Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV
I started running through the pouring rain to get away from my worst nightmare. A powerful demon called Darkiplier, we don't know each other, but I know who he is. I saw him kill someone and now he wants to get rid of me so I can't tell anyone. I start running through the forest, trying to get away because I have no idea what he wants to do to me. I look behind me and see Dark, a dark cloud was swarming around him, and engulfed him. He emerged from the darkness with huge wings now attached to his back, I gasped and started to run faster, I could hear his wings flapping to get to me. He tackled me to the ground and I got some bruises but he didn't care, he got off of me and picked me up by my shirt collar and slammed me against a tree.

There was a flash of light and then thunder as Dark stared at me with inky black pits that he calls eyes, he started to growl at me and started to bare his teeth. I could tell he was planning on ripping me to shreds and no one would even know because we are so deep in the forest. My back was killing me from the slam that it took, I was filled with fear and didn't even try to move because I know it would result in something dangerous. Dark smirked and he looked at me " Your a fan..... Aren't you?" When I didn't reply he brought me off the tree and slammed me against it again. Another lightning bolt and thunder strike, "ANSWER ME THOT" I nodded my head and he smirked at me once again. He let me go and I slid down the tree, terrified for my safety around Dark.

He snapped his fingers and I felt instantaneous change, for one I started shrinking, and I looked down at my hands and I was growing paws? That's the last thing I noticed before I passed out.

Time skip

I woke up but it was still raining, and Dark was nowhere to be seen. Everything looked bigger than normal, I looked down at my hands and saw paws, I turned my head and I saw that I was now a gray fluffy kitten. I tried talking, but that didn't come with the new outfit change. I could on the other hand meow, and it was the cutest thing that has ever come out of my mouth. I should be terrified but I was somehow enjoying this, it was supposed to be punishment after all. "Awww a cute little kitten! Are you lost?" I felt something wrap around my stomach and pick me up, I know that voice to, but he turned me around I wasn't expecting to see what I saw.

Wha- Jackieboyman??! I thought only Dark and Anti existed. He starts to check me for a collar or name tag or chip or something that would indicate that I belong to some kid or paranoid parent, but he found nothing. "A stray huh? Well I don't want to send you to the shelter sooo I guess your stuck coming home with me" He started walking deeper into the forest, and after a long walk we came across what looked to be a two story house. Jackie walked inside and called everyone to come to the main hallway. Pretty soon Chase, Marvin, and Anti appeared, Jackie started explain that he found me in the woods and that we are keeping me. He put me down and I instantly went to my favorite ego, Chase, I started acting like a cat so they don't suspect anything. I started rubbing up against his legs and purring. I noticed Anti was standing all alone, so I left Chase and went over to him. I started doing the same thing I was doing with Chase and Anti looked down, scowling at me.

"I swear to god, if you don't stop I will kill you" I instantly started backing up and went behind Jackie, everyone shot him dirty looks and then Jackie realized something. "Guy's we need cat food, and cat supplies, and food and water bowls, Marvin and I will go to the store and Chase can stay here with Kitty" (Yes they named me kitty, sooo original guys 🙄) Anti teleported away, probably to his room, and Jackie and Marvin left. Chase lifted me up and started looking at me, I decided to be cute, and put my paw on his nose, and then took it away after a couple seconds.

He giggled and I was instantly happy that he was happy, ( he deserves to be happy after what the cheating whore did to him ) he then looked at me confused, "You sort of act like a human Kitty" He placed me back on the ground and got on his stomach, "Kitty, can you understand me?" I didn't know if I should nod my head to let him know, but I figured it wouldn't harm anything. I nodded my head and he let out a gasp.

A/n Hey guys!!!! Thank you for checking out my new story, I really hope you like it, there will be more parts and I hope you enjoy this book

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