Chapter 4

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Marvin's POV

They started talking, And I was curious on how this happened and just wanted answers.

Y/n's POV

"Oh thank god I can talk again!! Thank you" Marvin nodded his head and I look towards Anti "Should I tell them or should you?" He pointed to me, probably embarrassed that this happened to him. "Ok you guys are wondering where Anti is right?" They nodded their heads, slightly confused on what I was trying to get at. "Well I know where he is" I pointed to Anti and they stepped back, "Wait, Anti's a cat now?" Chase asked, I nodded my head and Marvin looked like he was thinking abut something, he left and went down to his room, probably looking for a way to reverse this.

"What happened? How did you guys get turned to cats?" Jackie asked "Well, it's sort of a long story, I had saw Dark murder somebody, so he turned me to a cat to prevent me from telling anybody. Then he did the same to Anti-" Before I could finish my sentence we heard yelling coming from downstairs. Me and Anti rushed out with everyone trailing behind us, when we got to Marvin's room there was a white cat with all the different card clubs on his forehead, and had light blue eyes. "Marvin?" I said, he nodded his head kind of sadly. He meowed and then he picked up his want in his mouth and tried to wave it, he set it down and started talking. "Dark did this to me, I don't know why, but he did."

Dark appears in the door way, and just started laughing, he came over and picked me up, "Do you know why I'm doing this?" I shook my head " I'm going to ruin you life" He whispered, then all the sudden he snapped his fingers and Chase and Jackie shrunk. Dark dropped me and disappeared, I turned around and everyone was freaking out. "We have to find Jack" I said, everyone looked at me "Last time we saw him, he said he was going camping in the forest with Mark." "We have to go get them, they might be our only hope" Marvin gently picked up Chase and set him on my back and I put Jackie on Marvin's back, and we headed out on our adventure to find Jack.

Jackies POV

Dark picked up kitty and and started talking to them, then he snapped his fingers and Chase and I had shrunk, I started backing up because I was afraid that Marvin or Anti would hurt me without realizing it because they're massive compared to me. Dark disappeared and placed kitty down on the ground, I looked over at Chase and he was pale in the face, I found out why when I looked at Anti. He somehow had fangs now and was looking at us menacingly, "We have to find Jack" Kitty's words distracted Anti from potentially eating us, and Chase spoke up. "Last time we saw Jack, he said he was going camping in the forest with Mark" "We have to go find them, they may be our only hope" Kitty had said,

Marvin walked over to Chase and gently picked him up by the back of his shirt with his mouth, and placed him on kitty. Kitty then did the same thing to me, but put me on Marvin's back instead of Anti's, and then we were off. We left the house and walked into the forest, but the forest was huge and they could be anywhere, and it was getting dark. We saw smoke coming up from some part of the forest, and we heard yelling, everyone started running towards the smoke and when we reached the campfire Mark was passed out and Jack was shrunken laying on the ground.


I alarmist started crying, this was my fault, if I hadn't seen Dark murder somebody he wouldn't be trying to ruin my life. I saw Jack start to move, and he screamed when he looked around, we walked over to him and he's started backing up "Hey, Jack it's ok, it's us!" Marvin said, Jack looked at us confused, I looked over to Anti and he was practically drooling, I swiped at him and shook my head. "Wait, Marvin? Anti? Chase and Jackie?" We nodded our heads and he came closer but then noticed me and started backing away again. "It's ok, I won't hurt you I'm a fan and Dark did this to me." Mark gasped and we looked over to him and he was a golden cat with red hair at the top. He started looking himself over and then looked towards Jack and then to us.

Hi happy New Year's Eve or whenever you read this..... happy day!? I guess....
Anyways sorry this came out late I was having trouble on deciding what to have happen next, the chapters may be slow updates and depends on when I get to them. If this is your first fanfiction on my profile, Make sure to check out my others

Tiny Soul
Anti's POV
And finally: Gt YouTuber oneshots

All of these books are Gt and hope you enjoy them if you choose to check them out.

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