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I'm a feminist. Women shouldn't be labeled as the weaker sex nor shall they be treated like play things or toys. Women should have the right to be whatever they want to without having the men to the harder stuff, I mean I'm a girl and the males who aren't my friends saw me as weak, until I started playing hockey, that isn't right. Being weak shouldn't be based around physical strength I mean you have to be pretty strong to go through tough times and that's emotional. Being emotionally strong is a lot harder then being physically strong, it cause more pain then a punch because people are humans and have feelings, being emotionally strong is being able to express your feelings and not being afraid to just cry, it also means that when someone calls you out for having a interest in something and brushing it off and completely forgetting about it, women are both emotionally strong and physically strong. They shouldn't be judged for their height or weight, but more of their personalities and where their heart lies. So yea I'm a feminist I believe women should have the same rights as men! I'm tired of some saying that women are only good for repopulating and house work. That's not true at all. I mean their are females good no wait Amazing at sports but they don't get recognized because of their gender! I mean more then half the teachers in my school are fucking sexist as hell! So are more then half the guys, only being a few who don't judge when a girl ask to play football with them, like Timothy ok? Let's use him as an example, he can be a fucking jerk, and is cocky but he doesn't put down women and say they can't play football. (Horrible example I know I know I'm sorry). I mean my cousin sydnee oh god where do I start with her. She asked me why I liked marvel, I said because it's cool and characters are relatable and realistic I mean Robert Downey Jr eating during set makes it even more realistic because they are shown as people, they are also feminists. But her reply was, but it's for boys. *sigh* nothing is nor should anything be separated by groups I mean there are people who are both genders and they are called out for it? Oh I'm sorry? I didn't know you only like 'normal' people. They are normal and shouldn't be ashamed of being that way, nobody should be ashamed of who they are. Now back to the marvel being feminists, how I know is that they are female characters who are in the avengers who are apart of X-men who are apart of S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA, also Asgard look at Sif! Ok she is a fucking warrior! That's pretty cool if you ask me! But back to being serious oka? Women should be treated as equals and shouldn't be known as the weaker sex, because oh boy say that to my face, well my foot is gonna meet your balls. So yea I'm a Feminist and I want equal rights, actually no I don't want them I demand them I'm also fighting for it because I'm tired of not being treated as an equal.

A feminist is a person who thinks Women should have the same rights as Men do.

Why can't all men be like Tom Hiddleston? (Thats a topic for later.)

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