conversation and a smile quickly appeared on a her face. 

"I love it! Is Greencheeks my nickname?" she asked, gasping a little. He quirked an eyebrow and nodded cautiously. 

"Sure?" Apparently that was the answer she wanted as she floated up and clapped her hands with excitement. 

"Oh my gosh! Okay, okay, okay, do I make you one?" she asked.

"I go by Kit for short," he supplied. She nodded and he saw her mentally recite the name over and over in her head. "Guessing you haven't been on Earth for long hey?"

"Not really no. You're the first people I've met my age," she explained not that she had to. It was pretty obvious. "But I have been watching your shows and nicknames are something all the characters have. It's like a sign of friendship. Oh am I your friend?" He smiled and nodded, deeming his original assessment of her correct. If a labrador was a person then they would be M'gann. "Are we best friends?"

"Get in line, I'm his best friend," Wally pitched in with a playful tone. "I'm surprised Catwoman let you in on the gig. I thought she would've been against it." Kitten tensed at the mention of his former mentor and the ginger sensed he'd mistepped with trying to return the original hero talk. "She knows you're here right?"

"Yes she knows. She helped me pack."

"She kicked you out?" Wally exclaimed.

"Can we not talk about this? This is like number one on the top ten things I don't wanna talk about right now," he replied sharply. 

"Cool it Kitty," his friend taunted. He shoved the taller lightly, glad that he'd taken it on the chin. 

"You two know each other?" Artemis asked. It was pretty obvious that they knew one another before the team started even if it wasn't well known news. Mostly because Wally had just blurted everything he knew about his situation out in front of the group but that was his fast talking friend. Always talking before he thought. At least he didn't blurt out his real name or he wouldn't be letting him stand pain free. "Yeah! Kit and I have been friends since I first started. He gives me all the best leads. Well, gave." He seemed unsure of the tense and Kitten found himself also unsure. He supposed he was still some sort of informant with the leads, it's just that he wasn't the one committing crimes to get it. 

"Don't count me out yet. I've still got some secrets," he said, settling with the anonymity of the statement. 

They soon got into the swing of things with M'gann and Connor being absolutely fascinated with the fridge light and none of them having the heart to tell them it turned off when you closed the door. Artemis was swiftly told the story of their team's first mission and they all tried their best to ignore the literal death stare she was given the criminal who was watching over the fridge couple. Before anyone could ask her about it, she suddenly got to her feet and yanked the back of Kitten's collar before dragging him out of the room. "Hope you live!" Wally called after him through a giggle. He saluted his best friend as though he was leaving for the army, making the speedster laugh again. Artemis dragged him to a broom closet where she threw him inside then swiftly locked the door. She checked the room for cameras or bugs and was happy when she found none. "I'm guessing this isn't seven minutes in heaven. If you wanted to fight, you could've just asked."

"You dick," she replied with a smirk. That smirk, he'd seen it before. A long time ago. He tilted his head to the side as he racked his brain for the information. He was helped along by Artemis pulling him into a tight hug which was definitely too not the chokehold he was expecting. "It's been forever." Forever? His eyes widened as he finally connected the dots. He grinned and returned the hug. He knew Artemis and he couldn't believe it took him this long to realize. In his defence, he hadn't seen her in years. 

"Jeez Arty, you couldn't have given me a less warm welcome," he jabbed though it was through a cackle. "You've grown."

"And you've not," she replied, pulling away to tussle his hair. 

"This isn't a playdate," Catwoman stated. "My partner is here to work." Sportsmaster rolled his eyes at her as his daughter lingered behind him. Kitten had shot them a few bright waves at the older girl and he kept looking to his mentor expectantly.

"I have them for the weekend. I don't do business with kids. He can play with them whilst we talk."

"Are you alright with that?" Catwoman asked her apprentice. He nodded eagerly and she gave a sigh. "Fine. I'll call you in when I get the hit."

"Okay!" She smiled and followed Sportsmaster into another room of the safehouse. Kitten happily walked over to his new friend for the next hour and stuck out his hand. "Hi I'm Dick-wait no criminal name. Start over. I'm Kitten." The blonde smiled and took his hand.


"Sorry for the cold greeting. I didn't want to blow my cover," she explained. He nodded in understanding. She hadn't had a criminal name nor was she a regular on the scene. Being so closely connected to another villain like Sportsmaster would only put heat in her. Seeing as she didn't expect Dick to be there, she must've assumed that she wouldn't be as cared for. "It's good to see you. On this side."

"Yeah well, thought I'd test it out."

"What the deal with Wally earlier? Did she really kick you out?" He shrugged and she poked his nose to show that wasn't enough information for her. 

"It's complicated. We knew I couldn't live with her if I was a hero so I'm living here. For the trail," he answered. The older let out a sympathetic sigh. Out of everyone here, she was probably the only one that really understood how he was feeling. It felt nice to have another person he could talk to. Trust even. They didn't spend a lot of time together but they did spend enough to be brief childhood friends. When she stopped being there, he guessed that her mum got better and made sure Sportmaster couldn't take her on his outings anymore. He'd been vaguely aware of a sister that left the picture but he'd never met her nor did he ask much about her. Artemis gave him the same grace when he explained that Selina wasn't his mum and was more of a surprise guardian. "This is weird right?" Artemis spoke up. "Both of us doing this hero shit."

"I know right. I was so antsy last night to go out but I'm being put on a behaviour watch. Hey, turns out I need to see a doctor regularly. Did you know that?" She barked out a laugh and he admitted that he'd been a little dumb to think you never see a doctor unless you're on your deathbed but he didn't know any better. 

"Yes dumbass. Can't believe he let me play with a diseased child."

"Hey! I am not diseased. I'm the picture of health actually," he argued with a grin. She tutted and rolled her eyes. "So, how are we going back out there? They'll get suspicious if we're suddenly chummy. I never told Walls I hung out with other kids and you haven't told them about villain stuff so your cover isn't blown."

"We could make it look like we fought and then pretend we have it settled?"

"Nah, he'll ask who won and we're both too proud of our training to say we lost." She laughed knowing he was right. "Say we came to an agreement. Info for good behaviour. Gives you a reason to placate me, gives me a reason to joke around. Then you can start to wuv me." He made a kissy face which she promptly fake gagged at. "Sound like a plan Arty?"

"It does. I'm glad you're here Dick. I was feeling so nervous about this."

"You and me both." They shared another hug before she unlocked the door and they walked back to the living room pretending like they'd just had an explosive heated argument. He couldn't wait until Artemis was comfortable to tell them her past because then he could gloat about how good of actors they were. Trust him to focus on that. Always the performer.

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