Chapter 11

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7 years later

Laura's POV

Now that I'm 15 I wanted to ask my dad something.... I started watching YouTube and got into these two channels, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. But then I noticed that their videos just stopped.

And then I noticed that my dad looked a lot like Darkiplier. Of course I tried to hide this from my dad because I knew he would be mad at me.

I watch their videos with Mr. Whiskers and Celine, and when I was watching Who Killed Markiplier I realized why my dad had to sit down when I chose the name Celine.

I think somehow my cats might understand human language, I got out my dad's ouija board and placed it in front of them.

They looked up at me curiously. "Can you understand me?" Celine spelled out yes Mr Whiskers also spelled out yes

"Are you human or supernatural?"

"Who did this to you?"

The egos are real?! Omg omg omg.
There are others, some got turned into cats others were just shrunken down.

Omg I have to bring them back to their house

"Where do you guys live?"
The forest, pretty deep in there is a two story house and that's were we live

"I have a question that I might not want to know the answer to..... Is my dad Darkiplier?"

They couldn't even spell it out they just nodded their heads and I gasped, I heard my dad come down the stairs, with my phone in his hand.

I picked up my cats and started backing up when he turned the screen towards me and a Markiplier video was playing.


"Why don't you explain how you're Darkiplier!?" His eyes shifted to look at the cats, "You fuckers."

He whispered, I bolted out of the house with them, I knew my dad didn't want to hurt me. But he would hurt the cats.

I ran deep into the forest and put them down and they started running after me.

They eventually ran in front of me as if to lead me somewhere, soon we came upon a two story house just like they said.

I knocked on the door but no one answered it, I tried the door knob and it was unlocked so I walked in.

Two cats came up to me and I noticed tiny people on their backs, but they could also talk? And Mr Whiskers and Celine could also talk.

"Anti! Y/n!" They ran up to my cats and started chatting with each other and totally disregarded me.

Y/n's POV

Everyone was bombarding us with questions like where we disappeared off to and what was new with us and stuff like that.

"Well Laura here took us in and actually she's Darks daughter." Everyone looked at her and slowly went over to her.

Then they started bombarding her with questions as well.  She seemed to notice Mark was a cat and picked him up. "You're Markiplier aren't you?"

He nodded his head hesitantly, "Let me guess Your dad told you all about me?" He asked and Laura shook her head "I'm a Fan."

I could tell his mouth sort of dropped open in shock and surprise. "Look, I'm nothing like my dad." She said.

"Why did my dad do this to all of you?" "We honestly don't know." Mark had responded. 

She started looking around at everybody and looked like she was taking mental notes.

She closed the door and sort of sat down in the middle of the hallway and everyone started talking to each other and having a good time.

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